kamalamala1 wrote:It seems to me that we are living in different reality. Now is realy different time. Global warming and economic crises just in the begining let see what will come out in a few years. What is going on now never was in history.
You are right Kamalamala we are living now a life which is definitally different from the time and reality we were living before
. Or at least it should be like that. History has sometimes the strange habit to repeat itself with all the good and bad what may have happend therein. We became also a few years older and hopefully somehow wiser too.
Regarding the economic crises we may experience today, I was listening yeasterday a commentary on the German TV, where it was mentioned that the difference with the similar economic crises of the Great Depression of the '1930is is that in the '1930is the various governments of the world aggravated the crises even more since they stopped spending their money because of great fear to loose it, thus the various economies of the world collapsed completelly and millions of people lost their jobs. Many banks colapsed without being protected by their governments, and from one day to the other people lost everything. The inflation went wild and many people died because of hunger or comited suicide becoming frustrated with loosing all their wealth.
Today the governments of the world learnd their lesson and are investing billions of euros or dollars in so called "Stimulus Packages" for their local economies to help them overcome the crises. In this way one can also learn somehow from the historical events for the betterment of us all and the societies we may happen to live in. The banks are protected by the government from going under in various states of Europe and the
USA, where depositors are insured when a bank fails – up to a limit of $250,000, thus protecting the people from losing all their savings on the banks. America learnd also its lesson from allowing the big Investment bank
Lehman Brothers to go bankrupt dragging thus all its finantial system and that of many other states worldwide in a deep crises. Some US finantial institutions became nationalized, something unheared of before in the "
Motherland of Capitalism". Germany's government made also a law last week which would allow the nationalization of banks which could creat a risk for Germanys financial system if they would go bancrupt.
Regarding Global Warming I would say that we can look somehow more optimistic in the future since America, who's former government always oposed the worldwide community in this regard, has now a new president who would like to take the right steps toward stopping Americas industry from blowing so much C02 in the air. I guess somehow he may also be forced by various circumstances to do so. Just read in the news what happens nowadays to the so proud American auto industry like GM and Chrysler who are just a few stepps away from going under. Unfortunally they may drag with them also some other car companies like the German Opel and the Swedish Saab who are owned by General Motors (GM). The New York Times writes today on its Website: "Mr. Obama challenged
Congress to pass a bill to cap emissions of the heat-trapping gases that are warming the planet and use $15 billion a year of the revenues from the program to pay for renewable sources of energy."
So you are right with saying that in critical economic times it is good "to be in the association with responsible independent people" who hopefully also share with us some spiritual values or at least some good habits which may help them to occupy a political role where they are able of decreasing social inequalities and improve the social and economic conditions for the people within their societies.