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What happen at the moment of leaving the body
Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 8:07 am
by Vajra
Dear Hari
The most ununderstandable in this life for me and for many others is the moment of departure from this body to another world. Unknown causes fear and anxiety. It seems consciousness is somehow transforming in that moment. You have not only tremendous mystical experience, but also you have direct experience of how death happens.
Could you clarify how disconnection of the material senses is going on in that moment?
And when turning on subtle sight, hearing ,taste, and tactile senses,?
And whether they exist in such a form as here?
Does he understands where to go and what actually happens at the moment of death?
I thank you in advance for your reply
Re: What happen at the moment of leaving the body
Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 5:41 pm
by Hari
It is impossible to definitively answer this question as it is stated. Every person dies within unique circumstances.
For example, when we are in extreme physical, mental or emotional stress our awareness reduces as we become preoccupied by our pain, confusion, ager, anxiety, frustration and so on. During such times, our capacity to think clearly is severely reduced. Even if someone comes to us to calm us down, we may or may not be able to hear them. Even if the source of stress is removed, it may take hours before we can calm our minds enough to properly deal with the situation.
The physical body dies. The mind continues along with the energy of the person. According to how one dies, the mind can be in a state ranging from absolute terror to extreme peace. Those who die in terror or in any form of unusual stress, remain in that state for some time until it gradually reduces (with or without help). They are afraid of their situation, not eager to contact others, and require assistance to gradually heal. Some are so stressed that they do not even move on to another body and hover in a ghostly state. Those who willingly depart from their body and embrace their future, are aware of their new situation and seek out what to do next. They accept what is offered them -- if someone offers them a helping hand they accept it and go with them -- and are easily able to consider what they should do in a clear state of mind. Sometimes a person might understand they are not moving naturally and reach out to special people to help them move along. Sometimes someone wants to spend time saying goodbye to their friends and relatives who may or may not even know they died.
Consider how the senses are active in the dream state. We see, hear, interact, and feel to some extent while dreaming. How clearly this occurs depends on our consciousness. One who thinks that the senses require to flow through the body will have a harder time to figure out that they can still perceive in the same way. Their confusion keeps them wrapped tightly. Most people can quickly, if not immediately, perceive that the same senses are the gateways of consciousness after the body is dropped. This is natural because the senses are part of our essence, and as our consciousness is always active, so are the senses whether or not one is in a body. Without being in a body, one does not require to sleep and will not become unconscious. OK, maybe one might take a "nap" during a healing period if one is really screwed up, but that is temporarily induced by the post life medical trauma team who are expert at dealing with crazed individuals.
After leaving the body, everything is the same only without the gross form. This means that there is less interference and a clearer consciousness, not limited by one's history within the body. We now have our natural memory of life events that span all lifetimes, unlike our present conscious memory that is restricted in this lifetime to what happens between birth and death.
As far as where one should go, that is obvious, but different for each person. Either you flow towards some light, or through some doorway or into an area, or you are brought there by someone. Only those who die in a really confused state, or who refuse to accept they died, or who have no idea they died, remain bewildered by their situation and therefore cannot go anywhere.
Re: What happen at the moment of leaving the body
Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2014 3:45 pm
by Vajra
Thank you very much dear Hari for your so clear answer.
In this reagar i have more questions if you dont mind i would like to ask.
As i understand our present senses is the part of ourself -soul, and they will be with us forever is it correct ,?
In the other realm how is people using the taste sence ,does they eat there and if yes wath kind of food,?
And last one
What shell i do here to get to the best places there, from where nobody incarnate again into the gross body,?
Re: What happen at the moment of leaving the body
Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2014 8:56 pm
by Hari
Consciousness is ever existing. Consciousness is aware and sentient. Awareness and sensory capacity always exists.
There are unlimited "realms" and therefore unlimited foods. The food is different, the process of tasting remains the same.
If your question refers to the "spiritual" world, in the higher realms, and certainly in the highest realms, all the senses work simultaneously in integrated awareness. Experiences are not divided into something that was seen, or something that was heard, and so on. Each experience is perceived with all senses acting in full awareness.
Re: What happen at the moment of leaving the body
Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 9:51 am
by kamalamala1
Thank you for your answer Hari.
You know this helped to understand that the other realms is full of real life.
Not like a shadow.
But does they need food there as it is here,?
Does they depend on the energy of food as it is here,?
And does there also is so much strugle for food as here people usually have on this planet,?
Also here is senses usualy acting quite indipendatly they have there needs because of hormons or chemicals
and that is why they are pushing people ,does in that realms senses similarly pushing living entityes to satisfy them independantly like here?
Re: What happen at the moment of leaving the body
Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 1:14 pm
by Hari
There are many "realms." You seem to be speaking about one in particular. Please be specific.
Re: What happen at the moment of leaving the body
Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 3:06 pm
by kamalamala1
I mean at least 3realms
the realm where comon people getting after death.
Also the realm of Gods.
And the realm of Vaikuntha.
Re: What happen at the moment of leaving the body
Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 7:38 pm
by Hari
The transitional place after death requires no food. If one then goes to some other place, one has regular food appropriate to that place, even if the place was created for healing purposes. They need it because all bodies need it, even if the body is a virtual one since the mind of that body is accustomed to eating.
Devas have really good food. They enjoy it. They do not need it as we do here.
In Vaikuntha, they also have really good food. They do not need it at all. They do not need anything.
Re: What happen at the moment of leaving the body
Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 9:31 am
by Drpta
I wonder who supply food for habitants of deva’s worlds and worlds of Vaikuntha? If they are eating, do they wear dress and ornaments? Who make all these stuff? Are there special beings like we have here? And what ingredients they use to make it?
Re: What happen at the moment of leaving the body
Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 3:06 pm
by Vajra
Dear Hari '
I also want to ad to Drptas question somthing from me
Wath about tactile sences there in that 3 realms, does it like here the same, does people there feel the saim feeling of touch,solidity.
Are there gravity,?
Thank you
Re: What happen at the moment of leaving the body
Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 3:28 pm
by Hari
Gee, you all think that the realms of the devas are some kind of fantasy! They are as real to them as this world is to us. Why should you doubt this?
Very strange questions!
Re: What happen at the moment of leaving the body
Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 3:36 pm
by Vajra
Dear Hari
You said exactly very very right thing practically everybody think that devas realms is like a fantasy,that is why we are asking this questions to feel
there reality.
Re: What happen at the moment of leaving the body
Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 4:42 pm
by Hari
Re: What happen at the moment of leaving the body
Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2015 11:43 am
by Vajra
Dear Hari!
This realm is based on five elements.
Each element has his quality ,let say wather is liquid, air is gaz and e.t.c
As i know each sence has conection to exact element,let say eye is conected to fire elment,ear ro ether and e.t.c.
So the question arising do God s let say have the same wather and the same
air and other elements also as here we have?
Or there wather and other elements is different ?
Or maybe there realm is made from only ether?
Thank you !
Re: What happen at the moment of leaving the body
Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 1:07 am
by Hari
I find it hard to speak to a physicist about the elements in other realms because these places are different by definition! We cannot speak with certainty about the nature of these realms. We cannot dissect them and analyze them or create a periodic table of elements for the celestial realm because we have no possibility to do so. Indeed, were we to go there and attempt this, we would be looked at by the residents with amusement.
The celestial realm is solid to those who live there. If a normal resident of earth were to be given a chance to observe the celestial realm, they would see it as a blinding forceful light. That realm exists on another frequency that our bodies cannot handle. The energy there is more powerful, more dense, yet built on different wavelengths. All energy resides within the ether, yet ether is not vaporous as some might imagine. Defining ether as simply the space within which things rest is simplistic and incomplete. Within the ether all energy exists and anyone familiar with energy knows that it can have enormous power, potency and slam us against a wall or dissolve our forms in an instant. How the ingredients within the celestial environment mix and support that realm is beyond our capacity to perceive unless our senses or consciousness was similarly attuned.
Sure they have weather, but not bad weather. Sure they have elements that support their bodies, but these elements are not the same as ours. We cannot analyze them and categorize them because we have no experience of them. Therefore I do not know how you will find answers to your questions before you actual visit that place.
If you are asking a simpler question in an elaborate manner, then I can say that they have a beautiful realm within nature that is harmonically tuned to the residents. Nature supports their sophisticated, cultured, and advanced consciousness by providing the facilities they need and want just as nature provides it to us here. However, there is a qualitative and quantitative difference in nature's vibrational frequency between the celestial realm and our own.