sravanam kirtanam
Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 3:18 am
In contexct of your teaching or your aproach to spirituality
I would like to know wath real meaning have the prosses of sravanam and kirtanam
Previously this two activities was the foundation of the whole movement
And the point was just chant and hear and serve and nothging else
Feeling wasnt at all important.
In that time i was alwready wandering wath is more important feeling or
chnting (sound even without feeling in the most tiems)
And if we have feeling wath is the need of chanting?
And is there any use in such a prosses without feeling?
In this regard can you alsdo clarify
wath does really mean shravanam and kirtanam prosses?
(As i understand real sravanam is when one chanting or saying with deep feeling and kirtanam is the same with feeling)?
And wath is more important feeling or chanting even without feeling?
In feeling i mean bhakti
And in bhakti i mean feeling
I would like to know wath real meaning have the prosses of sravanam and kirtanam
Previously this two activities was the foundation of the whole movement
And the point was just chant and hear and serve and nothging else
Feeling wasnt at all important.
In that time i was alwready wandering wath is more important feeling or
chnting (sound even without feeling in the most tiems)
And if we have feeling wath is the need of chanting?
And is there any use in such a prosses without feeling?
In this regard can you alsdo clarify
wath does really mean shravanam and kirtanam prosses?
(As i understand real sravanam is when one chanting or saying with deep feeling and kirtanam is the same with feeling)?
And wath is more important feeling or chanting even without feeling?
In feeling i mean bhakti
And in bhakti i mean feeling