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Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 3:03 pm
by maha
Dear Hari,

I have the question about grounding. It has been rising in me gradually, and now most likely due to my enduring dwelling on board of the sailing ship in an open sea the desire to grasp what grounding actually means has ripened in me.

In one sense it is clear, that technically or energetically grounding means to connect (to tap) to the energy of the earth, better standing on the ground barefoot, and to feel how the dense and warming energy of the earth is entering through the middles of the feet and through the perineum upward to breath it in, to fill with it the whole body so that while meeting with the other vertical flow of the cooling Cosmos energy which flaws downwards the feed and empower all the chakras and organs of the body as well as our corresponding interactions with the world and spheres of life.

But what means grounding in a broader sense? That seems to be especially relevant and important for those of us who feel as if they’ve landed on this planet from other worlds or stars, and still wish to become fulfilled in earthly life, to fulfill the potential of this incarnation and to get maximal benefit of for the further and more enduring evolution. I understand that the more I’m grounded the deeper is my earthly experience on earth. But still what it actually means to be grounded. Does it mean only or necessarily to have family and children, to own a house or a piece of land, to have ‘earthly’ job and steady income and be fully integrated into earthly human society? Does it mean in essence to love mother Earth and nature and to develop strong connection and interaction with them?

We find that some strange groups or people like my parents for example even consider eating meat and drinking alcohol to be the best and easiest way for grounding, but I don’t agree, since I find it more burdening and clogging for health. At the same time I have big difficulties with it since grounding is related to the base (root) chakra Muladhara which is also very much related to parents and especially to the mother. Does it mean that we can only be properly grounded through the connection to our parents and our earthly kin?

Other problems which I have are that due to my nature I am not much capable to ‘sit at one place’ and often inclined to travel, to search for new experiences, and to cope with it I even find partner in life who would also have such ‘unearthly’ disposition and in thus we are both not enough grounded, but we still are aware of the necessity to have our own home or base where we can always return from travels and experiences.

On the other hand the Earth itself seem to undergo lately various transformative processes and is so to speak lacking stability than what would grounding mean in even broader sense? The connection to Cosmic nature and to the mother of the Universe Goddess Durga?

Re: Grounding

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2013 9:25 pm
by Hari
Being on the sea certainly makes you appreciate the value of the earth under your feet. Now you are physically experiencing how constant shifting in an unstable situation can make you feel queasy. You might feel an urgency to ground your energetic body to the earth to avoid floating away. Just as a ship must anchor to remain at its dock, we must anchor to the planet to remain here during our life.

Whether we feel we belong on this planet or not, our energetic body requires a connection to the physical body. The physical body is a product of this world and since we reside in it, we cannot avoid it. Not all physical bodies require the exact same things and we have to supply our body whatever it needs to function optimally. Some people eat meat, others are repulsed by the thought. But we all eat. Some people feel that a family and home are the foundation of their lives, others feel it is a prison. There is no formula that works for all.

We all need to feel comfortable in our body and we all need to express who we are. Grounding can be seen as connecting to the earth as a tree connects, growing roots to gain nourishment from the earth and the water within it. The concept of grounding may be defined as gaining nourishment in a compatible manner. Therefore, the question arises, “What nourishes you?” Are you nourished by family and houses, or are you nourished by the love and security these things might provide? Are you nourished when others support you or are you happier when you support yourself? You should answer this question for yourself.

When you figure out the list of what nourishes you, make another list of how you will attain that nourishment. The facility that provides this nourishment will ground you the best. Find out what this is. You might find you require many different kinds of facility since no one thing can provide everything you need. The next question is, “How shall I get the facilities that provide me nourishment?” Answer it.

If someone tells you that you require to do what they do to be grounded and connected, you now have a very good answer.

The meditation on the tree that assists us to connect the heaven and earth within our hearts in the perfect balance of a grounded body and a free spirit is just as applicable to you as anyone else, regardless of your personal nuances. You will benefit by meditating in this way. You might still act differently than others even when you are grounded in the manner appropriate to your unique situation. That is fine.

You may have to defend yourself by discovering out how your energy can interact with other people without being distorted by them. Another question is “How can I feel like I belong in a world I do not belong to?” The quick answer is that you can’t unless you accept the illusions that make most people feel this is their place. Grounding and belonging are two different concepts.

If you like what you are doing and where you are doing it, you will feel connected to it. If you like the people around you, you will feel connected to them. If you like the energy around you, you connect to it. But what if you do not like the situation you are in or the people around you? What will you connect to? This is the challenge you face when you make plans.

Re: Grounding

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 5:20 pm
by maha
Your answer is very clarifying and helpful! Thank you very much!