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Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 8:35 am
by dasosmin
I wonder about the way protection takes place.
I remember aspecially one occation when my mind just uncontrolled was constant chanting Nrsimha Mantra while I was travelling in an somewhat unsecure area of the World nearby Muslimscoutries and particulary nearby Iran.I didnt think really about chanting But wanted protection and thus my mind was just repeteadly chanting Nrsimha Mantra for hours that is Normally Chanted in the Nrsimha Tempel on the German Farm.I allways wonder Who was the casue for this. I thought maybe appropriate to take the opportunity to ask the question in this Forum so others might get som benefit from Your enlightning answere
Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 7:39 pm
by Hari
There are two different topics in your post that could be addressed. The first is directly asked by you, "what force inspired me within to repeat the mantra within my mind?" and the second implied point is whether the mantra was the source of your protection. At any rate, I will address both points since it gives me an excuse to write.
The first part relates to the subconscious functioning of the human mind which is far more aware than we usually accept. You learned in the past that Nrsinghadeva is the source of protection, that His mantras deliver His potency, and that your chanting of them covers you with His protection in real life from the negative influences of the world. You accepted this on a very deep level. You also believed the Muslims were a threat to you and felt this fear. Your mind did not have to work hard to guide you to the solution you internally knew was most appropriate, namely invoking the protection of Lord Nrsignhadeva. Considering all your beliefs, this was a natural response. I probably would have reacted in the same way if I was afraid of Muslims, but I am not.
Was the mantra the source of your protection? Hard to say. First of all, you might not have been in danger. Perhaps you would have been challenged if people felt you were threatening them, but if you were not then there was little to fear. Then again, maybe there were sources of fear, especially if you were pushing some infidel philosophy upon them. Being afraid is a great way to attract energy that is frightening. It is amazing how this works! Being fearless can deter negativity more than any other power but marching into a place with the idea of influencing a people who have openly declared they do not wish to have your influence is a great way to meet danger.
The main source of fear is the mind. One of the proofs of our fear is our immediate grasping of a mantra to protect us when something happens. This is similar to the reaction of a child who grabs on to the mother when a loud noise appears. The mantra soothes us for we feel the protection of a parent.
Is this a real source of protection? Well, it depends on how we view it. I am sure those devotees who were executed in Africa were chanting Nrsinghadeva’s mantras with great enthusiasm and sincerity, yet they were still killed. However, they might have faced their death with less trauma due to the presence of their Lord, but we shall never know. Was it God’s fault they were killed because the mantra did not work, or was it their ignorance of the danger they were in and their idealism which prevented them from avoiding the people that killed them? Were they in the grips of some really evil persons they could not escape? All these possibilities are true.
Whether you chant or not, you still have to face your fear with intelligence and strength. This does not mean you should not chant. It is up to your taste and faith.
Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2005 10:58 pm
by dasosmin
I dont knew if this not a basic knoledge of the souls who are acting within the material world that there are souls who doesnt like souls who are intrested in spritual subjects( due to the fact they seethings only from a materialsitic vision).As I remember it is written there are souls with Devotees qualites and souls with demoniac qualities and there are thoose who are innnocent but who are mainly influencend by the demoniac powers since they are more prominent at this time of Kali Yuga .
So to feel somewhat fearfull within a foreing atmosf?r Alone is I guess natural for a not pure soul to feel.
But Ididnt remember I was that Scarefull But probobly there was some fear what would happened on my adventure testing my spiritual conviction TRIP.
Since God is Non diffrent from His name Is ofcourse protecting But in my case is it ofcourse a question if it was actually Gods name chanted since it has to do with purity and I dont have.Still Ajamila was saved calling his sons name, So why not?The Lord is after all UNLIMITED mercyfull as well and after all He told Arjuna to tell :My devotee will never perish so I guess it includes even the smallest emotionally developed devotee.
Regarding the last words Its not If the Chanting helps As i understand but rather Its up To Krishnas free will to act as He just likes to act.
Mare ke Rake ke.
SInce even the slightest nama bas chanting gives one liberation any chanting brings obviusly good result.
A famous saying is also :If the demons are not upset There is no powerfull preaching or offering of mercy going on.So there is obviusly another sida to look at it
Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 4:42 pm
by Hari
I am not sure what you want me to say about your text.
Sure mantras are good, especially when you vibrate them with powerful intentions. And sure, there are higher beings that certainly care about us and offer us protection.
Are you trying to somehow justify the fear you felt? There is no need to do that. Fear is natural in some situations and it does assist us to avoid danger.
And you are still bringing up the preaching and so on. I am moving your discussion to Good Old Days.