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Danger!!! Опасность!!!

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 6:08 am
by Nanda-grama
Чрезвычайная ситуация в Мексиканском заливе грозит превратиться в катастрофу планетарного масштаба.
Может, это начало того, что было предсказано о 2012 годе?

Re: Danger!!! Опасность!!!

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 9:51 am
by harsi
Nanda-grama wrote:
Emergency situation in the Gulf of Mexico threatens to turn into a catastrophe of global scale.
Maybe it was the beginning of what was predicted on 2012? (Translated by Google)
Lets see. I would not worry so much about this, also because this oil is actually a natural product of Mother Earth which will disolve in the course of time. Besides that BP managed recently to stopp the flow of oil in the ocean, by placing a special cap of 75 tones over the oil well in the deep sea in the Gulf of Mexico.

Re: Danger!!! Опасность!!!

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 12:14 pm
by Nanda-grama
Oh, Harsi, I also thought so. But if you will look this video you will see that they pulverize COREXIT 9500-it is poisonous chemical- already 42000000 gallons ! I would want to think that and in this time they with their madness will get away scot-free and all will be good...