Sri Ganesha

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Sri Ganesha

Post by Nanda-grama »

This question always disturbed me - Why Ganesha has the head of an elephant ? Reallly does he look so or not? This explanation in Vedas I can understand only as allegorism. But why is the head of elephant? I thought it was some word picture which expresses qualities of Lord Ganesha . What for example his kindness and forse can connote with image of elephant. But I found wonderful video which gives absolutely another explanation! here it is( I am not sure here English is good audible, but any way it is possible to understand):
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Re: Sri Ganesha

Post by aradhya »

Dear Nanda-grama, thank you for this bhakti-issue you are bringing to us again (although I have seen Ganesh as a devotional Deity since very recently, I, as much as you, have been for much longer time familiar with another Deity-Protector, Lord Nrisimhadev, by the way, greetings to all celebrating His appearance day tomorrow). So I am already used to an unusual form (meant for transcendental pastimes) and don't mind such a mercyful person as Sri Ganeshji to appear to me in whatever form He likes. But I would be thankful to anyone who can explain to us something about that too.
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Re: Sri Ganesha

Post by Nanda-grama »

Here there were video some more:
and: ... ml?liked=1
If I am not making mistake Hari spoke in his lecture in 2002 year that any connection with high beings happens through Sri Ganesha
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Re: Sri Ganesha

Post by aradhya »

Dear Nanda-grama, there are people (like myself) whose only connection to spirituality is Hari, just because he walks on the earth doesn't mean he is not a higher being, so I can accept Hari's eventual statement that every connection to higher beings goes through Sri Ganesh in order not to bother myself with the tricky question: what came first, chickin or egg? As for Deities in general, if my stonelike heart can feel (although not responding properly to) Hari's intention, why wouldn't They feel it (although I see Them as statues, They couldn't be as stonelike as myself), so witnessing his Deity-performance (it looks sincere to me as any other performance of him) I am sure They exchange with him accordingly, so directly seeing Their part of the exchangement hasn't much of importance for me (at least not at this moment). I felt an urge to wisper this to someone's ear, so I chosed your's, I hope you (and others reading this) don't mind. Thank you!
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Re: Sri Ganesha

Post by Nanda-grama »

I only try to understand this mysterious being Sri Ganesha. For some reason I have not a problem with understanding and recognition of energy Lord Shiva or Krishna, or even Radharani- when I feel intention to connect with somebody of Them, my inner telegraph instantly carrys my message to the addressee, and I feel his personality. I have not a problem with what how Radha, Krishna or somebody else looks. But with Lord Ganesha all is not so. At the first, when I try to tune myself on his energy, yes, I feel him, but more as his presence, I don't feel him as a person who is ready to associate with me. He is more as somebody who offers his service. It is same as I feel my angels. They don't like to attract my attention to own personalities, they like to do something for me.
And the second- I absolutely don't perseive his trunk! It upsets me more all. I try to explain it by different ways- that, likely, this known form is some access code for our consciousness in order to help us to connect with Sri Ganesha, but indeed he has not the trunk. But all it is more mental explanations.
Can somebody share his experience and understanding of it?
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