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Visit by Hari in Russia

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 7:43 pm
by harsi
I would like to know something about Hari's recent visit to Moscow, the theme of his lectures and seminar, the reaction of the audiance and so on. If someone can share something with me I would be very grateful.

Re: Visit by Hari in Russia

Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 9:43 pm
by Nanda-grama
It is not very simply to answer your question. It seems to me, I still is in process of digestion. He spoke about misticism and about a lot of all. This lectures were recorded and ,likely, they will appear somewhere in harimedia. I can say only that my impression is very good. There was a lot of music, assotiation, hight spirit. When Hari goes to Russia, all we meet together, I see people whom I didn't meet whole eon, and all it is very spirit-stirring. May be, it would be more correctly to rehearse object-matter of his lectures, but how it seems to me, everybody hears own version of lecture(when we disscuss it sometimes we find that we heard 2 or more different lectures in same time and in same place). And I think skill of Hari is in what he creates special mood when everybody becomes minded to understand something very important for him and then Hari speaks something special what everybody understands by own way but what is valuable for him in this moment. And then some developments happen into a person. Any way, I see it so.
:roll: May be, somebody will answer you more intelligibly. :)

Re: Visit by Hari in Russia

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 10:47 am
by harsi
Thank you Nanda-grama that you took the time to write me something about the recent visit of Hari in Moscow. :005

Do you know why he was speaking only in Moscow and not also in St. Petersburg's Another World Center? I tried to find some news on the "former" website of your center there, but somehow the website cannot be accessed anymore. There comes the announcement: "Forbidden - You don't have permission to access / on this server. Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request."

Do you know maybe why? Maybe Kamalamala knows. I would find it nice if you could post here more often some informations about Hari's coming to Russia. We all share the same interest regarding his personality, what he reveals to us in his public speeches and so on.

Re: Visit by Hari in Russia

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 3:39 pm
by Nanda-grama
Indeed, in Moscow there were only 3 lectures, but in S-Peterburg there were 7! May be, on the this site there is not information because now we have complicated situation with this center-local authorities want pick out this building, now low courts go and so on. Kamalamala trys to save this center and he needs our blessings now. But it is wonderfully that now in this center authmosphere became better,more pure, more spiritual, as it seemed to me when I was there in this time.
As I know, people who did the record Hari's lectures in this his arrival now work with quality of this video and soon it will apper where in harimedia. I think S-Peterburg's lectures will be also, any way I hope.

Re: Visit by Hari in Russia

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 3:12 pm
by Nanda-grama
Almost all lectures are in "media... lectures". Did you listen to them, Harsi?