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reply on LOVE

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 11:20 am
by trikaldas
dear friends!
uff -what a complex topic-LOVE!
its a problem of language and words!
love isnt love....
there are so many different types and levels and qualities of love-almost all newer langauges/civilisations do not differentiate between them much-because of their lack of spiritual depth and philosophical distinction and cultivation of inner reality and concsciousness.!
in SANSKRIT language and other older south indian ancient languages its entirely different,each emotion or affection or attraction towards an object or aim is called in a distinct way of "LOVE" as to not confuse or misunderstand it with another type or way!
because there are so many different types of love,isnt it?love is not only ONE emotion or thing!and it grows and changes and manifests in a living way in relation to different aims or beings.
but i think ,as for us human beings ,knowing more about our inner self and own human nature-to learn to discover our self and learn to accept and come in terms with ourselves -is the basis to express and share any type of affection/love with
this sounds like "common sense"-ABC of selfrealisation-but this first step is often overlooked and ignored.
and ALL problems add up from that inicial lack of a basis or being in "touch with oneself"!
this is the illusion of this world running outwards -doing so many important things-rather than going to narrow path into our inner heart/cave....and getting to know whats inside us?-
honesty,humility,realism results from that-and real treatment of others around us!self deception/IGNORANCE in the beginning will result in trying to mislead,pluff,cheat,exploite manipulate etc others-ESPECIALLY IN THE NAME OF LOVE.
western society,history poetry,literature ,arts, music,opera etc are just prooving that!
only two mature (somewhat)self knowing,real centered ,authentic individuals -who voluntarily-deside to share and exchance with one another -because of some common interest on a real basis,have a chance to succeed in an harmonous respectful sharing of LOVE.and often such realised persons have no need to attach themselves to others in"partnerships"
because they are majorily free and independent and spiritually emancipated
-as you said -they dont want to be monopolised or owed in any way-they have to be free in order to be able to be true to themselves.
all else is like an "psychiatrical experiment amonst an living objects"...
these are some of my thoughts along socalled.. LOVE....
Ys trikaldas

Re: reply on LOVE

Posted: Sun May 02, 2010 8:58 am
by trikaldas
but in which way are you talking?what attitude?and why?
YS trikaldas