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Fish and Divine

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 8:41 pm
by Gaura
I have read an interesting article:

Ancient legend says of: One young and philosophically inclined fish
asked at all the other fishes:
-We so much heard of ocean. Where this ocean is? I want
to meet that ocean.

Fishes answered:
-We also much heard of ocean, but we do not know where is it.

One old fish, recalling curious fish in a side, said her:
- There is no other ocean, in addition that surrounds us.
We all are in him. This and there is an ocean.

This story connected also to us. We have born in Divine, live in
Divine and we die in Divine. And it is possible
to get through this unbelievable experience which is named life,
either in sleep, so not noticing him or - waked up.

Re: Fish and Divine

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2005 7:56 am
by Dhana-da
My respect,Gaura!
I agree with you. I think that many followers H.K. Refuse the vital program, from results of set of elections in the past, from vital gifts which can give us many comprehension, wisdom, love and opportunities. Opportunities to express the highest version himself under the attitude to all that is. (it is the citation:)))
In a usual human life actually so it is a lot of miracles and the God proves so often... In a natural course of events of the life I have received more revelations and realizations than in attempts to become someone whom I should be proceeding from rules and instructions!

My respect, to everyone who goes Personal road!

Re: Fish and Divine

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2005 8:58 pm
by harsi
Gaura wrote:

(I have read an interesting article:
This story connected also to us. We have born in Divine, live in
Divine and we die in Divine. )

Would you also mean to say that we are thus "The Divine" in one way or other? Sounds a logical consequence to me according to what you are trying to say. Or am I wrong?

The heart which opens itself becomes larger and richer.

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2005 10:23 pm
by Gaura
Thank you for a nice question. It makes me think more deeper.

First of all I'll write now my personal realization, not what I have read.

When we wake up, because of partially the technique - when we are all the time concentrated on what we are doing, then gradually we start to see all around world in real "colors". When I'm concentrated on my all day long activities (of course I'm not managed yet all the time be concentrated, but I'm working on that) I start to see the world as one energy. We can call it Divine, or Godly, or whatever.

To also "say that we are thus "The Divine""- it's hard for me to say since I haven't that realization.

When I'm woke up I can see the oneness. I feel it. In that moments I see what's going on around me as if it is a move. And I can or play my role in that episode or don't, it's in my choice. At that moments there is no separation to material or Godly energies, it's one energy from which everything is consist of. I don't feel that I'm that "Divine" yet, I didn't notice yet God there too. So I'm working and trying to understand and feel everything myself. And hope some interesting realization will come, the main thing is to go further.