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Indigo Children

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 2:22 pm
by sri
Dear Hari!

I am at the moment reading a book called "Indigo Celebration". There is a book written before this one that I have not read. (I sometimes just read books as they come to my life.) This is a book full of comments by parents, teachers and sometimes even children on what in first book was categorized as "Indigo Children", refering to children that are different, spiritually open, "system busters"...

Nevertheless, while reading it I could see much of myself, my friends and children I know, and have a good laugh. While my husband and me had a serious questioning about whether it really is that this children are different and unusual or are they just children and it is parents that are starting to be more aware of children, it was someting else that caught my attention and that I wondered about.

Namely, many of them, Indigo Children, are talking about coming from another world, rather often also stating that they have been rullers of those worlds. Again, whether this is normal for all children, or these children are different, I do not know, but I personally know of many people (from time they were children) and many children of present time that actually feel the same, they feel connection to some other, previous world in wich they often had some "position". Most of them will not admit that after the age of ten :), but I am good at listening.

Obviously, I have no problems with reincarnation. What intrigued me was this feeling of "royalty", feeling of being important, special, having access to knowledge (again not so surprizing part). The thing I wondered about was the number of such persons. Could there be so many other worlds (well, obvious answer would be -why not?) that so many "rullers" and important people could drop from by? Is it anyhow possible that in some other reality everybody is royalty of some kind and that these souls just have a better memory due to, for example, Kali yuga nearing its end?

I am aware of that you had not stated any of the above and therefore do not have to have an answer but given your many years of spiritual experiance and quite a few books read combined with your keen intellect I believe that if anyone could think about it and give me some answer, it would be you. So, I hope you don´t mind me asking.

Re: Indigo Children

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 4:31 pm
by Hari
Mahashaya has a lot of experience dealing with Indigo children, so you might want to connect with him for his feedback. Or else Maha can write here as a comment to your text too!

To preface my reply, let me say that it is natural that newer generations of children are move evolved in some ways than their elders. Simply being born later gives one the facility to build on the assets of the previous generations. It also gives one license to express oneself in a new and somewhat different manner than those before them. In a similar manner, parents are constantly evolving as they build on the structures of their parents as well as they themselves having been more evolved as children. In other words, society is always evolving in some respects, but more so now than ever before.

At the same time, there is a dullness in society due to toxins, energy contamination, food contamination, reducing oxygen, and the overall stress that characterizes all aspects of life. This makes an interesting combination.

By the way, my generation was filled with system busters. We were very proud of that. :011

So yes, parents are more evolved and thus more aware of their children, and yes, children are more evolved. And yes, the idea of superiority is characteristic of ignorance and yes, even the so called evolved are somewhat ignorant when they think of themselves as superior and thus deal with others as inferior. One could conclude that some (not all) Indigo children who are a bit contaminated by the idea of their "higher" capacities are somewhat ignorant of social skills, empathy, or even culture, and thus need education. One has to also question if one becomes known for what one is by one's description of oneself or by how one acts and how one is of service. If one is royalty, one should act regally and do something significant for the world.

This is just a comment based on my discussions with Maha. Perhaps it is the challenge they face and their struggle to overcome it will be their success as a generational force? Time will tell.

I have a lot of fun dealing with psychic or powerful children. I have seen this generation struggle with the same things I struggled with my entire life. The idea of not fitting in, of needing to find those similar to yourself, of looking around and seeing a waste of human existence are concepts familiar to me. But in my day (sorry, this is the grand old man speaking) we were quiet about it and rarely, if ever, spoke about it. Now it is expressed, not only openly, but within a community of like-minded souls. Alas, there was no internet in my day and the only way to meet people was to physically connect to them. Since we all went to public schools and then large universities, our possibility to commune with similar people was limited to the enforced similarity of age, neighborhood, economic or academic status and so on. When we went out into the world after leaving school we felt somewhat lost and disconnected. The internet has allowed social awareness of the potential in special children to blossom and given them a chance to nourish each other. It is now a movement and they have a name and a color. Good for them. I wonder if I shall have a color name when I come back again?

Re: Indigo Children

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 5:46 pm
by sri
Thanks for the comments. I do not know about the movement, colour I guess comes from the crown chakra, but according to them you already have a name and a colour, you would be an Indigo Child, slightly before they discovered it or named it, but nevertheless an Indigo :) , judging from what you are saying. And from what you are saying, you were probably not the only one.

If Mahashaya (or anyone else) has something more to share on the matter, I will be happy to hear it. Thanks all.

Re: Indigo Children

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 8:02 am
by maha
Dear Hari, thank you for your compliments. :-)

Unfortunately yet I don't have as much experience with them as I would like to.
Maybe this open admission of it will open and expand it further...
There are more and more of aware kids, not only indigo.
Obviously they belong to all kinds of dimentions and levels of awareness.
It's almost useless and counterproductive to label them and mostly they don't like it.
I find it difficult to associate with them on the level of information, as they seem to mostly value direct personal experience and direct personal perception, although some of them devote themselves to develop and reveal to people some important evolutionary information, which in its highest essense seems to me very much like what Hari is sharing with us.
Many of them devote themselves to sometimes plane and simple, and at the same time quite specific and practical help to others who need it, especially to other children.
It seems that most aware of them know exactly why they are here and they are doing what they want - which is exactly what they've come here to do :-), not really piblishing or advertising it. Quite possible that one of their major work is related exactly to the matrix of change, which the latest broadcast was about.
Obviously some of them need our help, (as absurd as it sounds!) primarily in not interfering and not trying to push them into "boxes" and frames, but simply accepting them as they are, trying to actually listen and understand them, tune to their hearts, relax and stretch ourselves to their dimensions, to their wavelength.
I find it inspiring and enlivening to try to tune to them on the level of heart and love, or sometimes just through the eye contact.
Their most wonderful quality for me is that they often attain their task and make enormous change simply by their presence among us.

Yet, natural and inevitable truth is that some of the "new children" have much power and abilities and not yet enough developed ethics or even plane "earthly" wisdom, and then those of us who already have it can help them by sharing.

What else can I say :-\

Re: Indigo Children

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 8:12 pm
by maha
Finally I've found someone who is reflecting quite clearly and essentially what I have been feeling as Indigo presence here on Earth. His name is Matías De Stefano. As he says before incarnating here he had been working with what we call Akashic Records. He is presenting very wisely and concisely all the important points about incarnation, evolution, other dimensions, transition to Aquarius Age, indigo and so on..

Personally I find his presentations interestingly complementary to what Hari has been doing and sharing with us. But you can see it for yourselves, please... :)

Re: Indigo Children

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 11:18 pm
by harsi
More about this Indigo children.

Image.Video: Who Are The Indigo Children?