Themes to discuss in this forum, each with their own topics

Use this forum to discuss the creation of community. Here we can discuss legal, personal, social, environmental and economic issues, amongst other relevant themes. This forum will be in English. The other forum below this is for those who wish to carry on the discussion in Russian. Each specific issue should have its own topic.
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Themes to discuss in this forum, each with their own topics

Post by Hari »

Dear Everyone,

In this forum I want to discuss individual themes. Here are some ideas:

* Legal: If we get land somewhere, and there is already a solid prospect to do this, can we build anything we want there? In some places there are land restrictions and you cannot put residences on farm land, or you cannot have more than one family per plot. Can you subdivide? Can you make a "homeowners" or "community" association to regulate major aspects of your project? What legal structure must it have if you can? What are the taxes on land, even if you do not use it? And so on...

* Social: Who can live there? Why? What will one do there? Is it ok to use it as a dascha? Vacation home? Experimental research lab? Is there a hospital nearby in emergency, or doctors? Where can one shop? Responsibility for animals.

* Economic: What about the costs of infrastructure that is perhaps shared by all, such as electricity or water supply or sewage? Road creation, maintenance and clearing for snow or repair of water damage are important issues. Planning costs, permissions costs and so on. How will people earn money there? Bringing telephone lines, internet access, mobile phone reception, or satellite access are to be considered.

* Research and Development: Solar panels, natural sewage lakes and treatment, organic farming, homes constructed out of good materials, heating and cooling systems, wind power, composting, and anything else that makes life easier.