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Realization about the reality.

Posted: Thu May 12, 2005 9:04 pm
by Gaura
I would like to share some of my realization. After hearing Hari's
lectures and reading some other books I opened some technique to
be in reality, with myself.

Some time when I was more or less in contact with myself I felt great joy and
couldn't even imagine how one cannot be with his self, inside. It's seemed so
easy to jump inside when one is already there. But other time when I'm
totally in outside world and see material and spiritual world separate
it's seemed impossible to go there. It is absolutely impossible to
sink inside and be with one's self. So I tried hard and finally it
seems I have found the technique (at list it works for me in present
stage of my evolutional growth).

The technique is: I am concentrating on what I'm doing at the moment.
Trying not to think about anything in the past, anything in the future.
Just be totally engaged in what I'm doing. It's very hard to do that
though it seems so easy. At first after a few minute I was detecting
that I'm in "my usual condition" lamenting about what I have lost and
what I'll get in the future. But that ok, because I have been so many years and life
times in that conciseness. So I try again this technique. So
gradually I'm able to be in reality a bit more. And I'm sure it will
go further in that direction.
It also helpful wile doing something try to look to ourselves as if from aside. See us from the point of eternity. Trying to be witness of our action.

And when one is in contact with himself
his consciousness widen. One could see anything from right angle.

So I'm sure anyone can reach this result. At list one can just try this technique.
But it should be done at list for a few days and one could feel the result. During that
days try to do things consciously as much as you can and you'll be
amassed the result.

Good luck to you and me in our endeavors to be with ourselves. :D

Posted: Sat May 14, 2005 4:11 pm
by alexey
When I first time was doing ashtanga-yoga it was difficult for me, and in order to do it right I had to concentrate on present moment. It was total concentration. It was concentration that I cuold hardly remember that I ever had the same one in my life. And I realized that I had had such a concentration only when I have finished exercises. And the effect was so amazing! I was so inspired during long period of time. I have thought that it was only because of exercises. And now after Your post and after today's lection of Hari I have understood that probably the main reason of such a wonderful effect, such a state of happiness I had inside me, was because of my unusual, total concentration.

Gaura, I have taken Your sign - "One who does not want - searches for causes and one who wants - searches for ways" as a motto for me. It really helps. Thank You!

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2005 4:45 am
by Gaura
I would like do add a few words to my above post.

Actually what happening when we concentrate on the present, we are
stopping our mind.

Mind can think only about past or future, but not about present. In
the present we can only feel, not think.

We are always with Divine. And the mind blocking as to fill that.
Body seems more closer to Divine then our mind. Body always in harmony
with reality. When it hungry it wants to eat, when it feel thirst it
wants to drink. It never think about the future or the past, it's
always in reality.

And after these thoughts it's seems that when we are totally in the
past or future we are really mad in that moment. We are not in our
original condition, in harmony with Divine, we are under the pressure
of the mind, which forces us to forget our blissful nature.

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 5:09 pm
by GPandit
"Body seems more closer to Divine then our mind."

I really can resonate with this idea, Gaura. After initially being told that my body was pure ignorance, it seemed rather low-level to practice body-oriented trainings. Interestingly, I had to forget the past (conditioning), get into the present (mind/body training) to understand.

I really like the Taoist belief that we need these bodies to be balanced in order to perceive higher vibrations and frequencies. I think it's a great idea and great training for anybody. Later I'd like to offer some of the methods I use, hope that they can be helpful.

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 7:46 pm
by Hari
It would be very nice of you to share your understanding by posting an article about what you do and the techniques you use in the Articles of Interest forum. I for one would read it.

Denying the body as maya is not very useful. Such denial leads more often than not into the very trouble one endeavors to avoid. Acceptance of what we are implies acceptance of the body we help create. We create it before we are born, we create it by accepting birth into a specific family with an unique genetic pool, we create it by what we eat, how we live, and above all, how we feel about ourselves and the body we live in.

Getting out of the mind becomes easier when we daily enage our bodies in physical activity. It is a great therapy.

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 12:31 am
by GPandit
Thanks Hari, I'd be glad to put together an article and post it. Although I have been training and teaching for a long time, I don't normally write about it. Should be an interesting challenge for me.


The book on this theme

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 9:56 am
by Dhana-da
My respect friends!
There Is a fine book about practice of ocurrence in the present.
I read in the Internet, but I am going to get in printing.
All of success!