Life Between Lives Hypnotherapy - Information and Links
Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 12:09 am
Life Between Lives Hypnotherapy - Links and Information on the Web
"¢ Michael Newton Institute for Life Between Lives Hypnotherapy
- "Hypnotic Regression permits access to memories that are not limited to the brief span of time that consciousness has occupied our physical body. These Spiritual Self memories include remembrance of past lives lived and of the experiences and lessons accrued in what has been termed "Between-Life" states. Through hypnosis it is possible to consciously realize that we are spiritual beings occupying human form, not human beings striving to be spiritual." (more)
- "The Dr. Michael Newton Institute for Life Between Lives Hypnotherapy was founded by Dr. Michael Newton, author of the best-selling books Journey of Souls and Destiny of Souls. The Newton Institute provides information, support, education, therapist training and referral services to individuals desiring an experiential understanding of their nature as an eternal spiritual being through the process of Life-Between-Lives Spiritual Regression. This method offers you a means to access soul memories through a trance-induced "superconscious" state of awareness that brings a deep sense of love, compassion and an understanding of our life purpose." "¢ List of Certified LBL Therapists around the World
- "During physical incarnations on earth various possibilities and probabilities arising from karmic influences and soul contracts are subject to the free will of the soul. Thus, humans are not bound to a predetermined existence. The meaning behind the existence of each individual has been planned in advance to allow all souls to come into their physical incarnations with a purpose. Goals are originated, in part, by karmic patterns from former lives and, in part, by specific lessons relating to the ambitions of that soul. These objectives are established in concert with a soul's spiritual peers, personal guide(s) and a Council of enlightened spiritual Elders." (more)
- "Souls from earth feel and sense the presence of a God-like Oversoul or Source emanating from above their counselors. The spirit world is composed of highly advanced non-reincarnating soul specialists who regulate the work of advancement for the souls in their care. When incarnating souls develop to a high level of experience, performance and wisdom they will cease to incarnate and become advanced beings themselves who assist the still-incarnating souls. The ultimate goal of all souls appears to be the desire to seek perfection and conjoin with the Source that created them." (more)
"¢ The efficacy of hypnotherapy "¢ Past Life Regressions "¢ PLR on Wikipedia "¢
"¢ IAOH - International Agency for Outstanding Healers "¢ Links to Spiritual Integration and Past Life Regression
"¢ Michael Newton Institute for Life Between Lives Hypnotherapy
- "Hypnotic Regression permits access to memories that are not limited to the brief span of time that consciousness has occupied our physical body. These Spiritual Self memories include remembrance of past lives lived and of the experiences and lessons accrued in what has been termed "Between-Life" states. Through hypnosis it is possible to consciously realize that we are spiritual beings occupying human form, not human beings striving to be spiritual." (more)
- "The Dr. Michael Newton Institute for Life Between Lives Hypnotherapy was founded by Dr. Michael Newton, author of the best-selling books Journey of Souls and Destiny of Souls. The Newton Institute provides information, support, education, therapist training and referral services to individuals desiring an experiential understanding of their nature as an eternal spiritual being through the process of Life-Between-Lives Spiritual Regression. This method offers you a means to access soul memories through a trance-induced "superconscious" state of awareness that brings a deep sense of love, compassion and an understanding of our life purpose." "¢ List of Certified LBL Therapists around the World
- "During physical incarnations on earth various possibilities and probabilities arising from karmic influences and soul contracts are subject to the free will of the soul. Thus, humans are not bound to a predetermined existence. The meaning behind the existence of each individual has been planned in advance to allow all souls to come into their physical incarnations with a purpose. Goals are originated, in part, by karmic patterns from former lives and, in part, by specific lessons relating to the ambitions of that soul. These objectives are established in concert with a soul's spiritual peers, personal guide(s) and a Council of enlightened spiritual Elders." (more)
- "Souls from earth feel and sense the presence of a God-like Oversoul or Source emanating from above their counselors. The spirit world is composed of highly advanced non-reincarnating soul specialists who regulate the work of advancement for the souls in their care. When incarnating souls develop to a high level of experience, performance and wisdom they will cease to incarnate and become advanced beings themselves who assist the still-incarnating souls. The ultimate goal of all souls appears to be the desire to seek perfection and conjoin with the Source that created them." (more)
"¢ The efficacy of hypnotherapy "¢ Past Life Regressions "¢ PLR on Wikipedia "¢
"¢ IAOH - International Agency for Outstanding Healers "¢ Links to Spiritual Integration and Past Life Regression