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Entering the Pearl Temple - call it a meditation

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 11:54 am
by sri
It is raining again. Soft, gentle rain. Air is filled with water. Sound is mesmerizing. And then I see that pearly light again. It is here. My Pearl Temple. Temple of my heart, my home. It is big now. Oval in shape, glistening in all the colours you can think of, just as if it was made of mother of the pearl. There are the stairs and entrance to the temple. I climb the steps and then I am inside. Door closes behind me.

Room, if it can be called so, has curved walls made of pastel colours, moving like a little clouds all over it. There is the marble table. There is a rose on the table. This time white, half open and smelling. Pearls on the table are playing their eternal dance. Many are white, but there are a few gray ones. No black pearls this time. As I always do, I collect the grayish pearls in the bowl and then the opening on the wall starts to grow in colour. Brighter and wider. It is time to descend to the pond, deep inside this temple of my heart.

Down the steps I hear the soft enchanting music and then I am in that magnificent space, sheltered room that is small and big at the same time. I approach the edge of the pond, a low stone wall, and sit there. Water is still and clear. Calm comes over me. The pearly fairies fly around. This is a place of peace, gentlness and strenght. It is a place made of my home, my inner being, my origin. Nothing can ever hurt me here. I am absolutelly safe, welcome and nurished here.

I let those grayish pearls fall into the water. For a moment it looses its clearness. The sound of the air gets slightly shatered, but it is only a shortest moment ever. Then everything becomes its peaceful self again. I sit and let myself breath in the calmness and beauty from around me. I allow myself to feel free, happy, strong, beautiful and at peace with all.

A flower grows from the depts of the pond and stops next to me. Its crown is big and sweet, like a hand waiting to help. There in its palm are my pearls. Clean, purified from all my worries, all thoughts, wrong doings I did to myself. Pearls in clear milky withish colours. It is obvious now that they all have some core in another colour; green, yellow, blue and indigo dominate this time.

I feel rested and refreshed and I go up the stairs, back to the marble table and release pearls back into their dance. The colours of the room soften. The sound of the water and rain grows stronger. I walk down the stairs, from my Pearl Temple, out into the rain. Last rain drops are falling and giving place to the sun that will come. In the distance I see a bridge, a rainbow. And I step toward the sun to meet the coming days.