Self Realization, and what it means.
Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 1:23 am
The way Hari was answering this question in his lecture intitled "Surrender", I appreciated very much. The more often I heard it, the better I could understand him, and the more I was asking myself why I could not come yet myself to this understanding, which makes really sence. In regard to understanding, what it means to be self realized, he answered:
"When you are stuck, in having to define a particular level of atainment or achievement, in certain terminology. You limit that achievement, by the very definitions, you throw and rapp yourself up with. Your obvious goal is to get self realization, to get God realization. That´s fine, that´s great, we all would love such a thing.
But when you have been told, this is what self realization is. This is what God realization is. Well, naturally you will try, to bring yourself to that point. And when you don´t get there, which is usually the case, you will be discouraged. And than you question everything in your life, and maybe more.
Self realization is not a static state. It´s not like you are not self realized, or you are self realized. It´s not that, you are not self realized, and than boom you are self realized. Or you are more or less self realized, in a variable subjective way. Complicated things to talk about. The very term self realized, is a very absolute kind of term. It means you are at a state, you are there. You are in this category, you are self realized. It´s kind of, being you have been elected the president. It´s a very definitive, very definit, not vage at all, very particular, very focused achievement. Now I would suggest that, that very restriction, that term, and it´s restriction that comes with it. Is a very discouraging thing, it´s a not apropriate goal, it´s something which so restricts you, in your understanding of what you are, that it prevents you, from ever ataining it.
Now I know, what I said, sounds very kind of, like blasphemyes in one sence, we tread on this problem often. But I have been speaking about this, through among all of the discussions. That your realization, your experience, your evolution, your expantion of your consciousness, is a continuess affair. It´s not something you do, to get somewhere, it is what you are."
"Now when we do this meditations, when we do this energetic meditations, when we come in contact with our energy, when we use our energy, we expand our energy, we feel our energy, we connect with our energy, we are being in contact with what we are. That is our spirit. Sometimes the hardest thing to see, is that, which is right in front of you. It´s kind of like, when I am running all over the house, looking for my glasses, and they are in my pocket. You are looking everywhere, because you think, it has to be somewhere out there. But in fact it´s not out there, its right there. And then all of a sudden you realize, wow amazing...
To be self realized, I have to work and work, and do this and do that. And acomplish over long periods of time, many strict things, and this and so on and so forth, and I will get there. It´s kind of like you work hard, buy a ticket, and you end up at your destination. Or you do all of that, and one day God says, OK why not, get self realized... Ah, I´m there.
Now, I am not saying, this things are not possible, however, they are not the only possibility. After all, if you look within, and you feel what is there. If you can just simply feel what is there, it is there. You are there, that is it. The immediate response is, well, that can´t be it, it´s too simple. It has to be much more complex, there has to be lightning bowls, there has to be so many things, that manifest and apear. And I´m supposed to have all of this like, God knows what...experiences, and so on. It´s just too simple, it´s too basic, it´s too, whatever.
But I say, it´s what you do with it from that point, that makes it valluable. Not that the being itself, is not valluable, because I am not running around in a field, herding some cows, in a spiritual body. In other words, I´ve got to somehow or another, get to that state of self realization, either by working hard, and getting a degree, get my card, my paper on the wall, I made it, I´m self realized. Or else, I get the pst zap... and than I´m self realized. And than I dye, and than there I am, caried on a swan airplane to the place where I can herd some cows, and eat yoghurt with Krishna in the field.
So this configures my life right now. Work hard, you know don´t be atached to anything. Just work hard, do all this kind of stuff, this service and so on. Learn things, chant things, go to programs, follow everything, be a good person, and than dye and get everything. It´s something which there is a suspicious element in it, which I think one should try to sea a litle bit more clearily. And there are those, who sea the suspicious element in it. And therefore, they try to go to another format of the same thing, which is the raganuga format. Whereby you meditate, you visualize, you get into a bhava, you get into this understanding of yourself as a gopi, and you start to relate with Krishna in that way. And the more you develop it, the more it develops. The more you feel it, the more you understand it, and you dye and boom... you are there as a gopi...
I suppose people who are doing this, also become a little suspicious sometimes. Because after all, there are other things going on in their lifes, paralel, simultaniously. And wether or not, they get to that spot afterwords, you don´t know. It´s kind of, like you are following something purily on faith. Because they don´t come back, and tell you: Hey, you know, I did it, I am here, I am a gopi right now. You know, and you should do it too, because it realy works. And of course, so I should be exemplary in my wishiwashyness, I will say, that it´s of course possible. I am not saying that, that´s not possible. I mean, I would like it, to be so. But I would supose, there is certain thing, that one might be suspicious about, in that acceptance. That complete surrender to that, because you just never can be totaly sure, unless you just make yourself totaly sure.
But if you think about it. That meditation, when you really think about, what is going on with that visualization. Is that you do it efectively and properly. You have to be, on the level of someone, who can be in total contact, with that being. And than mold the being, by visualization. This are exercizes, to a particular goal, which you have accepted. This is only possible for one, who can withdraw the consciousness from the external, and be very aware of ones being, of ones essence. So therefore, what I have being explaining, about bringing oneself into that awareness, so that ones consciousness may be focused on ones essence, is the basis, even of that visualization discipline,-- to bring yourself in connection with a particular form of your own creation, and a form of the Divine. But ultimately, it is us, who create, it is us, who develop, it is us, who visualize, and therefore formulate our particular direction..."
"And therefore, I feel very strongly, and I know, from my experience, that this concept of being, of knowing your essence, your consciousness having the capacity to withdraw itself, from the external, and be situated in it´s natural state of rest, is the beginning point for anything and everything in life, in spiritual life, and growth and evolution and so on. And by going within, and than acting and manifesting outside, coming back within, you will find your way perfectly through this life. And I will simply assist, to help you make the conections to the Divine, when you feel you want to.
My facilitation of that conection, is simply to give you the tools, by which you make the conection, which is part of your consciousness, when you are in contact with what you are, your essence, your being. And accordingly, you will make connections to that Divine, to that Supreme, perhaps to the deity form, perhaps when you are in a quite place, perhaps in nature, you will have connections, you will have communications, you will have realizations, you will have experiences that will so affect you, so deeply, that you would not care, you could not care what anyone else says. How anyone else defines it, how anyone else speaks about it.
You don´t care anymore how people define you. Wether they praise you, they blaspheme you. They put you in this box, that box, it couldn´t care less to you, because you know. Now I don´t know about you. But as far as I am concern, I am much happier in that state, than being in a state, where I am believing something.
When I know something, I am much happier, than when I believe something. Because when you know, you know. And no-one can tell you, you don´t know. You don´t even bother argueing with people. Argueing is so silly. How do you argue about what you know? How do you argue about the self? How do you argue about your experiences, of connection with the Divine? How do you argue about the way your energies work? You might argue, somebody might say: But that´s not philosophically corect. What do you mean, you didn´t read it somewhere? Or you don´t believe it? Can you imagine the foolishness of another person who spends their time, trying to convince you, what you know is not...
"All what I can really do with you, is share with you my knowing. That´s all I can do. And that comes not just in words, it also comes as an energy."
"When you are stuck, in having to define a particular level of atainment or achievement, in certain terminology. You limit that achievement, by the very definitions, you throw and rapp yourself up with. Your obvious goal is to get self realization, to get God realization. That´s fine, that´s great, we all would love such a thing.
But when you have been told, this is what self realization is. This is what God realization is. Well, naturally you will try, to bring yourself to that point. And when you don´t get there, which is usually the case, you will be discouraged. And than you question everything in your life, and maybe more.
Self realization is not a static state. It´s not like you are not self realized, or you are self realized. It´s not that, you are not self realized, and than boom you are self realized. Or you are more or less self realized, in a variable subjective way. Complicated things to talk about. The very term self realized, is a very absolute kind of term. It means you are at a state, you are there. You are in this category, you are self realized. It´s kind of, being you have been elected the president. It´s a very definitive, very definit, not vage at all, very particular, very focused achievement. Now I would suggest that, that very restriction, that term, and it´s restriction that comes with it. Is a very discouraging thing, it´s a not apropriate goal, it´s something which so restricts you, in your understanding of what you are, that it prevents you, from ever ataining it.
Now I know, what I said, sounds very kind of, like blasphemyes in one sence, we tread on this problem often. But I have been speaking about this, through among all of the discussions. That your realization, your experience, your evolution, your expantion of your consciousness, is a continuess affair. It´s not something you do, to get somewhere, it is what you are."
"Now when we do this meditations, when we do this energetic meditations, when we come in contact with our energy, when we use our energy, we expand our energy, we feel our energy, we connect with our energy, we are being in contact with what we are. That is our spirit. Sometimes the hardest thing to see, is that, which is right in front of you. It´s kind of like, when I am running all over the house, looking for my glasses, and they are in my pocket. You are looking everywhere, because you think, it has to be somewhere out there. But in fact it´s not out there, its right there. And then all of a sudden you realize, wow amazing...
To be self realized, I have to work and work, and do this and do that. And acomplish over long periods of time, many strict things, and this and so on and so forth, and I will get there. It´s kind of like you work hard, buy a ticket, and you end up at your destination. Or you do all of that, and one day God says, OK why not, get self realized... Ah, I´m there.
Now, I am not saying, this things are not possible, however, they are not the only possibility. After all, if you look within, and you feel what is there. If you can just simply feel what is there, it is there. You are there, that is it. The immediate response is, well, that can´t be it, it´s too simple. It has to be much more complex, there has to be lightning bowls, there has to be so many things, that manifest and apear. And I´m supposed to have all of this like, God knows what...experiences, and so on. It´s just too simple, it´s too basic, it´s too, whatever.
But I say, it´s what you do with it from that point, that makes it valluable. Not that the being itself, is not valluable, because I am not running around in a field, herding some cows, in a spiritual body. In other words, I´ve got to somehow or another, get to that state of self realization, either by working hard, and getting a degree, get my card, my paper on the wall, I made it, I´m self realized. Or else, I get the pst zap... and than I´m self realized. And than I dye, and than there I am, caried on a swan airplane to the place where I can herd some cows, and eat yoghurt with Krishna in the field.
So this configures my life right now. Work hard, you know don´t be atached to anything. Just work hard, do all this kind of stuff, this service and so on. Learn things, chant things, go to programs, follow everything, be a good person, and than dye and get everything. It´s something which there is a suspicious element in it, which I think one should try to sea a litle bit more clearily. And there are those, who sea the suspicious element in it. And therefore, they try to go to another format of the same thing, which is the raganuga format. Whereby you meditate, you visualize, you get into a bhava, you get into this understanding of yourself as a gopi, and you start to relate with Krishna in that way. And the more you develop it, the more it develops. The more you feel it, the more you understand it, and you dye and boom... you are there as a gopi...
I suppose people who are doing this, also become a little suspicious sometimes. Because after all, there are other things going on in their lifes, paralel, simultaniously. And wether or not, they get to that spot afterwords, you don´t know. It´s kind of, like you are following something purily on faith. Because they don´t come back, and tell you: Hey, you know, I did it, I am here, I am a gopi right now. You know, and you should do it too, because it realy works. And of course, so I should be exemplary in my wishiwashyness, I will say, that it´s of course possible. I am not saying that, that´s not possible. I mean, I would like it, to be so. But I would supose, there is certain thing, that one might be suspicious about, in that acceptance. That complete surrender to that, because you just never can be totaly sure, unless you just make yourself totaly sure.
But if you think about it. That meditation, when you really think about, what is going on with that visualization. Is that you do it efectively and properly. You have to be, on the level of someone, who can be in total contact, with that being. And than mold the being, by visualization. This are exercizes, to a particular goal, which you have accepted. This is only possible for one, who can withdraw the consciousness from the external, and be very aware of ones being, of ones essence. So therefore, what I have being explaining, about bringing oneself into that awareness, so that ones consciousness may be focused on ones essence, is the basis, even of that visualization discipline,-- to bring yourself in connection with a particular form of your own creation, and a form of the Divine. But ultimately, it is us, who create, it is us, who develop, it is us, who visualize, and therefore formulate our particular direction..."
"And therefore, I feel very strongly, and I know, from my experience, that this concept of being, of knowing your essence, your consciousness having the capacity to withdraw itself, from the external, and be situated in it´s natural state of rest, is the beginning point for anything and everything in life, in spiritual life, and growth and evolution and so on. And by going within, and than acting and manifesting outside, coming back within, you will find your way perfectly through this life. And I will simply assist, to help you make the conections to the Divine, when you feel you want to.
My facilitation of that conection, is simply to give you the tools, by which you make the conection, which is part of your consciousness, when you are in contact with what you are, your essence, your being. And accordingly, you will make connections to that Divine, to that Supreme, perhaps to the deity form, perhaps when you are in a quite place, perhaps in nature, you will have connections, you will have communications, you will have realizations, you will have experiences that will so affect you, so deeply, that you would not care, you could not care what anyone else says. How anyone else defines it, how anyone else speaks about it.
You don´t care anymore how people define you. Wether they praise you, they blaspheme you. They put you in this box, that box, it couldn´t care less to you, because you know. Now I don´t know about you. But as far as I am concern, I am much happier in that state, than being in a state, where I am believing something.
When I know something, I am much happier, than when I believe something. Because when you know, you know. And no-one can tell you, you don´t know. You don´t even bother argueing with people. Argueing is so silly. How do you argue about what you know? How do you argue about the self? How do you argue about your experiences, of connection with the Divine? How do you argue about the way your energies work? You might argue, somebody might say: But that´s not philosophically corect. What do you mean, you didn´t read it somewhere? Or you don´t believe it? Can you imagine the foolishness of another person who spends their time, trying to convince you, what you know is not...
"All what I can really do with you, is share with you my knowing. That´s all I can do. And that comes not just in words, it also comes as an energy."