Dear Hari !
Living entity can get answer to any question by sincere desire. Why sometimes I cannot find out the reason of difficulty without external help despite eager desire and have no proper vision ?
I can understand: when there is no desire to know the reason - external help is useless. When there is desire, why not always there is my own vision and external help helps ?
Do have real independence from people and selfsufficiency only those souls who feel that they associate with Krishna ?
I know how to start relationship with human being, I can feel those relationship, but never felt relationships with God. Maybe all people have them and I also feel but do not recognize ?
Are those relationships that what everybody craves ?
Living entity capacity
I am not sure if I agree with your supposition that anyone can get an answer to anything if they are simply sincere to know it. I assume you mean that answers can be found from esoteric sources if one is sincere enough to want them, but it also seems you are saying that one should not, for some reason, have to turn to sources outside oneself to find answers. If this is so, I cannot agree with this. From my own experience, and it seems from your question it is your experience too, we need help many times. Learning from others who have already figured out the answers shortens the time we spend trying to figure everything out ourselves and gives us a good foundation upon which to build.
This is not to say there is no room for self-discovery, personal experience or growth by figuring things out on your own; rather, I am saying that without some kind of help, no one can figure things out. Being in a state where you must learn everything by yourself means to go back to pre-historic times and "re-invent the wheel" All of us build upon the knowledge of those who came before us and we contribute to the pool of knowledge when we expand it, even in a small way.
I think your worry is needless and you should embrace the assistance others give you as an important and necessary part of life. Self-sufficiency does not mean you do everything yourself, learn everything from personal experience, or that you stand alone in this world. From your birth you were dependent and if we were to examine the various aspects of your life today we will find you remain dependent on others. You write to me using a computer, electricity, an internet connection, a desk, chair and lights in a heated flat while eating and drinking products provided at a store, all of which are provided by others. You also had help learning how to use these things.
Regardless of one's spiritual capacity, one requires the assistance of others throughout life. No one stands alone. This is the nature of people as we are social animals who are dependent on hundreds of thousands of people, agencies, and services to maintain our lives normally. Unless you are in the forest living alone and unencumbered by any need whatsoever -- a naked monk spending time meditating and living on berries and stream water -- it is highly unlikely you will ever be in a situation where you can avoid dependencies. At best, all you can do is to modify these dependencies to reduce their power over you or to optimize the way you utilize what they offer you.
When you recognize your dependency on others in this world, you can start to understand the relevancy of our necessary dependence on the divine beings, the support of all that is within this existence. At that time, you can choose to constantly recognize this in all things and at all times, thus integrating God within your life as the support of all you strive to be. Realization of the supreme usually begins with an awareness of how things are around us. When we see how independence is a myth, we can accept our dependency on others and thus move into the spiritual consciousness of dependency on God. When we develop closeness to the divine through such understanding, we then start to act in harmony with the divine. Naturally this includes the missed spiritual experiences and relationships we crave as they are part of our being.
This is not to say there is no room for self-discovery, personal experience or growth by figuring things out on your own; rather, I am saying that without some kind of help, no one can figure things out. Being in a state where you must learn everything by yourself means to go back to pre-historic times and "re-invent the wheel" All of us build upon the knowledge of those who came before us and we contribute to the pool of knowledge when we expand it, even in a small way.
I think your worry is needless and you should embrace the assistance others give you as an important and necessary part of life. Self-sufficiency does not mean you do everything yourself, learn everything from personal experience, or that you stand alone in this world. From your birth you were dependent and if we were to examine the various aspects of your life today we will find you remain dependent on others. You write to me using a computer, electricity, an internet connection, a desk, chair and lights in a heated flat while eating and drinking products provided at a store, all of which are provided by others. You also had help learning how to use these things.
Regardless of one's spiritual capacity, one requires the assistance of others throughout life. No one stands alone. This is the nature of people as we are social animals who are dependent on hundreds of thousands of people, agencies, and services to maintain our lives normally. Unless you are in the forest living alone and unencumbered by any need whatsoever -- a naked monk spending time meditating and living on berries and stream water -- it is highly unlikely you will ever be in a situation where you can avoid dependencies. At best, all you can do is to modify these dependencies to reduce their power over you or to optimize the way you utilize what they offer you.
When you recognize your dependency on others in this world, you can start to understand the relevancy of our necessary dependence on the divine beings, the support of all that is within this existence. At that time, you can choose to constantly recognize this in all things and at all times, thus integrating God within your life as the support of all you strive to be. Realization of the supreme usually begins with an awareness of how things are around us. When we see how independence is a myth, we can accept our dependency on others and thus move into the spiritual consciousness of dependency on God. When we develop closeness to the divine through such understanding, we then start to act in harmony with the divine. Naturally this includes the missed spiritual experiences and relationships we crave as they are part of our being.