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Sambhu das
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Joined: Sat Jun 04, 2005 9:28 am
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Post by Sambhu das »

I have heard that in Kali yuga one does not get any rection for sinful activities committed by the mind or by speach, only by physical action. Is this right?
Sambhu das
Posts: 14
Joined: Sat Feb 11, 2006 6:32 am
Location: Sweden

Post by Prisni »

I would like to ask - what is "sin".
It is a thing many speak about, but what is it actually? Does God write lawbooks of what we are allowed to do, and not to do, but then never show it, and then punish us for breaking laws, and reward us if we follow?

A blessing of us attached to a material body, is that what we "think" does not immediately lead to action. We can think anything, and yet, the body is slow, and react only to specific commands. When we are freed from the body, it is not like that. Whereever we put our consciousness on, we will go, since us and our consciousness are non-different.

Reactions to what we do, always occur. That's like a basic law. Whether we are in our spiritual form or materially attached form, does not matter. But the material world is slowing it down, and limits our reactions. So reactions in the material world comes only from specific actions with the body. But if we think about something a lot, sooner or later, we will also act in that way.

So, thoughts does not give "sinful reactions", but thoughts leads to actions sooner or later, and then the reactions come. The material world offers a kind of delay, and a time to think it over, and even to retract and change our mind, before the reactions comes. If we have a subtler form, in the material world, the delay might be smaller.
If we focus our subtle powers, we might still interact and cause reactions, although the gross body is inert.
Sambhu das
Posts: 10
Joined: Sat Jun 04, 2005 9:28 am
Location: Sweden

Post by Sambhu das »

Thank you for your nice reply Prisni, it gave me confidence.
Hope you are well: Sambhu das
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