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Some topics

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2005 10:50 am
by Gaura
It seems people come to this world to have a growth. And that growth is connected mostly with the interpersonal relationships and overcoming some obstacles on their path.
What if man goes on the path of understanding his self (by one of the path, like yoga, meditation and so on). What for then he has came to this world. It seems completely another kind of path then ordinary people do in this world.

And from this the main question is coming what is the reason of our growth. Who we are and why it should be so hard to grow. I have heard an answer that we wanted to forget ourselves and our relationships for when we do find them again it would be SO INLIVENING. But I have doubt, why if one really want to quit this game something is against that and keeping one in the dream state. For what, for that "GREAT INLIVENING"? That is strange kind of attitude at list to the poor soul.(Joke)


Then the other question is coming to my mind, which I think interesting and I'm thinking about it now. The oneness. As you have said in one of the lecture, Lord Chaitanya said about oneness and difference. And you said that we somehow get attached to deference and forgot the oneness.

It is said there was a God. And he separated his self to many others to have association. And that separation is forever, from that point. If one ask about the dilemmas connected with that he immediately get answer it's too hi to understand, it's not so important and so on. That means we have to blindly belief in that.
It's seems scientists say the same - it's not important just keep on action with life. The only difference that scientists say we are researching that and religion say that is the fact.
But the oneness is also impossible to understand, but steel it's easier to accept (for me at list for this moment).

Sorry for making a soup of issues, but all of them is interesting for me. You can chose what issue you like. It's very interesting to know your opinion for them.

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2005 11:05 pm
by Hari
This is more of a question than a topic, so I can attempt to answer.

I do agree that learning the art of peaceful evolution together with others in interpersonal relationships is a significant and powerful evolutionary tool. Those who choose to accept a solitary path, such as yogis or meditators who live apart from the crowds of people, are also using that tool by learning the art of detachment from the difficulties of interpersonal relationships. Detaching from a difficult situation deepens one's understanding and clarifies exactly which aspects of these relationships need to be addressed and corrected.

Such yogis, after a life of discipline, might, or may even have to, return to a life where their achievements in these disciplines are tested in their daily actions within a social environment of some kind or another. Who knows how many of us who are entangled in this world of day to day reality were previously engaged in solitary spiritual endeavors? Amongst our group, I suspect there were quite a few. This lifetime or these lifetimes of strict discipline were good for us and had a place within our evolutionary process. It is not that solitude worked against our goal; rather, it supported it over the longer run. This is how I see it.

As far as the second part of the question, I ask you this. Would one cell in your body consciously wish to die off and become detached from the rest of the body? It is unlikely as the existence of the cell is dependent on the body. The nature of that cell is intimately linked to the body and therefore the cell and the body are one unit. Because they are one unit it is impossible for a part of the unit to have a separate desire since the desire is the unit's desire and not a part of the unit.

In other words, we are part of the greater existence, the greater consciousness. Our energy of life is part of life and cannot be separated from it. We are alive and will always be so. We exist and can do nothing else than exist. All spirit shares the connection to the whole spirit and cannot exist without that connection. Certainly we can create illusions of separation, but in reality it does not exist. This is the reason why we are not able to 'quit' existence, as many have tried to do. We cannot quit what we are since that is all we can be. Therefore, when we insist on quitting, due to some trauma or disappointment that leads us down the path of fear of love of ourselves or others, we must be placed, or we must place ourselves, in an alternative reality such as the dream state you have suggested.

Within this alternative reality, we attempt to ignore the reality we left. Since there are others with the same problem, we are not alone. Groups of people are expert at creating social conditions that reflect their personal interests. So we call this very large group of deflected souls as that special group known as mankind and declare ourselves to be situated just as we should be. Since there are a lot of us, we believe it.

Finding out it is not so is a great shock, therefore no one finds this out until the seek the solution. When the solution is sought and found, they are very happy for they have overcome the intense inertia of a very large group of dreaming souls and contacted the essence.

This is not done by someone to you, you do it to yourself. Since it is your desire, facility is made to assist you.

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2005 12:37 am
by Gaura
Thank you for as usually very nice explanation.

It’s interesting, that question I made a few month ago. And now when I read it I think in my now days understanding I wouldn’t ask that question. Now I more understand the ones of energy around us and I can feel some growth which took place even in these few months. As I understood from my experience it’s not that one can understand and that’s it, he is there with wings. I think we gradually understand something and sometimes that understanding is gone and sometimes it’s becoming very strong. And by the time as I can see it remains a bit longer and longer.

I think for me it’s very helpful trying to be always in reality, some understanding suddenly arise and gradually remains. I think my question connected with the desire to not get born in this world, is coming from ignorance, because when one see that we are in IT, that there is no difference in energies and one can learn to derive the nectar even in this world then what is the difference? So I’m full of eagerness to move forward in understanding and more awareness.