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Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 6:19 am
by Dhana-da
I wished to know more about such concept, as egregor. A mass power field. It exists at all groups? Even if them 3 7 person? Egregor the big organization, set of ideas or still something more terrible?
How to not come under influence of an egregor? How to distinguish its influence on the person? I think that till now I remove from myself all these clots of alien ideas. If the theme was already discussed, give please the reference...

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2005 11:07 pm
by Hari
What is egregor? I have no idea.

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2005 10:38 am
by LvU
Hari wrote:What is egregor? I have no idea.
English ins't my home language but i think i know what the question asks
im not sure about spelling ( i will leave it egregor ), but i think one whants to know about symbols/pictures.
agregor is type of yantra, but it doesnt give bless or divine power etc. it gives you phisical (rough) energy ther are 4 types of agregor's

1.dark agregors they only take and give only when its usefull for them agregors they take one kinf of energy and give you other like they take work and give u money.difrence between dark and earth is that earth agregor works in tradeing way u give me smth and i will repay u, but dark agregors only takes
example of earth agregor Image
3.Divine agregors they gives u power 4 spiritual development they heal u they help u to develop your feelings wich can get u closer to light in exchange they take part of your ego (feelings that bounds you to earth) and they protects u from dark agregors
4.antimaterial it unites souls wich returns in to spiritual world.those who connects with this agregor are interested only in love exchange with God this person doesnt care about good or bad karma it cares only in pure love and exchanging it with God.
example of antimaterial yantra Image

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2005 10:47 am
by LvU
im dont know anything about agregors or how exactly they work, but i hope it will help hari answer the question :D