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Uncertain Certainty - What Really Matters

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2021 7:05 pm
by harsi
A lecture by Hari broadcasted live on YouTube in 2016
Watch and listen to at: ... Zh&index=8

..Okay, well we're really in the grips of an uncertainty, unpredictability, unreliability. Here you came to after six or seven of these very successful technically broadcast you're now in the grips of technical incompetence. And there is nothing you can do about it, because uncertainty has grabbed you.

Even if you were very certain, "I will be here on time and everything will work great." And there it was, grabbed you by the neck, hah, no way! Actually that's been my life fairly recently. I don't know if you follow the news, but we had a very big hurricane. And when I say big I mean we have a website "", it's the government website, and our nearest place is Jacksonville. And I was checking the governments updates, they were updating it every ten minutes, and they had this warning: "There has been no experience of a hurricane this powerful. No human being is alive since the last time such a hurricane has hit Florida." That was 1898. "We have no experience what can happen."

And I'm reading this and who knows what. I mean last time we had this broadcast, and I was telling you about how the whole of Florida was just waiting, and there was just like this silence everywhere. Well you could multiply that by a hundred this time. Everybody was watching this hurricane going up the coast. If it had moved thirty kilometers to the West, the entire East Coast of Florida, which by the way is where most people live, would have been entirely destroyed.

I don't mean they would have gotten wet, I mean wiped out. This hurricane was 165 miles an hour. Multiply that by 1.6 to get kilometers. So if the eye of the hurricane had moved just a little bid then those incredible winds, which are twirling around in a very small area, would have ripped everything to pieces. As it was, I spoke to people in Saint Augustine and in... they lost everything they had. The water came straight through their doors, destroyed everything.

And that was with the hurricane behaving, meaning it was in the coast, of the coast. So let's just put it this way: Uncertainty was what I was eating for breakfast, lunch and dinner for quite a few days, because everybody that's all they thought about. I mean, hey! We had no gas here for two days before and for two days after. You couldn't buy gas for your car, you can forget about getting anything, anywhere.

On the day it came not one person was on the road, not one person was outside. So and than we've just waited. All schools are closed, everything closed everywhere, everybody just waiting. And because there really is those devas up there who look out for us, it's steered. I mean as if there was like a Formula 1 driver at the seat driving this hurricane and just like uuuu up the coast. And all we had here was a lot of wind.


..Of course four million people lost power. I didn't lose power. I live in the sticks, as it's said, we live at the end. Usually we're the first to lose power and the last to get it back. This time we were not losing power, and fifty percent of everybody else (Florida is a big place) had no power. I'm like "Wow!" Before the hurricane came, I asked some people to pray for us. Huh! They got shakti. (Hari smiles) We were okay.

Time 7.08

So the idea came to my mind about uncertainty, that how important this concept is, this concept of certainty and uncertainty. It made me - I don't know how to say? - revisit my entire life. Thinking back during times when I felt very certain about something, in times when I felt very uncertain about something, and how it made me feel, how it caused me to react. And I started understanding more about things, especially, if you think about it, spiritual things.

When I was young I felt very certain about the spiritual path or spirituality that I had been connected with. So when I first engaged in my spiritual practices, when I was... I started really getting involved in spiritual life maybe when I was about nineteen or twenty. And it was very interesting that although I was in various traditions - I started of in the Baha'i, I told you this before, I liked it very much, and than I was initiated by the Maharishi-thing, I liked that too - I felt very secure with my spiritual paths, I felt secure.

I felt that this was actually the answer I had been seeking, even though I did not know which question to ask. Because in the rest of my life I was rather uncertain. I mean I knew there were things I liked. I liked to play music, I liked to act in the theater, I liked singing - very much like that - I liked people.

But that did not have like a certain future to it. It was like a, the dream, how to fulfill the dream. So a vision, something to move forward to. But there wasn't really a certainty to it, it was very uncertain. And that was part of the attraction. It's very attractive when you're trying to fulfill a dream and you're moving towards it, and the outcome is very uncertain, every time there's a success you feel very good about it.

Now when I took up spiritual life for real and became like a monk in that Vaishnava tradition I felt much more certain because there was a certain element of absoluteness. Absoluteness in the (sense of) 'this is it, this is right, this is God, this is me, this is my relationship, this is guru. This is what I do, this is what He does, this is the scripture, absolut, the entire thing is going to get me somewhere, that's certain.

Now that kind of certainty has an inner warmth to it. Meaning that it makes you feel secure, that certainty is security. Just as uncertainty is unpredictable, certainty is very predictable. You can have confidence in what you're doing. That confidence can be translated to be faith, your faith, your confidence. You're very secure in your belief, in your vision, your belief, your expectation.


It's all set out for you, you don't need to worry about outcomes. You know, do this, get that. Kind of like baking a cake. You got the recipe, you get the right temperature, you got the right pant, put it in the oven. Generally it works.

Time: 13.51

So for some time I felt like really certain. Really certain in the sense that, yeah, this is the way it is and this is the way it's going to be. That's called the honeymoon period when you have nothing to worry about. No more questions, not these kind of questions, existential questions are resolved. And you have great faith, belief, you feel good, you feel warm, you feel fuzzy - honeymoon.

That period lasted for a certain period of time, and than reality started to knock on the door. Reality of things always aren't what they seem to be and maybe there's a problem here and maybe there's a problem with me. And than a bunch of doubts and so on. But these were basically systemic, in the sense of - not systemic, wrong word - these were utilitarian kind of doubts like functional doubts, that's the right word. Am I functioning properly in this system? Will this group manage itself properly? And so on.

The existential doubt? No. God is God, Radha and Krishna Radha and Krishna, guru is guru, all of that is safe and secure. It's just that these people over there may be a little bid crazy or I don't know what. That's different. Or maybe, "this manager, I don't really uh... nothing to do with that." That's different, that's something not existential, that's very real, that's very present. So certainty remains. You never question the absolute truth.

Let's fast forward to today. That was a pretty fast fast forward, fifty years or so. So how do I feel now? Well I can tell you quite frankly I have the same certainty about Radha and Krishna. I have the same certainty about spirit, about the energy of spirituality, about the energy of people. In fact I can honestly say my certainty is way (in a significant number) greater than it was than. Because than my certainty was based in belief, in faith, in a feeling. Not necessarily experiential feeling but a feeling that yes this is right. Now it's based in direct experience. There is a vast difference in the two.

And I also understand now that certainty is not, how to say? It's illusion, the idea of certainty is illusion. Uncertainty therefore is not really important because if - this is all dependent - if certainty is an illusion the opposite of it is not reality. Opposite of illusion is not reality in the sense, the opposite of illusory certainty is not definite uncertainty. What I mean to say is that reality is that at any given moment in time, any outcome is theoretically possible. So to think in terms of certainty, "this must be so", it's troublesome when you deal with spirituality.

I have a friend in New York, we go back, we joined the temple together in Brooklyn. Anyway, so he struggles all the time with this absolute jazz, this certainty jazz. So can you imagine somebody who has scientific capacity reading something like the Bhagavatam, the 5th Canto or something like that, or various statements that are made which are impossible. What do you do with them? How do you deal with them?


If the basis upon which all this certainty and non-changing absoluteness is literature that has these curve balls, or nuckle balls in baseball, you know the ball that doesn't just fly like this (shows his hand) it goes wueee.... (zigzag course). What you're going to do with that? So you really struggle with it. @Because you can't have like this fundamental absoluteness to it, when your mind just doesn't accept it. And the only way you can accept it is to say: "Well it must be true, I'm just to stupid to know it" or "one day someone will figure it out that it's actually right" or something like that. Or else they say: "It's not important."@

Time: 21.01

So okay, you can do that and whether you feel good about that or not depends on who you are. Or you can look at it and say: "I don't think that's important. I don't think anything is important except the fundamental essence of reality."

The fundamental essence of reality is: There is this basically unlimited existence within the energy of an unlimited divine being's, within these divine being's support the fiber through which all divine energy flows and I am as essence within that, relating with that. Beyond that nothing else really matters. It doesn't matter whether a history was true or false or whether a philosophical idea is certain and we should believe it or not. There is this existence, that we can be certain of. What is going on within this existence, it doesn't matter whether we're certain or not. Because all that counts is what is happening right now in front of my face, or my expanded energetic face - everything else doesn't matter.

Now I know that sounds very cold, it sounds very egocentric. It's not. It's the way in which one actually comes to terms with reality. ... Because part of my existence, part of my experience in this moment is other people, are the events that are right in front of me.

If the storm which I may, before it comes, declare as not in front of me or important were to come, I would be foolish. Because it's part of my extended energetic reality. Because I'm aware of it and it's coming. Well there may also be parts, there may also be situations where I'm not aware of it, like when a twister comes. I don't know if you have much experience with these. We also get these in Florida. It's a little cyclone, it's called a twister. And they pick up houses and cars and chuck them here and there. And so you never know they're coming. I mean you might if you're lucky, if you happen to look out the window. But they're really fast. They're just cheooow...

Sometimes like when you just die, you've a heart attack and fall over dead. You don't know it's going to happen. But you may think I'm certain, I'm going to die. At any given point in time. You may even have a philosophical idea: "I am going to die, I'm certain of it. I am okay with that." And you can declare it a certainty. And thus you can say, with absolute certainty that there is certainty, certainty is not illusion, because I am going to die.


Yeah, but. The real uncertainty about it is what happens next. I mean dying is something that is just one of the infinite number of moments you experience. It's just like all of these infinite number of so small moments you can't measure them, death is one of them. One moment you're alive, one moment you're not alive. The uncertainty is what happens next?

To base a belief system on certain certainties like death, is kind of useless. Because the uncertainty is far superior or far greater, far more powerful, than that very infinitesimal certainty. The major aspect of the uncertainty is what happens next? Where do I go? What do I do? And that uncertainty is not required. Because, well, you go where you can go, you do what you can do.

One of the biggest problems that some people have when they die, not everybody, some people, is that they don't know what to do when they die. People who are very used to dealing with life, who accept every moment and who deal with every moment - whether they do it perfectly or not, not really the issue here, but they deal with it - they don't just hide or run away or get afraid. They may have some fear but they deal with things. That person when he dies, or she dies, are freed from the body, they have gone through that moment of departure and their consciousness is: "what next?" Or they don't even think "what next?" That's actually just me illustrating the point.

They think: "Well, here we are, what's that? That, hello, Oh! Allright, well, I don't have much choice, do I? Okay sure", kind of attitude. After death they step, step into the next. It's not even that they're going into the next. They have learned the art in life of accepting experience and dealing with it. And they just move with that.

There are some people - I mean there's a vast, there's a great variety of people all with different experiences, I'm giving you extremes - some people don't deal well with events, they fight things, they don't accept very nicely things, they tend to think something's wrong. "That's not right." "This is not the way it supposed to be." I love that statement, "supposed to be, this is not what I expected" or whatever.

So they meet death with, like: "Oh!" And than they are there, whatever that is. And they're still here because they didn't catch any impetus, moving or understanding or going. And they become very bewildered, they need help, they need somebody to move them on, they need some... They may even go to their various persons or loved ones or whatever. Sometimes that's done just because they want to say good bye, they want to apologize to somebody. They want somebody to understand: "It's okay, don't worry about it, I'm alright." That's another thing. And when they finish that, they move on.

Time: 31.38


But there are some who are like, they are like: "Oh my, what am I doing, what's happening? Oh, no!" And they are bewildered because they're uncertain. They translated that uncertainty they had in life, which was this not acceptance of events, not acceptance of experiences, because they felt experiences had to be in a certain format, because they were told that's the way experiences are. And so they didn't had to deal with it.

That's very serious. Even if you are a great spiritualist, if you feel that you have a very great certainty about who you are, where you're going, what's going to happen, and you're not met by swan airplanes and trumpets and than you're there and you say: "Hu what's happening.

I mean certainty can be your enemy. Not only is it something which is illusory - because the only thing that you can be certain of is existence, that whole package of it. But that is a... how do you describe existence? What is it? Is it a noun as in a thing? Is it a state? Well, yes, it's a state of being of all things. It's the state of existence. It's the matrix upon which everything hangs, the network upon which everything rests and resides and we are in it. It is that energy of the souls, the energy of spirit, the energy of the divine beings flowing. And upon this we creat momentary experiences according to the situation we find ourselves in.

That we can count on, that's a certainty. There's never any point in time that that can be anything else than what it is. It doesn't matter what happens, it doesn't matter what happens to you, it doesn't matter what happens to anybody. This you can bed your money on, this you can bank on, this you can depend on, this is reality.

On top of this religion is build, science is build, cities are build, societies are build, art, theater, music, all of it sits on that certainty. And every one of those things is not certain. Because certainty that we can define in our right, left brain jazz is illusion. It's just like a mixture of colors that flows and changes.

So what? Okay, considering this, what do you do? How do you live? How do you live if you know this fact? What choices would you make? Well, if you're aware of existence, the state of existence, well, I'm important. I the essence, my energy, how my energy flaws. Each of us have that responsibility. Each of us are responsible for that flow in the network of existence. We're responsible what we contribute.

And our most significant relationship is with the divine energy. Radha and Krishna if you will, Gaur Nitai if you will, whoever your deity is if you will. Your relationship, the way in which your energy flows, that is the state of existence. Everything else is transitory in one way or another.

Time: 37:40


So how do you live in that? Well let's consider if essence is the real thing, is essence standing alone? No because essence is everywhere, its overlapping it's mixing. My personality within it, sure your personality, but our energies are constantly connecting. We feel all the time all the energy within that, there's only one of us in that sense. So what's important is the integrity of that.

As long as you respect that integrity, as long as you are feeding it so to speak - wrong word but you know what I mean - emanating into it, right word but sounds weird. As long as you're feeding it, the essence of existence, you're very compatible with its fundamental nature, or you're very compatible with its nature. Its fundamental nature and its nature are exactly the same.

So that is okay. Anything else you feed cannot sit on that essence. It cannot... Wrong word! It can sit on and it does sit on and its build upon but cannot touch that essence, it sits upon it. Because the essence is self-regulatory, it's only spirit, but we creat these stuff on top of it.

Think about religion, because after all that's what we talk about a lot here, not religion as such but spirituality. All of the varieties of religion, each one of them, based in a particular historical culture, a very historical culture in a geographic area meaning that it's a construction which is supported by the mentality of the people it was meant for.

Within that even though it may proclaim itself to be an infallible, absolute whatever, the only part of it which is truly valid is where you are encouraged to feed the essence with your goodness, your spiritual energy of love, where you are of service, where you are of caring and concern and considerate of others all the time. Where it all begins with you, where you are simply considerate and understanding that we are in this together, and therefore it is my responsibility, as a spiritual being, to be part of the state of existence according to the absolute best essence of spirit I am.

That is your responsibility. And the more you can do that the more you can be depended on, the more you can be relied on. And when there's no doubt or reservation or suspicion about who you are, you live on that platform. In other words I just explained the real qualification for living in that spiritual realm.

It doesn't matter where you are physically, it matters that you are in that state of essence. Obviously there is going to be some struggle with it. After all we're still in this (shows to the body). But when you die, which means that those restrictions which had been placed on you, which were in another sense a facility or a challenge that you could meet. But if your consciousness is very much connected with that essential reality, the reality of that essence, that unlimited essence, timeless essence, when all of the restrictions and obstacles are pealed away at death, for example, if your consciousness is ripe, you flow within that experience, it''s natural, it's automatic.

Time: 44:30


We all, well, anyway, those who have been with us since many years in the Harimedia community when we did those group meditations, we felt that. No longer were we situated in various - we weren't in different places of the world, we weren't in different times, we were connected and we felt that essence sharing. It is natural for us, all these other stuff is not.

So what does have to do with the price of bread? Well, I'm not sure, I really can't answer that question. The price of bread is going to change and what you do with that bread is going to change, and whether or not you eat bread is going to change. The effect of it is going to change, everything is going to change.

How you deal with that demonstrates who you are. So I think personally it's very, very exciting this so called uncertainty. Because it gives an opportunity to act in a new way. Just like doing something different, going to a different place, meeting new people, talking about something very unusual that you've never talked about before, pushing the limits of your consciousness, this is good. Because it places you in an energy which forces you to bring out the best in yourself, to reply or to respond.

But this you can't do if you're emotionally exhausted, if you're stressed. If you're emotionally exhausted and stressed in such a way that every little thing, every little stress causes you to react, it's like you're at the limit, you can't handle it anymore, you're emotionally exhausted. It's also called adrenal exhaustion because your adrenal glands had been pumping out the fight and flight syndrome that stress creates, and you're just exhausted. You have mental health problems, you feel depressed, you're not really inspired to do much, motivation becomes less.

I mean this is a serious issue. If you're emotionally exhausted acting on that spiritual platform - very difficult. Here's a scenario: I'm meditating and I'm connected, I feel great and somebody taps you on the shoulder and says: "Hey, I need this." And you're like. (Shows a man who's shouting) It's incompatible you see. Because you can get to that, sure, it's natural, it's easy, but you can't maintain it in a meaningful way.

A meaningful way means like if you were to die in that state, you're not going to be clear when you come on the other side of whatever it is. You are not going to be able to just say: "Okay here this? Okay! That? Sure, naturally, whatever. Where we go?" You are going to be in this: "No! What? Me?" Because of emotional exhaustion.

It's a very serious issue. And one that was never treated in religion across the board. Emotional exhaustion, the stress. Indeed many things created more of that stress. You had to follow rules, you had to do this and that. It didn't matter if you were tired, it didn't matter if you were out of your mind. "It doesn't matter, you must, must, must." But you can't, it's just not human. My God you're a human being. And you end up hating yourself.


You know like in an Ingrid Bergmann movie with the guy with the (shows a man who is flogging his back) ... "Mea culpa!" Anyway, stress, emotional stress of having to be perfect and not being perfect. And you get emotionally exhausted and you can't do it. So that has to be treated. One has to not have emotional exhaustion. One has to be... Go on vacation, do something different whatever it is, different stuff, physical exercise, lots of it. Make changes, do things different. Meet new people, do new things, do something fun.

Fun is not an evil thing, fun is not the work of the devil, fun is as important as that bread. It's a food for the soul. I mean after all look at the talks between the gopies, and Radha and Krishna and the gopies and the cowherd boys, it's all a pile of fun. Well I mean there is other things too. There's a lot of fun, they have fun. Fun. It's important, it's a spiritual thing.

Emotional exhaustion is death, emotional exhaustion kills the soul. And constantly being in a state of uncertainty kills the soul. Constantly being in a state of certainty, after a while also kills the soul because there's no way out. Where does the doubts go? Where does the feeling of insufficiency go? Where does the idea you're not good enough go? It just goes inside and eats you inside, eats you inside.

And how you're going to understand what you are and what the real thing is? You can't, it doesn't work. So change is not bad but change for the sake of change, unless it's therapeutic, also not necessarily great. So that's what I had to say. I don't even know if I had to say that, it just came out. (Hari is laughing)

You know, whenever I'm going to have to speak and I'm certain about what I'm going to say, it's usually the absolute worst lecture or worst thing I ever said. Because all I have to do is say one word wrong or one sentence wrong or whatever and than I'm all screwed up. That's why nowadays you see me more saying wait a minute, that's the wrong word, and no that's not the way to say it. I mean, come on! You expect me to give you a perfect talk? It's just of the top of my head, you know. We got to be able to say o"Hey, that wasn't right" or "I didn't like that." Or "Let's do that again, roll that back, start again."

Time: 54:39

Re: Uncertain Certainty - What Really Matters

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2021 6:44 pm
by harsi
Question and Answer session.

Question: "What if you have confidence - that's a new word in that sense - what if you have confidence that everything will be okay and that all is well, even if apparently the situation looks quite opposite at the moment, and it really does turn out well, is it certainty?

Hari: Well I'll answer that backwards, the opposite. When you said it looked apparently the opposite at the moment, well, that's very subjective. If you expected you're going to have a perfect outcome and you declare "if I do not get that outcome things will not be okay," that's your choice, you've made the choice to define your acrivity, "My activity has value to me only if this is the result."

Hey let's go back to Bhagavad-gita for a second. "You have a right to your prescribed duty, you have a right to act, you don't have a right to the result." In other words the result is uncertain. What's certain is the actions. Again, because that's part of that fundamental essence upon which we all exist, all the time our energy is flowing. It's action, it's our energy, it's our sharing, that is certain, that is our existence. But what happens, may or may not happen.

So if you act with the demand "it should end up like that," you should examine that. "Do I really need it to be so? Must it be so? Is it so?" And than question that and adjust accordingly. Or if you have the attitude "I'll try my best because it would be beneficial for this that - we fill in the spaces - if it works out like this, I'll try my best." You don't have to have certainty and uncertainty. These qualities are very... they're troublesome. I think the best attitude, my opinion, is that you just act the best you can, hope for the best. If you expect the worst than act in such a way that all these possibilities are reduced.

Just like today when we were going to start the broadcast. You know, I don't know if you know it, but me and Maha start like an half an hour before, trying to figure out everything to make sure it works. For me, I set it up, it takes ten minutes. But the uncertainty is what this internet connection is like. We are intercontinental, we are lots of thousands of miles away. We're going on a signal that goes underneath the Atlantic Ocean amongst other places. I mean anything can go wrong.

So even though we did that, it didn't work. Ordinarily I would have been quite - or I mean previously, I guess I'm older now - I would have been in great anxiety trying to figure out this that and the other thing. But honestly, it works or doesn't work what can I do? We try our best. We got it together. Okay but there is defect, it's not perfect. There's some defect, it's not like, you know, on broadcast television where they edit everything and make it all perfect. Even though forty times the actor tried to say that line and couldn't get it right.


This is reality, this is live. There's no safety net, there's nothing holding us up. It's exactly like when you talk to another person, you can't unsay it. You can say "That was so stupid of me, that's not what I meant to say." Maybe it works, maybe not. But this is reality. So I think personally, the idea that you need to have everything work a certain way, maybe laudable if you're trying to do good but when it doesn't, don't make things double bad because of it, just deal with it.

"And if you have that mentality "that no matter what is happening I'll deal with it" - Hey, I'm not saying it's easy or it's possible all the time - but if you have that mentality, you'll be able to get through life a lot better and you'll be able to closer approximate the way in which you can feed the energetic essence with your choices and your actions best.

Time: 1:01:17

Question: Can we have both certainty and uncertainty at the same time for balance?

Hari: Yeah, but like I said, your thought that there is certainty is illusion, it's uncertain because it's going to change. This idea that you're certain about this. Okay let's just accept for a second certainty and uncertainty. Just for the sake of argument, it's okay. These are words we use all the time and I'm going to stop kidnaping these words for my own, my own topic.

Yes certainty and uncertainty at the same time has value. Like you can be like certain that you know what you're doing when you're driving, yet there's uncertainty that somebody can walk in the road. So you're always aware of that, so that you keep the two things at the same time. That's not exactly the best example but awareness is the state of continuously scanning with whatever tools you have to make life go the right way. Because you're quite certain you want that, but you're not very certain about how that will happen. So naturally that's part of existence. But I don't think that's as important as we might think that these two concepts balance each other. But I just wanted to answer your question.

Question: "If I don't have faith and confidence - again confidence, certainty - that the cake will turn out well, even if I'm not attached to having the cake, why would I bother making it?"

Hari: Well I'm talking to you. When I sit down here I have absolutely no certainty and because of my personality I really don't have much confidence that anything I'm going to say is going to be worth your effort to listen. I'm experimenting. Let's put it like this, every single lecture I give is an experiment and you're the subjects of this experiment. I sit here, you know, with my test tubes makes it up tuu, heat it up, ad something in, (showing with his hands how he would experiment) I'm mixing up these brew and I'm handing it to you. Who can guarantee it's so?


Okay I have experience. "It's not my first rodeo" as people like to say here. We've ridden this horse before, we know the characteristics of riding this lecturer horse. We know how to get ourselves out of trouble when we get ourselves in trouble. Like when I say something stupid I go "Iiii" I'd fix that. Or "That's dull, let's change the subject." I've been here before, I've done it before, but still it's an experiment. But I am doing something I have some experience doing. I'm not going to give you a lecture on advanced applied mathematics. I don't have any ability because I have no confidence, that will not turn out any good. So sure, but when it comes to baking a cake, which is the example used, I might want to see if I can do it and than I might experiment with it.

Why do you have to be certain before you do something? Why do you have to have confidence before you do something? Why can't you just do something because: "hey, why not? Why can't I just try it? Why can't I just do something I don't know if it's going to work out, but why not? Why can't I just do it?" I don't know if that's exactly the answer you want but...

Here's another question, and I thought about this while I was speaking and also today I talked about this, I thought about this very much. The most uncertainty is during war because wartime everything is uncertain. Whether you can eat or not eat, whether there's water, not water, whether your country exists or your family exists or your house exists, all of it is up for grabs, uncertain. Yet at the same time you can be more into your essence, your spirit, because ultimately you can understand what really counts, what's really there beyond all of this. That in some sense is really the only shelter we have. No in all sense it is the only shelter we have.

So yes, certainly you can feel quite anxious about all these uncertainties that are there in a war situation. Yet at the same time you can seek shelter in that which is the real essence of all of existence, and know you'll be, you'll have another opportunity to share with it.

Well, I tell you good luck, good luck to all of you! May you all find what you desire, may you all experience that essence which is the real experience that counts more than all others. May you experience the connection to the Supreme. May you act as that best personality you can possible be, considering all things and all people, all beings, future as well, and may you live in love and happiness and the best of health! And next week we're going to get it much better together when it comes to the broadcast.