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Deepening our Understanding of our Essence and it's Creations.

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2020 10:23 pm
by harsi
A lecture by Hari broadcasted live on YouTube on 17.09.2016
Watch and listen to at:

..Hello! And welcome to all of you who have taken time out of your day to share with us your interest in spiritual affairs, share with us your time, share with us your energy. And I hope that I would be able to say something which will assist you in some way to better your life, to improve something about your existence, and to be of service to the people of this planet in my own little way.

So we have been talking about very deep subjects. A deep subject and various tangential aspects of that subject. But I want to speak about something even more fundamental in relationship to ourselves, when we speak about these dimensions.

In the late sixties, early seventies, in mid seventies, certain scientists took up research about consciousness. The consciousness of people was radically changed, shaken up in the second part of the 1960-is. And at that time the boundaries of what we normally understood to be our field of activity was stretched, the boundaries were stretched. So everything was up to a question now, we could question everything. We didn't really accept anything at face value, we wanted to see more about it, what was behind it.

Now out of this came an idea that our perception, our consciousness, was bound by perception. What we had within our consciousness was very much tightly in the grip of our perception, our sensual experiences. What we saw, what we heard, what we smelled, tasted, touched. So according to, I suppose any curious mind, a question would arise. What would happen if we removed sensory perception from the equation? What would be left? Because consciousness is something which seems to transcend sensory perception. So what is it? How do you experiment about it, how do you perceive it, how do you understand it more deeply?

So some rather, I would say, inventive fellow or group of people - I didn't researched the origins of this - created a sensory deprivation tank. It was a tank sealed off, filled with water, not completely filled but half filled or something with water. The participant would go into that tank and would have no... would not hear anything, could not see anything. There was no tasting, there was no smelling, it was very sterile, the water temperature was exactly bodily temperature and it was very dark. And they would just float there. It was very salty the water so you didn't have to struggle to float.


..I suppose that was really lousy for your health, because you can absorb a lot of salt through the skin. I knew that from the Mediterranean. So much salt you can absorb through the skin you never want to eat salt again or see salt again. But anyway, so you float in this environment and you're completely separated from all sense perception. Initially you try to hear, you try to see. But after a very short time you realize, there is no use to any of this, it's just not there. At one point a little panic comes: "I'm trapped." So than one has to get to the point of relaxing and just letting go.

The hardest thing is to let go, because we want to be in control of our environment, we want to have the capacity to escape if danger comes, to somehow have the ability to interact, to transform what's happening, or to add to it, or whatever. The hardest thing in a sensory deprivation tank is to let that go. I mean you could just imagine here you are all of a sudden in this blank environment without any possibility to control. I suppose there's some safety feature where you can get out of there if you want.

But while you're in there the most significant factor is the complete lack of control. And than once you let that go. Which means you just have faith in your environment, you come to the conclusion it's not gonna harm you, you come to the conclusion you're not needed to interact, you accept your situation. And than you just enter into that environment without pushing back, without reacting to it. You just let it be.

Now the reason I'm talking about this is because once you're in that state, which is very similar to a meditative state, very similar. You than find you create your space, you create your dimensional reality. And whatever occurs within that space is your creation. That is a very important realization. It's an experience that really teaches you about dimensional spaces. Because it's just you and you just creat it. That's why we like to meditate, because it's really the only time we simply experience ourselves.

I don't mean like when you're in a temple or you're with other spiritualists, or whatever. Because than you're very much interacting with others, you can't avoid it. But when you're in a secluded state of meditation, your consciousness is defining the limits of that space, if any. Your consciousness is entering into all areas of the space, and it's illuminating places which you thought were dark, and making connections wherever you can, if you wish.

Time: 12.16

So spirituality is fundamentally based in that experience, the full experience of self and the voluntary joining of self with the divine this is the fundamental basis of spirituality. It doesn't matter who talks about it, that's it. It doesn't matter what tradition, what religion, what philosophies this is the point the self which is now experienced within that meditational state.


..And again it does not have to be an official meditative state. You know with all the stereotypes of meditation. It can appear in many ways. I just mentioned one, the sensory deprivation tank. Which is a fabulous image of the meditative state, but it's even more importantly the experiences people had in that were phenomenal. They would talk about, they would enter into these realms, they would experience things. They would if they needed too go back in time in their own lives, or even see future or see other realms.

It very much depended on the persons consciousness, because no matter how you sliced it, everything in spiritual life depends on your consciousness, you cannot avoid it. Your spiritual life does not depend on some book, does not depend on some guru, does not depend on some association, does not even depend on deities somewhere else; your spiritual life depends on primarily, fundamentally, yourself.

Because if you don't have that you cannot connect to the divine, to Radha and Krishna, to God, Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Nityananda, or the devas, or anything in the celestial realms. Or even any creatures, celestial, devas of the forest, the nature spirits, or any kind of a connection cannot happen unless there is the integral consciousness that establishes the connection.

I mean you want to get on the telephone and call someone, you're making a connection. So, your telephone has to be your number, only your number, no one else's. You have to have it in your hand, it has to be up against your ear, or whatever, and you than use the network that you're signed up for, and you connect to somebody else who is in equally integrated state. So two complete telephone units, via the network, connect.

Now we all know God is a complete unit. We know that, we have faith in that, we all consider that an axiomatic truth. Fine. But we really have to think in the exact same way about ourselves. I don't mean we're God. Let's just put that away. I mean we are complete in ourselves. Our consciousness (is) complete, the integrity of being, essence, our identifying energy, our frequency we can dial up the divine, we can dial up what we want, that is done within the dimension we creat.

Now let's talk about that "we creat" because it's not exactly that we creat it. We may join it. Let's say there's a dimension somewhere; we can join it, we can tune ourselves in a similar way and join it, enter into it. It may be a completely different space than we are now in, but if we vibrate, if we creat a sympathetic frequency of that space, of that dimension, our consciousness is drawn to it and we enter into it.


..So we didn't creat that dimension, but we created that dimension, so to speak, in ourselves first and than we joined the already existing (one). Now I didn't explained that in the previous weeks because after all there is just so much you can say at one time. But when you creat a dimension it is not something new and unusual that has never existed before.

After all you have existed for all time, so your consciousness naturally flows into a particular environment. Just like if you enter into meditative state you always enter into your own space, it's not something new. You don't enter on somebody else's space. Like you go into a meditative state you don't enter into the space of the person next to you. You can share a space that the two of you agree to make or join, you become an us.

That's how it happens that we connect with the deities in the temple. We creat our space. I am, I have my consciousness focused on the essence, the energetic essence I am, and all the clutter of perception, all the clutter of the mind, all the clutter of desires, of hankering, lamentation and blah, blah, blah, pushed away, and I am. Than I have to consciously do something because I have created my space. I haven't created it obviously I just understood it, I realized it, I experienced what I am. It sounds absurd. I'm sorry but it sounds absurd, "I experienced what I am, I realized..."

Even the idea of realizing self; it is in many senses absurd. You don't realize your self; you experience when you're not messing up who you are with all this other junk. So when all the other junk ... somewhere else, you experience finally again who you are. Than you just allow yourself to feel a very focused energy. You willfuly feel, you just allow the energy of the divine, of the deity, Radha and Krishna or Gaur Nitai, or whatever your deity is.

It just works for all religions. Works for Christianity, works for Islam, works for the Jews, works for everybody, everywhere. It's the same exact thing. You have the self, the essence, and you just allow the energy of the divine to flow to you. And the reason this works is because your energy, the energy of that divine (are the) same energy. So you're already tuned, you are already in tune. If you understand self, you're already in tune with the divine.

Time: 23.08

It doesn't mean connected. Okay, on one level you're always connected, but you're in tune. Meaning your frequency is harmonically resonating with the frequency of the divine. So you just say, you recognize that. It's not something you have to say: "I recognize my..." You don't have to do that. You just do that with a feeling. That, yes, my frequency and yours is the same, I just absorb your energy. And it's not even that you have to ask the deities, "send me your energy." Their energy is always there.


..So what you're doing is you're saying: "I take my wall that was blocking that energy, I open the door and I allow myself to feel that energy." Did you catch that? I allow myself to feel the energy of God. Completely opposite to what people usually think: "Oh, I'm not good enough, that God would not send me, or I can't do." No not at all! I allow myself to feel the love from the divine, which is always there.

I don't need to ask for it, I don't need to creat it, neither could I creat it, I don't need to do anything except stop blocking it. So, I open those doors, like those old medieval, you know like a draw bridge over the moat around the castle, you know the... there is the moat with the alligator to eat you. Anyway. So, you draw it up and block off everything. So, you just drop it and you allow yourself to feel that energy. And it flows to you, and you absorb it like a sponge. You have to be a spongy material. You can't be a hard material, you must be a spongy material. You just absorb it.

Now, that's selfish, self centered. "I'm absorbing it, it's all about me." You're saying: "I'm getting that energy from you, I'm just Uh..." So we don't really come to the conclusion of this process until we reciprocate. The divine beings they really like it when you do this. The devas they really like it when you do this. They don't just like it, they love it. Radha and Krishna love it when you do this. You absorb their energy, accept Them for who They are and just really love it and then just send your energy of love to Them. They love that and than you can go further and creat this environment, this dimension, this space of you and Radha and Krishna. You've created this dimension and now you and them are in it as an us, we are Us together. What you do after that depends on you, on Them.

And again that dimension has openings, others can join it. Others join it, others are already in it and you just understand it. Oh, ah! It's very big. You know it's like a baby. Babies are only concerned with themselves. And than all of a sudden when they get to a certain age than they consider other babies. So you're in that dimensional space, and than there's this other beings - others join it too - you share, you reciprocate.

Time: 28.54

The spiritual world is not a mystery. It's not some unbelievable, unattainable, 'something' that maybe you get to - maybe - or you need mercy to get to. You enter it. Most people are scared to death. If I say this, they go: "Ah, oh!" They than make excuses, they quote philosophy, they worry about it. They say: "Not, not, not. This guy is bad, this guy, Hari, just babbles and says this ..." It's fear. Because it's completely possible, completely within your capacity, it is not impossible, it is your nature. What can be more natural than your nature? What could be more natural? What could be more compatible, what could be easier than to be who you are? Instead of worrying about all this other jazz.


..So this exact dimensional creation works in all aspects of life. Not even just what we would call spiritual, because everything is based in spiritual. You can connect to any person, you can connect to any situation, you can connect to even a story. A story can be created and you can make a dimension out of it. You can believe something to be and you creat that space in which it is. You creat, you have such power, you can do all of those things, and we do it all the time. We just believe something to be true, and we meet others who also believe it to be true, and there we are we got a dimension.

Now two weeks ago, there was a question about what you all in Russia call the egregors. You could call it thought forms, energetic thought forms, I've discussed it in my last book. I mean it's not a subject which is mysterious or anything, it's... Now what is really interesting; are these "egregors" or whatever you want to call them, this is an energy created with an emotional impetus, some real emotional power, where you creat a thought paired with such an emotion that it creates an energy that is separate from you, and is focused on another person.

Now mainly all of you know this, but if you don't, than I recommend anyway you buy my book. But besides that - you know we have to do some plugs. You are not paying for this, so allow me to give a plug. (make an advertisement) But anyway. So these thought forms, these energetic thought forms are created by an inherent power within you. And what is interesting about them is they are not limited by time or space.

That thought form travels to whatever place the recipient is occupying. The recipient doesn't have to be even alive. Could be somebody who died before, could be somebody who's not even taking birth yet. I mean in an extremely... I don't want to get there, I don't want to go to that one. But, anyway, it could be anybody, anywhere. And it can also sit in a place which was occupied by a situation and just stay there throughout time.

I have experience of that. I have been in places where some really bad stuff happened. I mean we're talking about monumentally bad stuff. I was in Cusco in Peru, stumbled upon one of these places. Uhh! After thousands of years those thought forms, those 'egregors,' are still there from the victims, from the mentality of those who were doing human sacrifice. It was so thick, you could touch it.

There are places where war crimes and horrors took place. And if you just tune to it a little bid you just feel the presence there of these energetic thought forms that are related to the place, and in recent history related to persons. So even if you die and take birth again it finds you, because it doesn't care. It's not vibrating according to your name, it's not vibrating according to your body, it's vibrating according to your energy. The 'egregor,' the thought form, has stuck on your energy. It's not just your present status, it's your energetic existence.


..So you die and take another body, it still finds you. It doesn't matter which dimension you're in, it still finds you. It's inter-dimensional, it's not limited by time, not bound by time, not bound by place, it finds (you) wherever you are. That's an incredible thing I think. It really proves the transcendental nature of energy, of conscious personal, focused, directed energy. It goes anywhere it shot, nothing stops it.

So I think that's cool. I mean when it was asked of me, I thought I could give a whole lecture on that subject. I would experience this, I would see it. I mean I had a real problem when I was a child because I used to see all the stuff, and (also) because nobody else ever talked about it, nobody else ever mentioned it, nobody else ever even wrote about it in those days. You know I was born in 1948. So the fifties <1950> you can imagine. Anyway, so I used to see these stuff, I used to feel it. And it used to really - I used to wonder where did it come from, because in my life I'm just a kid, I didn't do anything like that. And a lot of these things didn't have anything to do with me, they were just there.

So I had experience of this from a very young age. And I even remember when I forced I shot the door on it, I shot the door. And I also remember that at the point I shot the door was at the point my consciousness became a little bid alien to myself - my consciousness - I became somehow separated from it, became an alien, something different from me.

And then there was like some spirituality appeared. I guess it was time. And than again I was just feeling. But this time I was looking beyond all of those thought forms that were flying around. I was looking beyond all of this energy that we were creating amongst ourselves without even knowing it.

Time: 39.50

And I was looking for the green fields of the spiritual energy. I'm sure you don't know this, but I was first a Baha'i. And I really loved those green fields in the Baha'i faith. So I think that the way in which we focus our attention is very much related to our growth path. We have a path, a certain kind of a blue print of our lives where growth or realization or experience, or lack of it, is kind of like written into it by design. I'm sure we help design it.

And when we get around to the other side of this, when we get from the point of having experienced all these thought forms and all of the ways in which they relate to us and to our environment, to our dimensions, and we come to the point of wanting to connect to Radha and Krishna, connect to the Supreme, to the divine, we can look back on those thought forms, we can look back, even on an "egregor" that is coming at us.


..Because in the Russian that word I think it is more related to an aggression, where something is aggressively coming to you. That's not necessarily there in the English description of it, but that doesn't matter, it's very similar. So, we see these things in a very different way, because we are on the other side of it. We see it with first of all we understand how we were participating in the situation that created it, and we feel repentant for that. And we can burn that situation up in our repentance, or our embrace of the responsibility of the situation - our responsibility.

And we also look in the way in which it is being created towards others with compassion. And we try to heal that by bringing that within our space, or bringing our space over that - I don't think that's possible - but bringing that within our space and offering it healing, or connecting that to the divine and offering that healing. So I think those who we call prophets, those who we call divine beings who come to save us, are spiritually evolved souls who bring us into their dimension. And if you think about it, that's exactly what happens. Like I remember when I met Prabhupada, he brought me within his dimension.

I felt the same thing with many spiritualists, in India also, there're really powerful ones. I met many who brought me into their dimension. When that personality who's so incredibly powerful brings you within their dimension, you feel a healing in that. And as long if you require that, it remains, you stay within that space, and than you thank it and let it go. But when you're in that space, if that space says to you: "You're in here, you can't get out of it ever, no matter what you do." Either that or "you're just going to ruin everything in your life," don't believe that! Because remember you have created the dimension within which the tuning takes place. If you allow that to be created for you and you just seed your freedom to it, but that's also your creation. So, you can also take it back by saying, "no!"

Because there has to be two, there has to be you with all your integrity, with your essence intact, connecting to the divine. Because if that formula is broken, if something cracks that connection in that formula, you're not able to maintain the connection. And I think that's very, very important to understand how much our spiritual life depends on us, how much the divine beings look to us to initiate the connection.

Their doors are always open, we are the problem. Open the door, let the energy flow in. Very rarely Lord Caitanya will come and kick down your doors. See, what was special about Lord Caitanya was at one point in his life he decided enough of these doors, enough of these moats with their huge gates blocking of the spiritual experience. And he put his foot through those doors, knocked them down, and flooded you so much with that love that it just woke up what was already there within you, and you embraced it instantly. Because he wasn't going anywhere to you embraced it. That's rare.

What's the usual method is you open the door and flow through it after feeling the safe, beautiful, comforting love of the divine. And I think that this should be recognized as far, far easier than you might have conceived of in the past. It is the easiest thing you can do' because if you think it's hard, you're doing something wrong. A flow is easy. Water flows, it's easy, there's nothing hard about it. It may stop because there's no place for it to flow, but the flow itself is easy. So we have to open the door and let it flow, and than spiritual life becomes a pleasure. I hope that was of assistance.

Re: Deepening our Understanding of our Essence and it's Creations.

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2020 10:09 pm
by harsi
A lecture by Hari broadcasted live on YouTube on 17.09.2016
Watch and listen to at:

Time: 48.50

Hari: I'm going to look through some of the questions.

Someone's asking: "If the Sun... is it God? I feel it's light is the light of love. Are the stars God?"

Hari: Well, I think I'll avoid the obvious answer to that and speak about this in another way. If you make that same kind of connection to the Sun and you feel that energy of the Sun, not the rays of the Sun but that essence of the Sun, and even if it's not God, you're still connecting to Surya, the deva.

Now connecting to Surya is a really difficult thing to do. Not easy. Because Surya is very burny, vaporizy, burny, (he's) burning things up, moving, burning, very big and powerful. So, making that connection (is) rather difficult.

But if you do, than one of the characteristics of Surya is that all of that energy is directly connected to the divine. Because such power exists only because it is being fed by that divine source. So you would eventually, if you were to do this over long periods of time, find that divine source. If a star is a Sun in another galaxy, sure, it's the same exact thing.

So it's not necessarily a bad thing, I would not say it's a bad thing. I would say that it is fine. If you wish to see it in that way, you certainly can. Whatever gives you that experience of connection is a very important step. Because once you experience that connection, if you're attuned to the Sun or of the Sun God or the divine energy of the Sun, flow with it. Because once you learn how that connection is voluntarily created at your will, you can than focus it in other places at will as you like. And that's a very important tool in your spiritual tool chest, the capacity to connect. So I applaud that.

Time: 52.40


Here's an interesting question: "If we creat the dimension in which we believe, and there are many others who believe it too, is this all real or just a product of our imagination? Let's say if you believe in a specific spiritual world. Is that specific kind of spiritual world also our creation, or imagination, or is it an independent reality?"

Hari: Great question! Also I addressed it in the lecture. There's two ways you can be involved in this. It's like you join an existing dimension or you can creat, or join one that is some kind of other - it's also existing but it's not necessarily eternal. There is the thing.

Let's take as axiomatic. Because if you don't, we're going to get in trouble. Let's take as axiomatic the spiritual world. Let's just assume that's axiomatic truth. Because if you don't, I don't want to get involved in this 'begetty' mess that you have to start talking about. I accept it as axiomatic. So let's accept it as axiomatic for this sake of this discussion. The eternal existing dimension I can join. In that case there is that existing spiritual dimension, and I tune myself, I enter it, I join that space, I become part of it.

Now, let's say there's another space - doesn't matter what it's called, doesn't matter what you think it is - that is existing because many people believe it to be so. And again, all that matters is that they believe it with their heart. It's like a thought form creation with this emotion, with this heart, with this belief, with this faith. They embrace it with this thought. Sometimes philosophies are born around this. And it's that space and it may have already been existing before you found out about it. But originally it might have been created by somebody. It's not an eternal space. This is very possible.

Many religions are born like that. I'm not saying good or bad, yes or no. I'm just talking about the dimensional space. And the originators of this created this dimensional space complete with its heavens and hells, and abodes of God and all of the whatever connectors to God or... and
than you join it because you believe it.

The question is: Is that as good, is that as valuable, is that as important, as the eternal one? Wow! But what do we mean by that? What's the difference? Let's say you have God, you invited God into your space. Whatever form of that God, you invited God in your space. And you created a whole description of that space.

Well, what's the difference? There's you, there's God, there's the space, there are others in it. What's the difference? Maybe that one is eternal, maybe not. You don't know. You believe it. You believe it with all your heart and soul. You'll die embracing that belief, you'll fight for it philosophically, with swords if need be. So will they.


What's the difference, does it matter? ... If you're acting in the interacting relationship of love. If that's there, it doesn't matter how it's painted, how it's described, where it is. Because whatever it is, it's part of the great dimension of the nature of God.

The problem comes when these spaces get screwed up with other stuff. And you can just imagine how that happens. Historically through time religions have gotten really screwed up. Because they left their spiritual space and did other stuff, saying it was the work of God, or the task of God, or the important stuff of God, or service to God. Like these 'heson?' have to be killed, these witches have to be burned.

And just because the recent interactions of like the Hare Krishnas hasn't really gotten that bad - I mean sure, this terrible things but, you know, we are not burning witches in those places - does not mean anything. Because given enough time everything gets screwed up. As soon as you go beyond what is and you get into all these little details. Yet at the same time you're not maintaining the purity of that essence, that essential connection, things get screwed up.

Now, I think it's very important... When you say imagination only. But if the connection is made, is that imagination? It might be imagination if you're not connecting to the divine. Let's say you're connecting to something else. If it... Now we use the term "does not exist" but we make things too with our consciousness and it exists. It doesn't matter if it's, you know, bonafide, registered, card carrying thing. We creat it and it exists. These thought forms exist. ... So, a lot of people say this and than others say, "ah, come on," because they're imagining something else to be real.

It's not necessary to discuss these things because it's not really relevant. Whether it's imagination, or not, is simply an opportunity to argue. Whether this faith, or that faith is fitting the proper rules of divine is simply an opportunity to argue. We don't need more opportunities to argue. We are really good at this.

Time: 1.02.50

Someone wrote in the chat: "My son is currently in Minecraft world with thousands of others. The players can creat worlds and others can join."

Hari: Hey! These games, I've never actually played one. I've seen adds for them, I've never played one. But yeah, this is where you have, hear people, and make things, and do things together interactively. And you creat these like - realms.


I mean, it really is an educational institution for dimensional spaces. I wander if in these spaces they ever have any prophets, or... I know they have avatars. But I wonder if any of the avatars becomes a prophet. Because it really is, we can prove... Some people live their lives in these games. You know, they weight like 8000 pounds and they're just sitting in front of these games all the time. And they are likening fast. I mean it's like there's like direct connection between the neurons in the brain and their fingers and the controllers.

Now they're making that. Where they actually tab into your brain, they're making virtual reality versions of it. Of course everybody is getting 'noisios' in those, but they're working on it. And soon they'll have whole body suits. You know like they did to make avatar. They have all this sensors and than they use a green screen and then they fill that in with some kind of image. And you can live your whole life as an avatar within some other dimension. Why not? If you find it for yourself, it gives you some ... The guys who wrote it are far more important than you. You're playing by their rules. Ah, maybe a subtle point.

Question:: Some people could creat a space and place a kind of God who they call, who's not really a God, but is some kind of strange thing.

Hari: Yes. And they're certainly doing - I'm just reading the question. Yes - and this is the answer - yes, they can certainly do it and they have done it throughout time.

That's not what I meant, when I said the essence connecting to the divine within some other religious experience. I was trying to be positive and show how any religious tradition can creat this essential connection. But there are some which are strange, dangerous, harmful. I admit it. Yes there are, and that's something totally different.

It's the same kind of creation of dimensional space, but not one that im interested in talking about.

Here's a good question that ends with a misunderstanding. I'll read it to fix it.

Question: So than could it be the eternal spiritual world is many facets? All are real. But because the spiritual world is flexible... All are real because the spiritual world is flexible and adjusts itself to our belief system.


Hari: Maybe. I have trouble with the words belief system. It's not... When we talked about spiritual world we are no longer talking about belief system. If your question ended with adjust itself to our interaction, or accommodates our interaction, I would say absolutely. But because this question ends with "to our belief system," no! Because our belief system is not part of it. Belief system has nothing to do with it. The spiritual world is not a creation of belief system, it's an experience.

Time: 1.08.18

Okay, here is a comment: Is the contact with God only energetic or can we feel a touch?

Hari: You know I've talked about in the past that when you're very energetically aware energy is as dense, or more dense than this matter. I've experienced that multiple times where the energy is far more dense than this matter is. Now that's just backwards, because the definition of dense, you know, refers to these molecules staffed together. So, energy is not like that. So, by definition of the usual definition of dense it's scientifically incorrect what I said.

But energetically if you think of the quality of what you're touching, it is far more dense in the sense of information, in the sense of its quality and characteristic. There's far more of that. There's far more in the energy of the divine than in this computer screen. So let's say this finger touches this computer screen, okay here we are, (...) I touch here right with my finger (touches the camera). But all that really is, is this little bid of skin having some pressure which the nerves bring to my brain, which translate to feeling.

It's not that I'm actually feeling that. It's a separated event which is a bunch of stimulus, nerve, electric nerve impulses zoom to here and here (Hari touches his head) it's arranged into a touch experience. That's not dense at all. It is like the Matrix, like the movie, it's just all these programming, zeroes and ones' and electronic impulses which are sending that information.

Is that dense? That's like really subtle, that's like way out there, just like nothingness. That's our lives. We're thinking that we're the dense and out there is like the real ... No way. We're the zeroes and ones and out there is where all the real dense stuff is. How about that? Never thought about that, did you? I'm just having fun with you.

Time: 1.12.10

Okay, I'm going to rephrase this question, because it's you know after more than almost fifty years of dealing with you guys who speak a very strange English, I'm getting pretty good at it. So I'll translate it into something that makes more English sense.


This person is asking: How do I recognize and connect to the real spiritual world? Not the one that I created or was based on my understanding of God and the divine. The question ends.

Hari: Well, that's what I spoke about. Because the fundamental basis of all of that is, essence that I am, and divine that is, and accepting that connection. This is, you don't creat an understanding of God and than make a connection. It's not that you creat an understanding, or even accept one, or you believe one. It has nothing to do with that. You are who you are, the essence of what is pure spirit, and you allow that connection to take place. Maybe you weren't listening since the beginning of the lecture. So I suggest that when we're done, it will come up on YouTube sooner or later, you could start it from the beginning again. I very clearly address that issue.

Time: 1.14.43

Here's an interesting question: "If millions of people begin to think that someone is God in their imagination. Let's get rid of that word. If millions of people begin to think... If millions of people think that someone is God, to some person, can that person become God or an avatar of God?

Hari: Interesting. Well, why are millions of people thinking this? There must be something about that person which is special. Because millions of people do not think like that if somebody is not very special. So there must be something about that person. That's for sure. Now, what that 'something' is? I don't know. Because it could be multiple people were talk about. But yes, there's something about the person which is special and than people recognize that and assume something.

Let's say the original associates or the original group around that person assume something and than others agree with them, for whatever reason, and it becomes followers all who have assumed or agreed to assume the same thing. And in that way that person becomes the focus of all of this assumption. And all the power of all these people get's placed into them, they are feeding that environment, they are feeding that situation, and building it up, and making it more and more and more powerful. Yes, it happens all the time.

It happens not only with gurus or prophets. It happens with sports heroes, politicians, music stars, actors, the guy who invented Facebook. This complete waste of a human existence. You're just spend all day reading about what somebody ate. I'm no fan of Facebook. And, I mean, we creat these things and we pump them up, because they give us pleasure. And you can creat your God that way too, up to you and a million others. I think the way I answered it was very generic and I'd like to keep it that way. Not having to talk about this one or that one or the other one.