Energetic Integrity
Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2019 12:41 am
From 9 April 2011.
Establishing and maintaining our energetic integrity is the key to our individuality and our future, and it forms the basis for all stable, functional, and progressive community development. The discussion ranges through historical, personal and social topics and focuses the spiritual relevance of it all.
Listen at: https://harimedia.net/downloads/lecture ... egrity.mp3
"And let's just consider a second what we are doing together. We are countering the energy that is being pushed at us, we are countering the energy which is being forced upon us, we are literally declaring a revolution against the speed of what is going on in the world around us."
"But one of the most significant things we are doing is, we are transforming the frequency of our lives."
"I feel the interdependent, interrelational, way in which human beings relate within a community, is very much dependant on that community being filled with individuals who have carved out their space, who have established their integrity energetically, who are living their own energy, living their own lives."
..I have been pondering over the last week, I've been thinking about it, the difference in life between the time when I was a child and the present time. Now, I don't mean from the point of view of my personal life, or anything psychological, or emotional. I mean from the social point of view it's a very interesting change that has taken place. As I have spoken in the past, there was a very great change in society that took place when the phenomenon of modernity started to manifest in the present social situation. Modernity means that there was an enormous shift in the way that people lived, in the facilities available to them, and in the way they viewed life.
Since we've already talked about this, I will simply summarize this in a simple way. For thousands of years people lived in a very simple manner. You could call it village life, you could call it agriculturally based, but there were cities, so that wouldn't really work. Basically you could speak of it in terms of a society that run on the labour of the human being and the animal. That would be a fairly good summary.
The human beings were engaged in work - physical labour - using animals to plow the fields, to bring things, or transportation with man and animal, or work with man and animal. So there were this many activities, many occupations. Families were all engaged together to survive, to prosper, to make their lives better. It was a very close society. And people worked together because they had to because their survival depended on it, because their entire existence depended on it, because everything they were, everything they wanted to be, depended on it.
..Everything started happening when the steam engine appeared. Because when the steam engine appeared, and especially it was used in trains, the entire society changed. Suddenly you could transport things long distances and they would last. Sure previously they had boats, but they couldn't transport anything that was fresh. Everything had to be packed in salt, or pickled in barrels, or dried. On a train you could suddenly bring food, for instance, from many hours away.
And this started the destruction of the local economy, where everything was localized and everything was interdependent locally. And even though it might have been a small step at that time - because there were not that many people importing things on the train, relatively speaking the local economy were still quite strong - but it created a possibility, it created a potential. All of a sudden machines became a viable alternative to the human being - powered machines.
Previously they also had machines, but this machines were powered by people, or by animals and people. Because even there's an animal doing it, there're people directing the animal. Now there is the possibility of having a machine that doesn't need an animal for power, but which instead takes some fuel and does things that hundreds and hundreds of horses couldn't do.
So then the human mentality went towards how to expand this. And then instead of steam the internal combustion engine was created. I don't know, sometime around the 1850-is, I guess 1858, I don't remember exactly. But somebody figured out how to make an engine that run on some kind of petroleum based product.
And after that the airplane appeared. And ships had engines in them that were no longer dependant on the wind. And weaponry expanded accordingly. No longer did you have to worry about some soldiers marching in to your town. But now you had to worry about very long.., very long missiles coming, airplanes dropping things. So it is a problem, it is a serious problem, that war became much more destructive - rockets were developed.
Okay, you get it, you understand it, I made my point. Now I even see it, the difference between when I was a child and now. I see the difference in terms of when I was a child things were quite simple. I mean, okay, TV had just kind of been invented, and people were getting TV's. But TV was not in one sense so significantly different, because you could go to the movies. Talking pictures were already common place.
So a TV simply took the talking pictures from the movie and put them in your living room. Fantastic, sure. But not like mind-bagling, or it didn't really add another dimension to life which, as we think about today, were so Earth shattering. It was kind of: okay, cool, we like it, good. It was like: instead of sitting around the radio and listening to the, you know, the shadow or whatever, you now watched on TV.
..Although there were only like three stations, and although the shows were not very good, but still you had something. But what was life mainly? Life was mainly, you go out with your friends and you do things, you play, you do sports, you play games, you hangout, you wander around, you do things with groups of people. All the adults were doing the same thing. Everyone was sharing a communal environment, and this communal environment was very, shall we say, based in sharing, there was an interconnectivity.
Okay, our economic basis was no longer dependant on the communal environment. But still people did services for each other and were paid for it in the local area. There was work, there were things to do to maintain. It was a lot based in the human being doing some work somewhere.
Now I look at my life today. Here I am siting in a room alone. The only company I have is my dog, who just became frustrated with this whole thing and walked away. I hear Maha in my ear, I don't see him. I know you are out there - and outside of somebody complaining to me on the Messenger about something or other about the broadcast, which I know it's gonna be tuff for a while - I don't see you. I know you're there, at least some of you, I know you're there.
But outside I'm in a neighbourhood where, yeah, you can say hi to people. You don't hangout, the kids don't hangout. For them to get somewhere, they have to be driven by their parents. They're absorbed in computer screans, iPads, iPods, iPhones, TV's, computer games. Everything happens very fast. Although I know this is gonna sound really terrible, but in my days everything went really slow. You wanted to get to school, you walked or you took your bicycle.
Where I initially lived, there wasn't even a school bus, I had to walk, or take a bicycle. It did not matter whether it was raining or snowing. That's how I got to school. It was slow. You wanted to go somewhere, you walked, you took your bicycle. Parents driving you somewhere? Phuu... that was a big deal. Very rarely did that happen. After all it was only one car, and my father took it to go to work. Drive me somewhere? Maybe somebody had a car. But now, cars zooming you here and there. In the cities the subways will be doing it.
I didn't live in the city when I was young. I was born there, grew up there, but not this time I'm talking. And everything was slower than - very slow. The telephone you dialled with a rotary. You didn't speed dial, or just say some name and up comes the person, you had to rotary dial it. So you would dial it and then it would go: brrrp..ttt back and brrrp...ttt back. Actually we were up until... I was about maybe nine or ten. You had to dial the operator and tell her the number, and the number was a name with some numbers after it. I mean to you younger people that's inconceivable. But I would call up the operator and I would say: "Get me Marry Hill 853" or "Palom 775" or I mean... Than they came up with direct dialing without operators. So I mean, we thought that was like, my god, it's the world coming to you. You could dial a number and get somebody.
..What I'm trying to say is the difference between than and now. Okay, technologically there is a huge difference, but the difference is speed. And I think this is incredibly significant - the speed of things. And I'm seeing just like the Earth is speeding up, the frequency is speeding up, there is a significant shift. Life is very fast, very crowded, stressed and speeding up. The more people get together, the less they have to do with each other in the cities. You do not know your neighbours in your apartment buildings, in your flats.
When I was young... Okay, sorry, that sounds really terrible to say. I mean when I was young. Like my god, you know. But, you know, when I was young, we knew anybody in the neighbourhood. Everybody was out there talking about everybody else. That's what you did, you know. This one is doing this, this one is doing that. Now, you have no clue who you live with in the building. You may never even say hi to them. You may have no idea who you share life with. You sit on the subway, or you sit in the bus, or whatever.
Millions of people, don't know any of them. And going faster and faster to do stuff. Rush out to go to work in a train, rush to the, where you work. Rush quickly to do things, rush back.
Okay, you may not feel it like that. But if I am to think about the difference between than and now - the pace, the speed of things, than - very, very slow. If you even look at movies from those days. Of course you'd never do that because it's like watching dinosaurs walk around. You don't do that stuff, you watch modern movies. Modern movies, modern TV - very fast. Images shifting every... You watch this music video channels, every two seconds a new image. As if, if you could see the image for ten seconds, you'll be bored to death and hate it, change the channel. Two seconds, tchoo.. tchoo... Different angles, different views, different, different.
You look at a movie nowadays, it's always wild and wired and unsteady, can't grab on to it. Okay, maybe some of them. But in the fifties?. I mean if you changed images the way they do today, in the fifties, people would loose their minds. Not one person would watch it.
I mean the pace than, very slow. Just look at some of this old movies from the fifties, just for fun. And okay, you may not like the movie. Watch Casablanca! Of course maybe that's a little later, but... And than just get into the pace, even though that's a really paced one. I mean just get into the mood or listen to old radio shows, get into the mood. Slower. And that which is significant comes less often, and changes and transformation comes less often, and things are slower. And than think about modern life which is so much faster.
Anyway just take my word for it. Now, what does it mean now? What does it mean to us? What does it mean as people? How does it effect us? How does it transform our lives? And why the stuff we are doing together actually counters this? This are important questions.
..And let's just consider a second what we are doing together. We are countering the energy that is being pushed at us, we are countering the energy which is being forced upon us, we are literally declaring a revolution against the speed of what is going on in the world around us.
There are other things too involved that we are trying to negative, or trying to work with, and trying to deal with. But one of the most significant things we are doing, is we are transforming the frequency of our lives. And that's very important, to transform the frequency of life. We are transforming the frequency of our lives. We are taking the speed and not being affected by it. And we are declaring our own space with our own frequency.
Now let's consider that for a second, because here is the key. We declare our own frequency. If we surrender to the space that is being provided for us, the frequency is dictated to us by the environment, the speed of things, the things themselves. The rate at which everything is moving spins us. Okay, maybe not physically turning around, but our energy is spinning. And for us to do something we have to reach through that spin and incorporate, whatever it is we want, within that spin that is already there.
Just like computer games take you and bring you into them. Virtual worlds. You're now absorbed in them with your avatar, your virtual body, acting on your behalf within this already fixed context that is totally separated from you physically. And your consciousness is now flowing into that avatar, so that your bodily fingers and the movements of that thing are one.
Or when you absorb in the media, that is blasting at you and negating your own frequency, and programming your frequency. Or when you are interacting with others who have accepted this programming, and whose consciousness is projecting at you this accepted frequency. And than, less you do something about that, your consciousness, your frequency, your existence is dictated too.
And when you try to do something about it, you have to fight through it. And what does that create? Enormous stress! Because you're fighting through this atmosphere, this environment, which - you find out when you start to fight - is pressing upon you, is restricting you, is making you something that's not you.
So what are we doing here? You know, you're lucky! I am old enough to have experienced those slow days. You're lucky, I'm young enough not to be spoiled by war days like that. Okay, Vietnam sure. But I mean to say, it's lucky because I can make this contrast. And I see that when we go into the meditative state, or when we embrace what we are - our being - we create our own.
And it's not even that we are creating it, it is our space. So we don't have to create it. It's our energy flowing out, establishing it's own domain, declaring it's integrity, and filling that space with our natural frequency. Which when we combine with nature, which when we combine with spirituality, for example, with our deities, or the deities in the temple, or we connect to god wherever we may be - that space becomes ours. And in that space we feel the essence we are, and we may connect to the essence that is everywhere - to the divine. And we can free ourselves from the repressive stress that is pressing upon us. This is actual energetic survival.
..Now last week we talked about survival in another way. But this week we're talking about survival in a much more intimate way, much more... well, a fundamental way. That means, we are speaking about the survival that we are as human spirit, that we are dealing with that fundamental problem, that if our integrity - that integrity of frequency that we are - is taken from us, we essentially have nothing.
Now this concept is not new. All your great Russian authors, from the days where they were repressed by the tsar, or otherwise when they are in this faraway camps or they're imprisoned somehow - or in South Africa we spoke about Nelson Mandela - they came to that conclusion that no one can take their spirit, no one can take the essence they are, from them. Now that is beautiful. And even though it may not seem to be parallel at present. Because after all we are not in jail, we are not in camps, we're not repressed. So why should we worry about this?
But in reality we are pressed, we are in jail. Can you imagine telling a young person today: "Okay, now put your iPads, your iPhones, your computer games, your TV's, everything electronic, lock it up and go live in the country." "What? Are you... are you putting me in jail, are you trying to kill me?" So yes, there is a lot of pressure, stress, restrictive elements in our lives. But they're subtle, they don't need to control people in the way they used to. Because they keep them bewildered by stuff, keep them bewildered by media, feed them what they should think, mold their values. You don't need to have forcible transformation, you don't need to repress people. You let them do what they want, but you create what they want and mold them into what will work.
Nobody in any country of the Western world thinks about revolution. Because they got their stuff. And okay, they vote out this one, vote in that one, really no difference. It's all very carefully orchestrated. You can have this leader that leader, they're all basically the same - different flavours of the same. Vanilla with a little bid of honey, vanilla with a little bid of, you know, molasses, vanilla with a little bid of nuts, vanilla with a little bid of cherries. You basically have one flavour and different little nuances. Because it's a safe flavour to keep us all very quite.
And indeed we are quite. And sometimes people make a rebellion and we go: "Gee! Isn't that cool?!" or: "Gee! isn't that interesting?!" or: "Gee... we all know it's not gonna make any difference!" We've sold out. So what we do here is significant from all kinds of levels.
And I feel the interdependent, interrelational way, in which human beings relate within a community, is very much dependant on that community being filled with individuals who have carved out their space, who have established their integrity energetically, who are living their own energy, living their own lives. Who are not stressed, repressed and dictated to by stuff, by things, by values, by frequencies which are not natural to them.
..So if you want to have community, it must be amongst those who have integrity as individuals. The main problem with community is that it was previously based on the ideals, which were also a repressive ideal. A frequency, a value, given to you that you fit within.
And immediately there is a communality between you and others, because everyone is sharing something that is not them to make a communality. Either a religious ideal, or some ideological ideal, or whatever. But modern community, no longer in the sense of modernity that I used before, which is a sociological term, but modern community, meaning at present, if it's gonna work - or future - must be based on individuals who are comfortable with their integrity, and who hold on to it and maintain their frequencies.
And when you meet others who do that, when you associate with others who do that, the community you build is relevant to you. It is going to be mutually beneficial and supportive. Because you accept that what you do has to be compatible with your frequency - the others do the same - when you interact, it is with that rule in mind that you don't want to distort, or twist, another's frequency, they don't want to do that to you. You accept them as they are, they accept you as you are.
Okay, you can still make contracts, agreements, you can argue. But when you work together it is not on the basis of a third party's intervention that is pressing you into a mold. It is on the basis of what you are, what the other person is, or what the group is. It's a relevant local unit. Not something imposed from above, from afar. It is something based on a reality that is very relevant to the moment, and the location and the circumstances of all the people who are standing near each other.
Community in that sense is a total revolutionary concept. I mean even though it seems obvious when I say it. But it's not obvious when you look at how things work. I mean, after all, I am painting pictures line after line, rationally building one thing after another, reaching back in the lecture, bringing it forward, saying here, that's why this.
But as obvious as it may seem, it is not being done. Or if it is being done, you don't know all that much about it. But in any case this is what's required. Community based on essence, the essence and integrity of essence. But that has viable social principles, viable economic principles, viable political principles. Because you can't just come in with this ideal that everybody is gonna be essence, integrity, and than everything will be fine.
You need skills to make community, skills on all different levels. But at least you'll get it together, at least it will work. And those who commit to it - if it works - will have little reason to leave it. Whereas when you are pressed into a mould, as soon as you think about yourself in one way or another, you start feeling bad. Because why are you there? What are you doing? Better to leave it. So I've talked about it a lot, you might be bored with this subject, I don't know.
..Well, maybe again, the time when you're forced to do something, you do it. But I like, I like, a lot of the relationships we have as people in our Harimedia community. Because there's a lot of this going on - this integrity. If I was to insist you be something other than you are, you will get upset. I like that. That means something I've done has assisted you to figure it out for yourself. You'll not just gonna be what I say, you'll gonna be what you are. Great! And that's good. But to maintain that in connection with someone else you may not like or..., that's where it's tested.
I'm not saying you should like people you don't like, I'm not saying you have to do anything. I'm just talking about the subject. And I think what is valuable for us as people, is to understand how this is a very spiritual principle. If you compare this to certain Varnashrama principles - and we may have heard that Varnashrama is a spiritual, quote on quote, social system - well, it's not bad, there's a lot of truth in that.
If you think about what the Varnashrama is implying, it's implying that you be what you are. Isn't that interesting? Don't try to be what you're not. Be what you are, and be what you are perfectly. Spiritually it doesn't matter what you are. Your ultimate destinations, the way you have spiritual consciousness and so on, is not dependent on what you are. It's only dependant on you being what you are and from that spot moving on. So whatever of this various occupations you are, embrace it. Because the social interactions just make life more pleasant, make life more supportive, fundamentally stabilize the society. And it's all based on being what you are. Not being what someone else tells you you are, that is not relevant to you.
Isn't that cool? The original ideal is very much similar to what I've been talking about for years. The way it has become, that if you are born into some family, than that's what you are - it's just ridiculous. That's totally unrelated to spirituality. But being what you are and being it perfectly, and being peaceful with what you are and active in what you are, and connected to the divine wherever you are, is a super principle.
Okay, I may not be... I definitely don't believe that some, you know, king had 10 million wifes who were all barren. I mean it's ridiculous. Okay, but somehow these social principles, they really got it and they make sense, they really work and they're very much dependant on the individual.
It's a real society that's dependant on the individual. Where the individual works as a cohesive part of a whole. But it requires a very strong management. Because if somebody starts exploiting somebody else, you loose everything. So it requires to make sure nobody's exploited. This is where all the troubles start.
But if it's small enough, you can handle it. I mean after all why all this, for example, tribes, who are not influenced by modern, political manipulation, that create wars and destruction, but this village formats, elders, teachers, farmers, families, generations taking care of children and bringing them forward. It's very strong. It stayed for thousands and thousands of years, because it has stability.
..And the only way it breaks down - besides all of this foreign influences of destruction - but, is when somebody thinks they should speed it up to being more happiness. You see it in India all the time. "Okay, we don't like living in the village, we go to the city to work". And they live in slums. Okay, in the village they may not have had something to fancy, but they had their own house, they had something. They had peace. It was clean. You go to those slums, everything is like a hellish chaos. Did it get better? No!
Okay, you may say, "Yeah, but when they come from Siberia and they move to Moscow they can do so many wonderful things." Yeah, but than you have this energetic problems. Okay, you may get a flat somewhere and you may have, you know, you can have some questionable food and water, but - and especially questionable air - I tell you that, but than you have all this energetic problems of loss of integrity, of alienation.
Alienation, that's the worst one. When we become alienated against each other. Alienated from each other - sorry. Where we loose contact and connection - it's a serious business. So I thought I would share this essential principle of social integration, that depends on the integrity of self within the context of the integrity of a group. And I'm not sitting here propagating Varnashrama, I'm just speaking about it's very useful the elements, it's fundamental truth and the way in which it does relate to spirituality.
And I guess, I'm waving the flag like this because I'm just waiting for the day when we do it, or people do it. And the idea, that you'll only do it if I live there, that's like silly. I'm getting old, not getting be around all that much longer. Besides that, you know, you can forget it. You think I'm gonna move to some far away place, learn yet another language, leave yet another place? Travelling for me is difficult. It's your life not mine. So than you say: "oh, it's to much trouble, forget it." Ah yeah, okay, maybe you like the way you live now. Okay, go for it! I'm not saying it's right or wrong. It is what it is.
All I care is that you're safe, you're healthy, you're prosperous. And that your energetic essence is creating the integrity of that space, maintaining the integrity of that space, establishing that space, so that you can live in a peaceful, energetic environment, that is not stressing you, pressing you and bouncing you here and there. This is what I want.
And I'm trying to assist that in whatever way I can. Because it's what I do. All this technology that surrounds me is only a tool, so I can sit here and do what I do. This technology is not what I do. I'll rather if somebody else did it and I just come and sat and did. But amongst the people I know nobody can do what I can do. Not that it's a bragging, it's a lament. It's a big time lament you can imagine. But of all the things I do, this is what I do.
I like to be of service. So I like to - in this period of the week - carve out my space where there's this connection, where there's this connecting to you, connecting to that energy - that needs to be expressed to make the connections within us and between us - that need to be there now more than ever before.
And I like to be that instrument to make that happen to whatever degree I can. So I offer that to you in hope that you offer to yourself all that you deserve. And that you offer to each other the structure within which you can connect and relieve the alienation, create spaces that are capable of security, capable of advancement, capable of prosperity, health, happiness and capable of connection to that divine source, those divine, loving, beings that are intimately concerned with what is taking place right now, are intimately suggesting, very carefully guiding, watching, assisting.
Establishing and maintaining our energetic integrity is the key to our individuality and our future, and it forms the basis for all stable, functional, and progressive community development. The discussion ranges through historical, personal and social topics and focuses the spiritual relevance of it all.
Listen at: https://harimedia.net/downloads/lecture ... egrity.mp3
"And let's just consider a second what we are doing together. We are countering the energy that is being pushed at us, we are countering the energy which is being forced upon us, we are literally declaring a revolution against the speed of what is going on in the world around us."
"But one of the most significant things we are doing is, we are transforming the frequency of our lives."
"I feel the interdependent, interrelational, way in which human beings relate within a community, is very much dependant on that community being filled with individuals who have carved out their space, who have established their integrity energetically, who are living their own energy, living their own lives."
..I have been pondering over the last week, I've been thinking about it, the difference in life between the time when I was a child and the present time. Now, I don't mean from the point of view of my personal life, or anything psychological, or emotional. I mean from the social point of view it's a very interesting change that has taken place. As I have spoken in the past, there was a very great change in society that took place when the phenomenon of modernity started to manifest in the present social situation. Modernity means that there was an enormous shift in the way that people lived, in the facilities available to them, and in the way they viewed life.
Since we've already talked about this, I will simply summarize this in a simple way. For thousands of years people lived in a very simple manner. You could call it village life, you could call it agriculturally based, but there were cities, so that wouldn't really work. Basically you could speak of it in terms of a society that run on the labour of the human being and the animal. That would be a fairly good summary.
The human beings were engaged in work - physical labour - using animals to plow the fields, to bring things, or transportation with man and animal, or work with man and animal. So there were this many activities, many occupations. Families were all engaged together to survive, to prosper, to make their lives better. It was a very close society. And people worked together because they had to because their survival depended on it, because their entire existence depended on it, because everything they were, everything they wanted to be, depended on it.
..Everything started happening when the steam engine appeared. Because when the steam engine appeared, and especially it was used in trains, the entire society changed. Suddenly you could transport things long distances and they would last. Sure previously they had boats, but they couldn't transport anything that was fresh. Everything had to be packed in salt, or pickled in barrels, or dried. On a train you could suddenly bring food, for instance, from many hours away.
And this started the destruction of the local economy, where everything was localized and everything was interdependent locally. And even though it might have been a small step at that time - because there were not that many people importing things on the train, relatively speaking the local economy were still quite strong - but it created a possibility, it created a potential. All of a sudden machines became a viable alternative to the human being - powered machines.
Previously they also had machines, but this machines were powered by people, or by animals and people. Because even there's an animal doing it, there're people directing the animal. Now there is the possibility of having a machine that doesn't need an animal for power, but which instead takes some fuel and does things that hundreds and hundreds of horses couldn't do.
So then the human mentality went towards how to expand this. And then instead of steam the internal combustion engine was created. I don't know, sometime around the 1850-is, I guess 1858, I don't remember exactly. But somebody figured out how to make an engine that run on some kind of petroleum based product.
And after that the airplane appeared. And ships had engines in them that were no longer dependant on the wind. And weaponry expanded accordingly. No longer did you have to worry about some soldiers marching in to your town. But now you had to worry about very long.., very long missiles coming, airplanes dropping things. So it is a problem, it is a serious problem, that war became much more destructive - rockets were developed.
Okay, you get it, you understand it, I made my point. Now I even see it, the difference between when I was a child and now. I see the difference in terms of when I was a child things were quite simple. I mean, okay, TV had just kind of been invented, and people were getting TV's. But TV was not in one sense so significantly different, because you could go to the movies. Talking pictures were already common place.
So a TV simply took the talking pictures from the movie and put them in your living room. Fantastic, sure. But not like mind-bagling, or it didn't really add another dimension to life which, as we think about today, were so Earth shattering. It was kind of: okay, cool, we like it, good. It was like: instead of sitting around the radio and listening to the, you know, the shadow or whatever, you now watched on TV.
..Although there were only like three stations, and although the shows were not very good, but still you had something. But what was life mainly? Life was mainly, you go out with your friends and you do things, you play, you do sports, you play games, you hangout, you wander around, you do things with groups of people. All the adults were doing the same thing. Everyone was sharing a communal environment, and this communal environment was very, shall we say, based in sharing, there was an interconnectivity.
Okay, our economic basis was no longer dependant on the communal environment. But still people did services for each other and were paid for it in the local area. There was work, there were things to do to maintain. It was a lot based in the human being doing some work somewhere.
Now I look at my life today. Here I am siting in a room alone. The only company I have is my dog, who just became frustrated with this whole thing and walked away. I hear Maha in my ear, I don't see him. I know you are out there - and outside of somebody complaining to me on the Messenger about something or other about the broadcast, which I know it's gonna be tuff for a while - I don't see you. I know you're there, at least some of you, I know you're there.
But outside I'm in a neighbourhood where, yeah, you can say hi to people. You don't hangout, the kids don't hangout. For them to get somewhere, they have to be driven by their parents. They're absorbed in computer screans, iPads, iPods, iPhones, TV's, computer games. Everything happens very fast. Although I know this is gonna sound really terrible, but in my days everything went really slow. You wanted to get to school, you walked or you took your bicycle.
Where I initially lived, there wasn't even a school bus, I had to walk, or take a bicycle. It did not matter whether it was raining or snowing. That's how I got to school. It was slow. You wanted to go somewhere, you walked, you took your bicycle. Parents driving you somewhere? Phuu... that was a big deal. Very rarely did that happen. After all it was only one car, and my father took it to go to work. Drive me somewhere? Maybe somebody had a car. But now, cars zooming you here and there. In the cities the subways will be doing it.
I didn't live in the city when I was young. I was born there, grew up there, but not this time I'm talking. And everything was slower than - very slow. The telephone you dialled with a rotary. You didn't speed dial, or just say some name and up comes the person, you had to rotary dial it. So you would dial it and then it would go: brrrp..ttt back and brrrp...ttt back. Actually we were up until... I was about maybe nine or ten. You had to dial the operator and tell her the number, and the number was a name with some numbers after it. I mean to you younger people that's inconceivable. But I would call up the operator and I would say: "Get me Marry Hill 853" or "Palom 775" or I mean... Than they came up with direct dialing without operators. So I mean, we thought that was like, my god, it's the world coming to you. You could dial a number and get somebody.
..What I'm trying to say is the difference between than and now. Okay, technologically there is a huge difference, but the difference is speed. And I think this is incredibly significant - the speed of things. And I'm seeing just like the Earth is speeding up, the frequency is speeding up, there is a significant shift. Life is very fast, very crowded, stressed and speeding up. The more people get together, the less they have to do with each other in the cities. You do not know your neighbours in your apartment buildings, in your flats.
When I was young... Okay, sorry, that sounds really terrible to say. I mean when I was young. Like my god, you know. But, you know, when I was young, we knew anybody in the neighbourhood. Everybody was out there talking about everybody else. That's what you did, you know. This one is doing this, this one is doing that. Now, you have no clue who you live with in the building. You may never even say hi to them. You may have no idea who you share life with. You sit on the subway, or you sit in the bus, or whatever.
Millions of people, don't know any of them. And going faster and faster to do stuff. Rush out to go to work in a train, rush to the, where you work. Rush quickly to do things, rush back.
Okay, you may not feel it like that. But if I am to think about the difference between than and now - the pace, the speed of things, than - very, very slow. If you even look at movies from those days. Of course you'd never do that because it's like watching dinosaurs walk around. You don't do that stuff, you watch modern movies. Modern movies, modern TV - very fast. Images shifting every... You watch this music video channels, every two seconds a new image. As if, if you could see the image for ten seconds, you'll be bored to death and hate it, change the channel. Two seconds, tchoo.. tchoo... Different angles, different views, different, different.
You look at a movie nowadays, it's always wild and wired and unsteady, can't grab on to it. Okay, maybe some of them. But in the fifties?. I mean if you changed images the way they do today, in the fifties, people would loose their minds. Not one person would watch it.
I mean the pace than, very slow. Just look at some of this old movies from the fifties, just for fun. And okay, you may not like the movie. Watch Casablanca! Of course maybe that's a little later, but... And than just get into the pace, even though that's a really paced one. I mean just get into the mood or listen to old radio shows, get into the mood. Slower. And that which is significant comes less often, and changes and transformation comes less often, and things are slower. And than think about modern life which is so much faster.
Anyway just take my word for it. Now, what does it mean now? What does it mean to us? What does it mean as people? How does it effect us? How does it transform our lives? And why the stuff we are doing together actually counters this? This are important questions.
..And let's just consider a second what we are doing together. We are countering the energy that is being pushed at us, we are countering the energy which is being forced upon us, we are literally declaring a revolution against the speed of what is going on in the world around us.
There are other things too involved that we are trying to negative, or trying to work with, and trying to deal with. But one of the most significant things we are doing, is we are transforming the frequency of our lives. And that's very important, to transform the frequency of life. We are transforming the frequency of our lives. We are taking the speed and not being affected by it. And we are declaring our own space with our own frequency.
Now let's consider that for a second, because here is the key. We declare our own frequency. If we surrender to the space that is being provided for us, the frequency is dictated to us by the environment, the speed of things, the things themselves. The rate at which everything is moving spins us. Okay, maybe not physically turning around, but our energy is spinning. And for us to do something we have to reach through that spin and incorporate, whatever it is we want, within that spin that is already there.
Just like computer games take you and bring you into them. Virtual worlds. You're now absorbed in them with your avatar, your virtual body, acting on your behalf within this already fixed context that is totally separated from you physically. And your consciousness is now flowing into that avatar, so that your bodily fingers and the movements of that thing are one.
Or when you absorb in the media, that is blasting at you and negating your own frequency, and programming your frequency. Or when you are interacting with others who have accepted this programming, and whose consciousness is projecting at you this accepted frequency. And than, less you do something about that, your consciousness, your frequency, your existence is dictated too.
And when you try to do something about it, you have to fight through it. And what does that create? Enormous stress! Because you're fighting through this atmosphere, this environment, which - you find out when you start to fight - is pressing upon you, is restricting you, is making you something that's not you.
So what are we doing here? You know, you're lucky! I am old enough to have experienced those slow days. You're lucky, I'm young enough not to be spoiled by war days like that. Okay, Vietnam sure. But I mean to say, it's lucky because I can make this contrast. And I see that when we go into the meditative state, or when we embrace what we are - our being - we create our own.
And it's not even that we are creating it, it is our space. So we don't have to create it. It's our energy flowing out, establishing it's own domain, declaring it's integrity, and filling that space with our natural frequency. Which when we combine with nature, which when we combine with spirituality, for example, with our deities, or the deities in the temple, or we connect to god wherever we may be - that space becomes ours. And in that space we feel the essence we are, and we may connect to the essence that is everywhere - to the divine. And we can free ourselves from the repressive stress that is pressing upon us. This is actual energetic survival.
..Now last week we talked about survival in another way. But this week we're talking about survival in a much more intimate way, much more... well, a fundamental way. That means, we are speaking about the survival that we are as human spirit, that we are dealing with that fundamental problem, that if our integrity - that integrity of frequency that we are - is taken from us, we essentially have nothing.
Now this concept is not new. All your great Russian authors, from the days where they were repressed by the tsar, or otherwise when they are in this faraway camps or they're imprisoned somehow - or in South Africa we spoke about Nelson Mandela - they came to that conclusion that no one can take their spirit, no one can take the essence they are, from them. Now that is beautiful. And even though it may not seem to be parallel at present. Because after all we are not in jail, we are not in camps, we're not repressed. So why should we worry about this?
But in reality we are pressed, we are in jail. Can you imagine telling a young person today: "Okay, now put your iPads, your iPhones, your computer games, your TV's, everything electronic, lock it up and go live in the country." "What? Are you... are you putting me in jail, are you trying to kill me?" So yes, there is a lot of pressure, stress, restrictive elements in our lives. But they're subtle, they don't need to control people in the way they used to. Because they keep them bewildered by stuff, keep them bewildered by media, feed them what they should think, mold their values. You don't need to have forcible transformation, you don't need to repress people. You let them do what they want, but you create what they want and mold them into what will work.
Nobody in any country of the Western world thinks about revolution. Because they got their stuff. And okay, they vote out this one, vote in that one, really no difference. It's all very carefully orchestrated. You can have this leader that leader, they're all basically the same - different flavours of the same. Vanilla with a little bid of honey, vanilla with a little bid of, you know, molasses, vanilla with a little bid of nuts, vanilla with a little bid of cherries. You basically have one flavour and different little nuances. Because it's a safe flavour to keep us all very quite.
And indeed we are quite. And sometimes people make a rebellion and we go: "Gee! Isn't that cool?!" or: "Gee! isn't that interesting?!" or: "Gee... we all know it's not gonna make any difference!" We've sold out. So what we do here is significant from all kinds of levels.
And I feel the interdependent, interrelational way, in which human beings relate within a community, is very much dependant on that community being filled with individuals who have carved out their space, who have established their integrity energetically, who are living their own energy, living their own lives. Who are not stressed, repressed and dictated to by stuff, by things, by values, by frequencies which are not natural to them.
..So if you want to have community, it must be amongst those who have integrity as individuals. The main problem with community is that it was previously based on the ideals, which were also a repressive ideal. A frequency, a value, given to you that you fit within.
And immediately there is a communality between you and others, because everyone is sharing something that is not them to make a communality. Either a religious ideal, or some ideological ideal, or whatever. But modern community, no longer in the sense of modernity that I used before, which is a sociological term, but modern community, meaning at present, if it's gonna work - or future - must be based on individuals who are comfortable with their integrity, and who hold on to it and maintain their frequencies.
And when you meet others who do that, when you associate with others who do that, the community you build is relevant to you. It is going to be mutually beneficial and supportive. Because you accept that what you do has to be compatible with your frequency - the others do the same - when you interact, it is with that rule in mind that you don't want to distort, or twist, another's frequency, they don't want to do that to you. You accept them as they are, they accept you as you are.
Okay, you can still make contracts, agreements, you can argue. But when you work together it is not on the basis of a third party's intervention that is pressing you into a mold. It is on the basis of what you are, what the other person is, or what the group is. It's a relevant local unit. Not something imposed from above, from afar. It is something based on a reality that is very relevant to the moment, and the location and the circumstances of all the people who are standing near each other.
Community in that sense is a total revolutionary concept. I mean even though it seems obvious when I say it. But it's not obvious when you look at how things work. I mean, after all, I am painting pictures line after line, rationally building one thing after another, reaching back in the lecture, bringing it forward, saying here, that's why this.
But as obvious as it may seem, it is not being done. Or if it is being done, you don't know all that much about it. But in any case this is what's required. Community based on essence, the essence and integrity of essence. But that has viable social principles, viable economic principles, viable political principles. Because you can't just come in with this ideal that everybody is gonna be essence, integrity, and than everything will be fine.
You need skills to make community, skills on all different levels. But at least you'll get it together, at least it will work. And those who commit to it - if it works - will have little reason to leave it. Whereas when you are pressed into a mould, as soon as you think about yourself in one way or another, you start feeling bad. Because why are you there? What are you doing? Better to leave it. So I've talked about it a lot, you might be bored with this subject, I don't know.
..Well, maybe again, the time when you're forced to do something, you do it. But I like, I like, a lot of the relationships we have as people in our Harimedia community. Because there's a lot of this going on - this integrity. If I was to insist you be something other than you are, you will get upset. I like that. That means something I've done has assisted you to figure it out for yourself. You'll not just gonna be what I say, you'll gonna be what you are. Great! And that's good. But to maintain that in connection with someone else you may not like or..., that's where it's tested.
I'm not saying you should like people you don't like, I'm not saying you have to do anything. I'm just talking about the subject. And I think what is valuable for us as people, is to understand how this is a very spiritual principle. If you compare this to certain Varnashrama principles - and we may have heard that Varnashrama is a spiritual, quote on quote, social system - well, it's not bad, there's a lot of truth in that.
If you think about what the Varnashrama is implying, it's implying that you be what you are. Isn't that interesting? Don't try to be what you're not. Be what you are, and be what you are perfectly. Spiritually it doesn't matter what you are. Your ultimate destinations, the way you have spiritual consciousness and so on, is not dependent on what you are. It's only dependant on you being what you are and from that spot moving on. So whatever of this various occupations you are, embrace it. Because the social interactions just make life more pleasant, make life more supportive, fundamentally stabilize the society. And it's all based on being what you are. Not being what someone else tells you you are, that is not relevant to you.
Isn't that cool? The original ideal is very much similar to what I've been talking about for years. The way it has become, that if you are born into some family, than that's what you are - it's just ridiculous. That's totally unrelated to spirituality. But being what you are and being it perfectly, and being peaceful with what you are and active in what you are, and connected to the divine wherever you are, is a super principle.
Okay, I may not be... I definitely don't believe that some, you know, king had 10 million wifes who were all barren. I mean it's ridiculous. Okay, but somehow these social principles, they really got it and they make sense, they really work and they're very much dependant on the individual.
It's a real society that's dependant on the individual. Where the individual works as a cohesive part of a whole. But it requires a very strong management. Because if somebody starts exploiting somebody else, you loose everything. So it requires to make sure nobody's exploited. This is where all the troubles start.
But if it's small enough, you can handle it. I mean after all why all this, for example, tribes, who are not influenced by modern, political manipulation, that create wars and destruction, but this village formats, elders, teachers, farmers, families, generations taking care of children and bringing them forward. It's very strong. It stayed for thousands and thousands of years, because it has stability.
..And the only way it breaks down - besides all of this foreign influences of destruction - but, is when somebody thinks they should speed it up to being more happiness. You see it in India all the time. "Okay, we don't like living in the village, we go to the city to work". And they live in slums. Okay, in the village they may not have had something to fancy, but they had their own house, they had something. They had peace. It was clean. You go to those slums, everything is like a hellish chaos. Did it get better? No!
Okay, you may say, "Yeah, but when they come from Siberia and they move to Moscow they can do so many wonderful things." Yeah, but than you have this energetic problems. Okay, you may get a flat somewhere and you may have, you know, you can have some questionable food and water, but - and especially questionable air - I tell you that, but than you have all this energetic problems of loss of integrity, of alienation.
Alienation, that's the worst one. When we become alienated against each other. Alienated from each other - sorry. Where we loose contact and connection - it's a serious business. So I thought I would share this essential principle of social integration, that depends on the integrity of self within the context of the integrity of a group. And I'm not sitting here propagating Varnashrama, I'm just speaking about it's very useful the elements, it's fundamental truth and the way in which it does relate to spirituality.
And I guess, I'm waving the flag like this because I'm just waiting for the day when we do it, or people do it. And the idea, that you'll only do it if I live there, that's like silly. I'm getting old, not getting be around all that much longer. Besides that, you know, you can forget it. You think I'm gonna move to some far away place, learn yet another language, leave yet another place? Travelling for me is difficult. It's your life not mine. So than you say: "oh, it's to much trouble, forget it." Ah yeah, okay, maybe you like the way you live now. Okay, go for it! I'm not saying it's right or wrong. It is what it is.
All I care is that you're safe, you're healthy, you're prosperous. And that your energetic essence is creating the integrity of that space, maintaining the integrity of that space, establishing that space, so that you can live in a peaceful, energetic environment, that is not stressing you, pressing you and bouncing you here and there. This is what I want.
And I'm trying to assist that in whatever way I can. Because it's what I do. All this technology that surrounds me is only a tool, so I can sit here and do what I do. This technology is not what I do. I'll rather if somebody else did it and I just come and sat and did. But amongst the people I know nobody can do what I can do. Not that it's a bragging, it's a lament. It's a big time lament you can imagine. But of all the things I do, this is what I do.
I like to be of service. So I like to - in this period of the week - carve out my space where there's this connection, where there's this connecting to you, connecting to that energy - that needs to be expressed to make the connections within us and between us - that need to be there now more than ever before.
And I like to be that instrument to make that happen to whatever degree I can. So I offer that to you in hope that you offer to yourself all that you deserve. And that you offer to each other the structure within which you can connect and relieve the alienation, create spaces that are capable of security, capable of advancement, capable of prosperity, health, happiness and capable of connection to that divine source, those divine, loving, beings that are intimately concerned with what is taking place right now, are intimately suggesting, very carefully guiding, watching, assisting.