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Today was Radhashtami in the part of Russia I reside in
Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 4:36 pm
by Mihail
Today was Radhashtami in the part of Russia I reside in. So I should to say:
I am aware of importance of goddesses' energies (and probably the lack of it in the modern world). I think I should plan some efforts to fix the situation, first in my personal life, next in the world. It seems that these my intentions will be in the same direction that your wishes and intentions to change the world. It seem that you shall agree on direction of my intentions (at least, on approximate direction).
There may be some points where we disagree (I mean the PMs to you). But it seems to me that these are 90% communication problems and 10% are real disagrement.
This time I shall try again, now in the forum post.
My point is that nourishing is mostly useless when the person being nourished (e.g. me) do not develop self-dependence, self-sufficiency, and so on. I do not say that you completely ignore developing of self-dependence, self-sufficiency, and so on. But the problem is that I do not see how you are developing self-dependence, self-sufficiency, and so on.
I do understand, that the problem is not easy. Another related problem is the following:
You know that after a meditation, when a person receive something valuable from higher sources, mostly he/she do not see the change in himself/herself. But this situation seems to be not acceptable to me.
Some groups, say, Russian ДЭИР (DEIR?), cheat here. After a successful training the instructor just pump energy into his/her students, they
Re: Today was Radhashtami in the part of Russia I reside in
Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 5:14 pm
by Mihail
Some groups, say, Russian ДЭИР (DEIR?), cheat here. After a successful training the instructor just pump energy into his/her students. So the students feel enormously good and consider this as a clear sign of acquiring something good as a result of traing, not a result of pumping.
I had that feeling, but I was aware of their practice; in fact, I consider that training was successful due to some hard feelings in one lesson. But hard feelings, as well as good feeling, may not be the clear sign of acquiring something good.
I insist that the first thing on the way of self-dependence and self-sufficiency is the ability to discriminate acquisitions, not sources. That is, to rely on personal understanding and perception "what acquisition is good and what acquisition is bad" but not on personal understanding and perception "what source is good and what source is bad".
Now the word "kindergarten" comes to the stage. Sorry, you may cleary dislike it, but it expresses MY FEELINGS. A person in kindergarten do not distinguish things by thery qualities and distinguish things by thery sources (that is, he/she may eat anything that came from teacher of parents and may not eat anything else, even it looks nicely) . At the same time grown-up person can distinguish things by thery qualities.
This point of view may be named as anti-parampara. I do know its limitations (that is, severe limitations). Say, it is never possible to rely on qualities, and it is much quicker to rely on source. Then I am aware that at THIS TIME I do not have some important abilities to do some discrimination.
Re: Today was Radhashtami in the part of Russia I reside in
Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 6:06 pm
by Mihail
This point of view may be named as anti-parampara. I do know its limitations (that is, severe limitations). Say, it is never possible to rely on sole qualities, and it is much quicker to rely on source. I have examples when I failed to decouple message from its source (and you may dispute even the theoretical possibility of such decoupling, he-he) . Then I do aware that at THIS TIME I do not have some important abilities to do some discrimination.
That said, however, I insists that these points are very important. So I shall add more.
Here and example. Say, full-blown laboratory to test "can I eat this substance" cost enormous money. But here in Russia you may never assume any source to be trusted. At the same time, a little test — simple taste tast — may reveal a fake. According to my experience 100% of instant soluble coffee is a fake here in south Russia. Yes, I can not buy non-fake here at all. 60% was a fake in St.Petersburg in approx. 2015, and seems to 100% now, but I have not enough tests. (Some clarification: some of the fake coffee tastes completly like another eatable product, but 1. why to buy it so expensive and 2. they may easily add something not eatable at all)
Yes, I may give a handle to treat me as a kindergarten child. More to say: my important problem may be formulated this way: I behave like kindergarten child.
Re: Today was Radhashtami in the part of Russia I reside in
Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 6:48 pm
by Mihail
There are some misspels, sometimes copypasted; "thery" means "their".
Another ability of grown-up person is the ability to make own choice to choose the most important or useful part of practice while being, say, limited in time to conduct full-blown practice. The imcompletness of known to me form of vedic literature is that it gives no clue how to make such a choice. Your lessons seems to suffer the same way, I think.
I added some personal details due to existence of previous PMs, but I think that the non-personal question(s) in this thread exist, important, and interesting.
You may edit the thread title, because it seems appropriate and informative for me, but, probably, not for others. But there should be mention of goddesses and/or Radharani.
Re: Today was Radhashtami in the part of Russia I reside in
Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 8:20 pm
by Mihail
You may request rewriting some parts or even the whole text (that will be time-consuming).
I thought I wrote obvious ideas, but now I see that there are possibilities to understand the text in the wrong way.
Re: Today was Radhashtami in the part of Russia I reside in
Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:50 am
by Mihail
An example: some time ago you posted topic "Valuable Message from Tom Kenyon and the Hathors". You appraised the message to be valuable. What method did you use to get your assessment/appreciation? What methods did you use for all such assessments/appreciations?
I believe that kindergarten person may be satisfied with just an appreciation without the method(s), but grown-up person should NOT be satisfied. It is the difference I speak about all the thread.
And then, how many harimedia people asked you about such a method(s)? How many harimedia people know about such a method(s)?
As for me, the only valuable thing(s) is the method(s). Not the message, and not your topic, but the method(s).
Probably it may be impossible for me to apply your method(s) without some lead-up and training. But this is another story.
The person who knows method may go deeper. Say, one message is valuable and another message is valuable too. What message is more valuable? There may be no answer, because the answer depends on the person. So the person may apply the method and get the answer tailored for himself/herself. And sometimes both messages are valuable in incomparable ways — and the person with the method may discover this.
Re: Today was Radhashtami in the part of Russia I reside in
Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 4:52 pm
by Mihail
Yes, I saw the line "Spitiuality Without Demands or Expectations" at the first page.
And yes, my post is something like demand or expectation. (I write "something like" because it is possible, at least theoretically, that I shall change my mind or shall change myself in some way.)
You may ask (it seems that you already asked me) why I demand something [while doing nothing]. There are several reasons:
1. Here is an example instead of precise wording. Say, a person X has an expensive powerful smartphone with a very weak battery that discharges very quickly. The cost of a new battery is small, so a person Y may expect that person X will buy new battery just now. And may demand for this when, say, several phone calls from Y to X was rejected due to discharged battery.
2. Because of my strong feelings to demand [in this case].
3. Despite #2, it was possible to me to shut up (and it is possible now). I thought to do so, but I got a suggestion to try again(probably at December 2017).
4. My demands are once per year.
5. As I noted, I think the case is 90% commincation problem and 10% disagreement. I noticed several reasons for this and planned to fix the communcation process. The fixes still were not done. But you may request to do so, as well as to split the thread into several parts, elaborate them, rewrite them, and so on.
Re: Today was Radhashtami in the part of Russia I reside in
Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 5:38 pm
by Mihail
And additional, 6th reason:
6. You shoud not treat my demand as sole personal distrust of you. In other words, the questions I wrote here have much larger scope than just communication Hari <--> Mihail.
An example: it looks like that while sleeping I got a usefull excesise from higher sources. But I do not do it, because I can not assess/appreciate it properly! I do not know how to assess/appreciate it properly!!!
In contrast, when I got a general/philosophical message from higher source, I knew how to a assess it. Even though I disagreed with it at first time, I found it very valuable later.
The huge problem with ekadashi is the same: even if I do them, I do them blindly.
Re: Today was Radhashtami in the part of Russia I reside in
Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 5:50 pm
by Mihail
In fact, I am asking for methods of assessment.
Re: Today was Radhashtami in the part of Russia I reside in
Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2018 3:58 pm
by Mihail
I separated a part of this thread into the post
On my attitude to asking questions