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Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2015 8:38 am
by kamalamala1
Dear Hari

In many scriptures and other esoteric books offen mentioned the concept of Ego/
Echarth Tolle also using this concept/
But many off them have different understanding of this concept/
Some tell us that it is soul itself,some others tell that it is fals parth of soul/

So can you say wath is the proper meaning of EGO from your point of vew?

Re: Ego

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2015 3:56 pm
by Hari
Why do you think I have the "proper" meaning? I can, as you ask, say something from my point of view, but whether or not it is proper depends on what you think of what I say! If I were to state that my definition is proper and someone else's is not, it would be egotistical of me! :004

I do not think it matters if there is a standard definition of ego or not. What matters more is how we integrate our understanding of it in our evolutionary process. After all, language depends on our acceptance of the terms used. This is why language evolves over time. The term "ego" evolved greatly in the last two centuries.

Ego means "I" in latin. Therefore, the simplest way to define it is in relation to who or what we assume ourselves to be before we attain clarity as to who we are. The idea of ego getting in the way of our interactions with others or with the world around us is integral in the process of psychoanalysis. If we consider ego as the ever existing, enduring consciousness that experiences, we see it as the foundation upon which concious life rests. In short, the aware being who perceives and reacts with everything in its world. When one is self centered and unconcerned with others, we might state that someone is too full of themselves by saying, "He is egoistic." We then refer to their conceit, and link it to their self-image in a negative manner.

Re: Ego

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2015 4:24 pm
by Vajra
Dear Hari
As i understand EGO is we ourselfs.
Can you say does mind is parth of the EGO,?
Does the history of this life is parth of the ego?
Or Ego is above all that,?

Re: Ego

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2015 4:50 pm
by Hari
If you use the term "mind" to refer to the thoughts you have, then you have to further clarify if these thoughts are exclusively your creations or they are a product of external influences. When thoughts are your creation alone, then they arise from your conscious awareness and are part of you and thus fit within the self, the "I." If the thoughts are mixed with external elements, then not. The mind, if we were to use the definition of the term as stated by spiritualists influenced by some Indian traditions, is a tool we use to internally organize life, plan actions, make choices and so on. It is the vehicle through which we internally express life, the internal container for that part of our consciousness that directs much of our aware choices. Although we make many involuntary responses, such as when we react to touch or sound, or when we mimic previous responses, these are of a different nature and do not directly correlate with what I consider ego.

Our previous experiences are the foundation upon which we determine our present choices and our future path. These experiences are powerful because they are integrated within our consciousness. However, the history of what happened, when or how it happened, may not be directly related to who we are as much as how we chose to act or were forced to act according to the sum total of previous experiences at that time. This is not ego.