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Re: Archive of Selected News and Photo Galleries of Last Yea

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 2:45 pm
by harsi
ImagePhoto Reportage

MERIAN Journal: Mayapur, The Capital of Spirituality
German article published June 2010

Image.(Full Image) • German original article

There are visitors of India who report that everything in this great country would be founded on spirituality. For the Berlin photographer André Wagner was heading on a trip searching for clues in the center of the ubiquitous transcendence. He has traveled to the fabled island of Mayapur. From Calcutta to the northerly situated Mayapur there are 135 km. A journey which takes by car about four hours . "And this can only happen so quickly when the driver drives like a devil," says André Wagner. "There you get in the back seat several small panic attacks."

The Berlin-based photographer has taken a ride with a taxi on completely broken up streets. He wanted to find out how it is in this often as the "capital of spirituality" much-praised city Mayapur. And when he arrived there, he was more than surprised. "India is dusty, dirty. But when you come to Mayapur somehow everything is different," says Wagner. "There it is quiet, very green, almost idyllic." Mayapur is not only different, it is also an island between the rivers Ganges and Jalangi. A sacred place where many monks live and which is the center of the Bhakti-Yoga movement and that what we know today as Hinduism. More than 500 years ago, Shri Chaitanya was born there, who is revered in India as an incarnation of God. A Bhakti-Yogi, according to the teaching of Caitanya can be anyone - regardless of caste or nationality. They are all united because they devote their lives to self-realization.


Since time immemorial, many pilgrims come to Mayapur, one of the most prominent might have been the former Beatle George Harrison who died in 2001. In his honor, one has created there a garden that bears his name. Also Alfred B. Ford is a Bhakti Yogi. The descendant of the founder of the Henry Ford Automotive Company donated ten million U.S. dollars for the still under construction "Temple of the Vedic Planetarium" in Mayapur. In the building that is resembling the universe, once 30,000 people can be accommodated. It is a modern temple, including video installations.

Re: Archive of Selected News and Photo Galleries of Last Yea

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 2:48 pm
by harsi
Image.(Full Image)

"All what you hear when you arrive at Mayapur, are mantras," says André Wagner, who spent two weeks in the holy place and who has managed to make impressive shots with his camera. "Life is imbued with sounds, there's all part of God." That becomes clear as Wagner said, already when looking at the faces of the people. "The eyes are bright, the people seem so excited. They have dedicated their life to God, are mostly vegetarian, gave up gambling, drugs and everything what could distract them from their mission."

Image.(Full Image)

"Andre Wagner (the photographer) met at this place people from many nations. Poor, rich, people from Western and Muslim countries and Wagner saw people who seem to be purified: "I've met there even people from Wall Street."

Re: Archive of Selected News and Photo Galleries of Last Yea

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 2:54 pm
by harsi
Image.• MERIAN Journal Photos: Mayapur - Journey to Center of Life


"The rural life around Mayapur is hardworking and cordial." • Full Image left / Right

Re: Archive of Selected News and Photo Galleries of Last Yea

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 2:59 pm
by harsi

The Children around Mayapur (le) and Harinam Kirtan in the land of Mayapur (ri). Full Image left / Full Image right


(le) - A temple elephant is marching in a religious procession.
(ri) - A man travels with an oxcart in the land of Mayapur. Photos by André Wagner. Full Image le. / Full Image ri.

Re: Archive of Selected News and Photo Galleries of Last Yea

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 3:04 pm
by harsi
Image.(Full Image) • Start photo gallery: Click on here (28 pictures)


(li) - "A resident of Mayapur studies sacred texts." Full Image le / Full Image ri
(re) - "Taking a look at the ashrams. At the balconies monks have hung their saffron-colored cloth to dry."

Re: Archive of Selected News and Photo Galleries of Last Yea

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 3:06 pm
by harsi
Image.(Full Image)

"In Phalguna, the holy month of February / March, thousands of pilgrims and monks travel for nine days around the nine islands of Navadvipa. While doing this they chant the names of the Lord."

Image.(Full Image)

"And also mundane things one can observe in Mayapur: These students play the sport of the (former) British colonialists - Cricket."

Re: Archive of Selected News and Photo Galleries of Last Yea

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 3:17 pm
by harsi

(le) - "The mausoleum (Prabhupada´s Puspa Samadhi) in Mayapur at night from afar. Image le / ri.
(ri) - On closer look on can see a huge mosaic picture, which is located in the dome of the building."


(li) - "In the interior of the mausoleum there is the murti of Sri Srimad AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.
The priest is fanning air at the murti - an ancient tradition from the Vedic scriptures."
(ri) - "Krishna devotees are singing and dancing through the streets of Mayapur." Full Image left / Full Image right

Re: Archive of Selected News and Photo Galleries of Last Yea

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 3:21 pm
by harsi
Image..Image.high res ri. / left

(le) - "Although many pilgrims from all over the world are coming residents of Mayapur are used to admire every stranger."
(ri) - "On almost every corner you come across a temple in Mayapur, out of which one can hear the sound of the holy name and Sri Caitanya is being praised."


(li) "The crossing from one to the other of the nine islands of Navadvipa is an adventure - again and again." (Full Image le / re.
(ri) - "One of the innumerable deities which are worshiped in the temples in Mayapur, here you see: Sri Jagannatha, Sri Baladeva and Shrimati Subadra."

Re: Archive of Selected News and Photo Galleries of Last Yea

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 3:26 pm
by harsi
Image..Image.• Google Maps: Navadvipa and Mayapur, India

- "Being spiritual well into old age: This 120 year old man photographer André Wagner visited in the bedroom of his modest house. The old man was meditating (chanting)."
- "The area of ​​the nine islands: India's ancient scriptures, the Vedas describe Navadvipa, the area of ​​the nine islands, as the center of the universe. Here lies between the rivers Ganges and Jalangi the city of Mayapur." Full Image old man / Navadvipa´s nine islands

Image..Image.Full Image le / ri

(ri) - "This is a ritual bath in the Ganges. It is used for external and internal cleaning."
(le) - "Drawing from the interior of a temple: About 500 years ago in Mayapur appeared the incarnation of God "Golden Avatar," Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. It is said that everyone who is visiting Mayapur, is freed from the cycle of birth and death."

Re: Archive of Selected News and Photo Galleries of Last Yea

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 3:55 pm
by harsi

Image..Image.(high res.) Ballal Dhipi (Mound)

Description: This 30-ft high mound spread over an aprawling area of 1,300 sq ft, has been standing at Bamunpukur village near Mayapur. The locals call it Ballal Dhipi, named after King Ballal Sen, of the Sen dynasty, who ruled Bengal in the late 12th Century AD. ASI excavated between 1982-89.Excavation has revealed a stupendous brick structure in an extensive yard, covered on all sides by enclosures walls. Stucco heads, terracotta human and animal figurines, copper utensils and other objects, iron nails etc were found from excavation. The upper remains are dateable to 12th century AD and built over the earlier structures of 8th and 9th century AD. (Location: Bamunpukar near Mayapur - Communication: 6 Km from Dhubulia crossing on NH-34)

Image..Image.(high res. left).(ri.) Former park in Mayapur.

Re: Archive of Selected News and Photo Galleries of Last Yea

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 10:04 am
by harsi
Image.(Full Image) Image.(Full Image)

Photos: Panca-Tattva (Mayapur) > Panca-Tattva Installation Darshan > Sri Pancha-Tattva Installation > Video: Documentary: Installation of Panca-Tattva Deities in Mayapur.

Poem by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur
Poemhunter > Gaurav Silwal (pdf)

Alas for those who spend their days.................But then a voice, how deep and soft, ..................So push thy onward march, O soul,
In festive mirth and joy...............................Within ourselves is left; ..................................Against an evil deed
The dazzling, deadly liquid forms....................Man! Man! Thou art immortal soul! .....................That stands with soldiers Hate and Lust
Their hearts fore'er employ...........................Thee Death can never melt...............................A hero be indeed.

The shining bottles charm their eyes................For thee thy Sire on High has kept.......................Maintain thy post in spirit world
And draw their heart's embrace, .....................A store of bliss above, ....................................As firmly as you can,
The slaves of wine can never rise....................To end of time, thou art O! His..........................Let never matter push thee down-
From what we call disgrace...........................Who wants but purest love................................O stand heroic man!

Was man intended to be..............................O Love! Thy power and spell benign......................O Sharagrahi Vaishnava soul,
A brute in work and heart? ...........................Now melt my soul to God; ................................Thou art an angel fair;
Should man, the Lord of all around, ................How can my earthly words describe.......................Lead, lead me on to Vrindavan
From common sense depart? ........................That feeling soft and broad................................And spirit's power declare.

Man's glory is in common sense......................Enjoyment, sorrow - what but lots........................There rests my soul from matter free
Dictating us the grace, ...............................To which the flesh is heir? ................................ Upon my Lover's arms-
That man is made to live and love..................The soul that sleeps alone concludes......................Eternal peace and spirits love
The beauteous Heaven's embrace...................In them it hath a share.....................................Are all my chanting charms.

The flesh is not our own alas; .......................And then, my friends, no more enjoy
The mortal frame a chain; ...........................Nor weep for all below;
The soul confined for former wrongs................The women, wine, and flesh of beasts
Should try to rise again...............................No love on thee bestow.

Why then this childish play in that..................But thine to love thy brother man
Which cannot be our own; ...........................And give thyself to God.
Which falls within a hundred years..................And God doth know your wages fair-
As if a rose ablown....................................This fact is true and broad.

Our life is but a rosy hue.............................Forget the past that sleeps and ne'er
To go ere long for naught; ..........................The future dream at all,
The soul alone would last fore'er....................But act in time that are with thee
With good or evil fraught............................And progress thee shall call.

How deep the thought of times to be! .............But tell me not in reasoning cold,
How grave the aspect looks! ........................The soul is made alone
And wrapt in awe become, O we, ...................By Earth's mechanic lifeless rules
When reading Nature's books........................And to destruction prone.

Man's life to him a problem dark....................My God who gave us life and all
A screen both left and right; ........................Alone the soul can kill
No soul hath come to tell us what...................Or give it all the joys above
Exists beyond our sight...............................His promise to fulfill.

Re: Archive of Selected News and Photo Galleries of Last Yea

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 10:06 am
by harsi
Image.• Video: The TOVP 3D Project

Image..Image.ToVP Promo Video

Construction Work of ToVP in Mayapur:.Gauragopala's Photos on Facebook

Re: Archive of Selected News and Photo Galleries of Last Yea

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 10:20 am
by harsi
Image..Image.(high res.) / 2.Facebook: Photos by Al Ford

"(2011) A little puja and breaking coconuts before pouring the concrete slab for the Temple of the Vedic Planetarium in Sridham Mayapur. After all, this is India!!" ~ Al Ford

Re: Archive of Selected News and Photo Galleries of Last Yea

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 10:20 am
by harsi
Photos from 2011
Image..Image,Left / right

Image..Image.Left / right

Re: Archive of Selected News and Photo Galleries of Last Yea

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 11:03 am
by harsi
Image..Image.• Facebook: ToVP Photos


Sadbhuja Das (Stephen Dines in yellow shirt) at work with the construction design team in the office of the ToVP. 1 /2

Image..Image..Image.FI left / right

Vilasini dd, (middle) from Pune, the head architect of the ToVP on a visit to the construction site in Mayapur. (May 2013). • More: ToVP Photos