For the person whos name is Atreya
It is complitiy useless to argue with you since you dont want to understand and just hanging on some realy old and artifitial concept
of so called guru.
It is anyway complitly uncultered to call one in a way if he doesnt like
Nobody is nobodyes slaveS nobody can force you to accept name nor Prabhupad nor anybody else,it seem that you are maybe hipocritical uncultered person,or you are realy need to be cured.You have complitlty slave mentality it is very nice for one who doesnt want to be responsible for wath he is doing or thinking.
If i dont like my name nobody can force me to use it.And no cultered man will be offended if i didnt accept the name he is giving to me.
You are living in such a concoted warld.
You are speaking so much about devotion to Prabhupad i am wandering
how many things he said you are doing i think not so many,you are Idelising Him itis your choice but you have no rights to blame others
who are not idelising Him and if you dont like to be with such people then the door is open.
Actualy in your present crasy condition after all the main input was done inderectly by Prabhupad by his movement,Sri Visnupad was just manifesting very corectly wath Prabhupad wanted and that is why you
must have courage to blame Prabhupad, if you want to blame others,but better blame yourself since in each time of period you had absolut
free choice to act in the way YOU like,you didnt use it it is your falt not otheres.All ideals, all goals,all instruments,strategy,tactics was made by Prabhupad Sri Visnupad was just good executer.
And by the way first of all he was lamenting so strongly after 1998
because of devotees lifes and all problems that ISCON was created for
the childresns and all cheatings which i believe until our days is going on in ISCON,then nobody else,second of all thanks God that he leaved ISCON and by his such a unbelivebale in that time step helped tousand of us.
You are sounding like a blind faith believer,is it possible for you to understand that ISCON taking people to NOWERE and if you understand it,just forget past and try to understand that real spirituality and religion
is different things.
All this empty wards about parampara and so on is only wards and nothing else.
Do you believe that anybody in ISCON is representing Parampara,
and wath is Parampara by the way.
Actualy Parampara in my understanding is if you can get the spiritual real
experiance from one who is in real [not appointed]contact with GOD,
then you are geting some spiritual energy from the right sours.
After all some very highly advenced souls doesnt need to have a "guru"
they are coming on this earth alwready in full contact with GOD like Jesus
was,isnt it possible.And the real fact of such a person is proved by his
extraordinary abilityes not by tons of books and nice speaches,and even not by revolutionary deeds.
I can declare openly that this ward Paramapara in the case of ISCON is realy used to make a sect, the group of narrow minded people who
not only doesnt realy understand "there" scriptures but is full of
pride themselfs and anger towards others like fanatic muslims.
By the way MUslims said that only Coran and nothing else and they are also very much Idelising there Guru who by the way had more then 15
wifes.Maybe it very appropriate religion for you
The soirituality is nor speculation it more like exersise and the way of living then the information.
Many people they dont know at all any scriptures but they are much
more spiritual they are more following for example the mane principal
of spiritual way of life then for example you, i mean AHIMSA,
ahimsa is the principle to not desturb anybody wath to speak about
spiritual person,to be realy cultured in action.
By offending Hari you will not gane anything exept more crasyness.
Is nt it very nice that you did in ISCON time if yes then why you are blaming others.
You are saying that you felt Hari as your Guru and now you lost Him,
but you know first of all if you want accept HIm as a guru wath is the problem do it,but it doesnt mean that now Hari is your slave and he
should act and speak as you want.
You must understand wath you need the person who are in real contact with GOg or wath?
Maybe one day you will see that Hari is such a person,if not then find the
other one whom you like i highly recomand some SWami,if one want to be cheated there are so many cheaters.
That is why Hari was saying in 1998 that he doesnt like when people
dealing with him not as he is as a person but apointed one.
You know Prabhupad also was the follower of Gandy and then he desagreed with him wath is the problem.Bhactivinod was desagreeing with his first Guru.And wath is the Guru in Vaishnava tradition it is just Siksa.I can say you that Prabhupad was desaagreing with many things that Bhaktisidhata was saying and even doing.
Have you ever thought why Prabhupad never encouraged to publish the warks of his guru?
By the way can you emagine most probably Prabhupad is not happy with his Iscon and maybe he is thanking Hari that he trying so hard to
help even such a fool as it seem you are.
By the way anyway please stop to adress Hari in unpleasant way,
if you continue like that then i will adress you as stupid fool, OK