I am not saying that only one person on this planet have qualification
to be real guru.
There are many mistycs on this planet and they are doing there job even not recognised as guru since they are real gurus.The good examle Jasmuheen she is real mistyc and she totaly rejected this guru idea but tousands following her teaching learning from her and she helps thousands .why not like that.Look at Eckhart Tolle look at Luisa Hey at Edgar Caycy and so many.This people helping others not ecpecting artifitial warship and so on they are helping thousand and millions .
They are not saying you should accept me as God and warship me then i will take you to God wath is this can you say ?
This is from lord Chaitanya can you believe or accept that..
The point is that everything should have its meaning,just try to figure out wath is guru, it is teacher wath he can teach if he is not realy sure wath he is saying and doing,if he is also not sure have contact with Divine or not.And even that is not so bad the warst thing is that he is representing himself as represantative of God,but in reality he doesnt know realy who he is why and what he is doing ,then iam asking wath is motivation for such person to accpet the role of guru if he is just repeating wath is writen then he should say that he is tape recorder not guru

,i am not saying about desciple with him evrything could be right but it is also not sure,The warst thing is that this people thinks that they are warthy to be warshiped.Can you imagine that one wants to become teacher mainly for warship and money and glory wath kind of teaching he will give.And this is subconssesly.
Why one should become guru if he doesnt achieve realy ,wath is the motivation isnt it better to just help others like Jas is doing without such a title just as a friend or wellwisher is nt it more ownest modern way. Why guru,and you know why since one want power warship and money and glory this is wath i dont like most in there role the ill motivation.why one for helping people should present himself like he is alwready in the kingdom of god and warthy to be warshiped as god if he is not realy, why one should cheat his desciples about his spiritual capacites ?I mean that \he will take him or her to vaikuntha.
Is it not cheating?
By the way it could be in india in a way you wrote since in india thward guru means simply teacher also and then it can be ok if the person not mplaying strange role of self realised soul the represantative of God ,otherwise ........
And itis good for desciples also to not be desciplce of such gurus since in that case they will not feel that they alwready on right way and they will search and maybe will come to right way but if they dont search they will just end in the sect that is it.