yes, I absolutely agree with you, that our faculty to see is very imperfect. I know a woman, when she looks on somebody, she sees all his subtle bodies, and this person looks in her eyes like big many-coloured ball with small phisical body inside. And in this bodies all information about this person places. Therefore she can tell a lot about character of the person, his illness, his kinsmans, his talents, his problems and so on, -simply to look on his person. And if the person will feel anger,she will see it as a change of a color of his emotional body. I can't see so, but if you will feel anger to me, I will FEEL it, even if you will not write about it. If somebody loves me, I FEEL it, even if he doesn't tell about it. Also when somebody hates me. And all people can feel such things. There is one interesting thing. When I think about somebody I find that visual image is not main thing in this "thought". It is more as a sensation of this person, an impression about him. Although the visual perception is my strong ability as I am a painter. But I think it is so because this visual perception is very small part of what we perceive indeed when we associate with other people. For example, this rite which we, women, do with our faces when we intend to go out from our houses. We can change our faces very much but it will be beautifully only if we will feel ourselves beatifull, if this rite will give us this feeling of confidence and love to ourselves. And other people perceive exactly this energy, this our attitude to ourselves when they think that simply look on made up our faces. I don't knowthis example is intelligible for a man or not.
I want to say that it may be difficultly for us to see God if we don't see even own subtle bodies but we can FEEL Them.
When my friends and I gather together and meditate on Lords, Kamalamala wants to discuss qualities of this person on who we intend to tune ourselves.In order to" not miss ". But I find that even if I know not very good a "history" of this person, my soul exactly knows " this place of fixing". Inside me there is the knowledge by what Lord Shiva differs from Lord Ganesha, or Parvati, or Krishna . I can't have enough of infirmation about it, but there is a difference of energies of this Lords, and it is impossible to not feel.
I don't think that you do something wrongly. It is impossible that you feel nothing when you try to connect yourself with Deities.May be, you ignore your sensation. You can try to feel some man, then Deities, then again this man in order to feel the difference in their energies.Then you can try to send your energy, your love to Deities. Before I didn't understand how I can move my energy, but there is one exersise which helped me very much. I will describe it, I don't know it will be useful for you or not, but it is what I can offer.
Please, relax.
Imagine somebody who you love. Feel this love. What colour have this love? what smell?how does it sound? what taste have it? what temperature? what weight? does it eradiate or absorb light? in what place of your body is your love?
Mentally rise over your body very high up and look from above on your body and on your life as on road. On this road there is the point if " here and now". Look back on the point your birth, then more back -on the point of your conception, then more back -on the point when you already had not previous body but still didn't take the present body. Sink in this place and look around. Close by you there is a source of light. It is source of life. Draw near to it, again feel your energy of love and send your love to this light. Wait an answer and accept it's love. Let this energy,this love fill you. Again send your love and accept it's love. Do it so long how you like it. Then return to the point "here and now".
Good luck
I congratulate you on Gaura-Purnima!