"I am what I am", to go one`s life...

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"I am what I am", to go one`s life...

Post by harsi »

"I am what I am", to go ones life. Under this headline, I thought to start a forum where everyone can say something about himself, if one so desires, of course, in order to also get to know each other, in this kind of sidewalk cafe of spiritualists. In near future, I will write myself something, until than, still anyone is sincerely welcome, to be the first.
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Who am I really...

Post by harsi »

To be or not to be...the great question of all questions, I guess, what I am or am not, or could be in reality, or maybe allways was, who knows...? I guess in some way, I allways was that, what I am now, the one as I have allways been, in some way or other, I suppose, and will allways be in my existence in the future also. Thus, I guess it should be alright, when I consider myself, that "I am what I am" as well as that "I am that" what I am, in my existence now, and in my present situation, to be the one, who is putting this things, I`m mentioning here to you, in writing. Or could it not be so? What do you all think, sitting on your computerscreens out there, wherever you might happen to be right now, and reading what I am trying here to deliver to you?

Which is not such an easy thing, as you may consider it to be, I am writing through pure inspiration which comes into my mind, and puting this words which flow in, in a spontanious fashion in the computer, is sometimes a risky matter, which one might not allways consider to be appropiate to the situation, one may happen to be in. You might think that they would have been well thought out, but that is not allways the case, in my conversations here on this forum.

I guess at least we can agree on the fact that I exist, in some way or other, as you also are existing out there somewhere, and have always existed, I suppose, somewhere, somehow, since would it be otherwise, you would not even take any notice of my existence here, and about my writing to you, or would you?
What all this has to do with me as a person and the forum I was starting, I dont know, you may have to decide, I guess, if what I am writing here to you makes any sense to you or not.

Anyway now its 2.30 in the night and I am a little tired, so I will continue with this message or writing to you, another time.

Until than I wish you all a good time.
See you later...alligater :) no, my dear frends out there.
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Post by harsi »

As you may have rightly observed, the one who defindet himself, and his existence before above, was not allways exactly I, rather the One whom I thought should be the One, who should be the first One, who should have the posibility in our forum here, to reveal Himself and describe His nature and existence, for our all better understanding and knowledge. Namely the Supreme Absolute One Personality, who is known among us by many names such as Krishna or Rama etc, and who is in actuality nameless, as one may know, He described Himself ones, to one searcher of the truth about Him, and was responding, when been asked, who he was, or what His nature would be, as the "I am what I am", and "I am that", whatever that may be, acording to our limited experience, of that described herein by Him, thus as we may have emanated from Him, we can, I think corectly, do the same, or?

So therefore I did what I did, and was describing Him as well as me, in that way I have done it. As I am also of the firm conviction, that by concentrating us, moore on that what we may have moore in common with others, or with someOne else, instead of concentrating us allways, only of what is distinguishing us from others or someOne else, would be a much better ground for our discussions, the understanding one may gain from this, and our all better understanding of one another, and the things which may us all concern.
I think that one can therefore corectly say, that everything is one - spiritual, since everything whas emanating ones from that spiritual One, one may want to understand or conect with. How could it be otherwise?

I find it to be quite accurate also in this regard, what Janus wrote, in His very informative article, "The meanings of Initiation", namely that,"If one does not share ones realizations than one will generally forget them and return to old patterns of thought and behaviour"... :idea:
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Post by Gaura »

Dear Harsi

I think, that's nice when you speak from the heart. Because when we speak from the heart it's becoming fresh, new. Otherwise the talk will become just continuation of our sleeping society and it's rules. And every time when we speak from the heart, concentrating on our inside feeling, we grow by becoming conscious of our existence, and thus hear inside voice more clear.
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You were speaking after my own heart, by writing this so nicely. Thank you for the encouragement, dear Gaura. If one would take, what you were writing above to heart, I think that would be indeed wonderfull. I suppose in this matter, certainly many of us would need to evolve from "a change of heart" to a change "in" their heart of hearts. As it is also, my hearts desire.
Nice we have met each other, on this forum, and can share with one another, all that we may have at heart, thus grow and develop spiritual, into that wonderfull person we are and all can be, thus reaching the state of happiness, which I guess, we all want to experience, having all our spiritual origins in that one Supreme Divine Personality, who is, as one may know, the Supreme Embodiment off all Happiness, or?

Isn´t that a wonderfull opportunity, which Hari and all who are involved with this site on the Internet, made possible for all of us?! I think yes it is, and I would like to take this also as an opportunity to express my thanks to Hari for that, as well as for the wonderfull enlightened knowledge, I have received from him, over the last 20 years or so, and the spiritual awareness, it made for me possible to achieve, and it still does, I guess, for many others as well.

I thank you for that, with all my heart,
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Post by harsi »

"Print as many books in as many languages as possible and distribute them throughout the whole world. Then this KCM will increase."

What good will do this for me, and the way my spiritual awareness in life will progress...? Should this, and this spiritual need of mine, not also be taken into consideration, I think one could rightly ask, in this regard.

Anyway, please take care, the by some of you, I suppose, as "demonic" classified, "Putana like witch", "Rita" is on its way to you, in the U.S. May you be protected there from this danger, by the Supreme what He, I think, for sure will do as He is doing allways for someone who is seeking shelter with or "in" Him, and the arrangements which He may have inspired, I guess to be made, for making that possible for Him to do, wherever one may happen to live right now. As he may have inspired, I suppose, also the snake, to leave the place of shelter were Haridas Thakur were inside. In whom one could therefore seek moore shelter than Him; anyone or anything else to be found inside, outside, around us, anywhere or anyhow..?

I think the answer to this question, can be found only in ourself, inspired from within by the One who may know it for certain, and from outside, by the one who may inspire us through his personality and the spiritual wisdom he may have gaind, by means of applying it to himself, and his ongoing spiritual indeavor to find and discover himself moore and moore, and that divine spiritual Personality within us.

Which may just wait for, I suppose, that one may want to take any notice of Him being inside, and to the way he may reveal Himself to us, which may depend on our own desire to know and descover Him, as well as us. Than it should, I think depend only on us, which kind of spiritual relationship one may whant to embark in, with Him, for ones ongoing spiritual awareness and perception of one another.

I hope you know what I am trying to say. Any experiences one may want to reveal refering to this, by someone else out there.? I think, it would be very nice if we would exchange our encounters with the Supreme with one another. Thus one could grow and develop spiritually together. What could be moore pleasant than inspiring us mutual on our spiritual journey to our own, and to the One we may have all emanated from. 8)
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Nothing is moore powerfull than an idea whose time has come
- Victor Hugo
Are you ready for that..?
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Don`t just follow in the footprints of the great masters, rather search yourself what they have been searching.
- Zen
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Post by harsi »

Just become like a child that discovers the beauty of the world every moment again and again
- Proverb from the Himalayas

About the sense of beauty of Radhe-Shyama one could really be astonished isn´t it, although it may be transitory in nature, like all we may can perceive with our eyes and the other senses, neverless I think it has its own kind of beauty; when one knows were to find it of course .. or?
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Post by harsi »

After all that what I went through in my life, this spiritual journey to our own and the source of all of us, can be quite a great adventure, if not the greatest adventure of all, it can take one into a complitelly new territory and confront us with the talest peaks of spiritual awareness possible, and the deepest quaintness at the bottom of our own unconscious.

If one is allowing it to transform oneself, than I think it will and can do so, at the physical, mental, moral and of course spiritual level. In my opinion, whatever or however this spiritual journey to our own may look like in practice, as well as on the spiritual or intelectual level, at the bottom line (I nearly wrote line of fire :wink: ), of all of them should be at the end, to set you innerly free, and allow you to stand spiritually as well as "materially" on your own bottom, should bring you spiritual understanding about yourself and the source of all of us, bring you joy, and the capacity, where one can face any situation in life we may be confronted with fearlessly.

Or what is your opinion about this?
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Post by harsi »

I thought to share with all of you, a interesting insight, I come across today, which is indeed thought provoking in its nature.

"I come to advise you that humanity is not alone in this Universe...
That your Earth is now being raised back into the higher love dimension she once held...and only those humans who choose peace will be co-creaters in that cosmic process.
Time is critical. You are needed. Will you help?

moore on....www.disciplelight.com
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Who is living love is never alone...

Post by harsi »

Who is "living" his Love, is never "alone" wherever he may happen to be . Therefore I would say "live" your love in your encounters with others and the One we may have all originated from, every day and every moment of your life, wherever you may happen to be, or in whatever society or country you may reside. By "living" ones love one can feel and become aware of the presence of the One inside of him, and the way how this One inside, is reciprocating with you and your awareness of Him and the world around you, and is aranging or steers "your" outside world according to the one you may have "inside". That is the awareness I whish everyone to make, wherever they may happen to be. When your inside world and the one outside of you "unite" you are able to feel that love inside, and the presents of the One however you may call or imagine Him to be. In this rare moments you feel the need to embrace the One inside with great love and devotion. Your mind seems to fade away and you are not even aware of his presents anymoore.

I often have this sensation of reciprocity of the One outside and inside of me wherever or however he may look like or however one may call Him which in this moments becomes complitely unimportant. A sensation or feeling often not so easy to be described in the right words. I only know and am aware of his presence somewhere and somehow for certain, and that He indeed exists.

And my only hearts desire is that you may also become ones aware of Him than all this, I call it now "gossip of the streets" about this things and that things or that society or this one becomes so unimportant as anything, it fades away into complite nothingness, like a dream you may have had, from which you woke up. That I wish everyone, wherever they may happen to be.

your friend
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Post by Gaura »

I would like to share me thoughts too. I wonder about this wonderful power that force as to forget that everything is connected. And we are too.

I wonder how anything can be not Him. How we can divide into inside and outside world. If inside world we think is spiritual and real then this internet should be not Him. Then what is it? Then in the creation there is He and something else.

Or more huge dilemma. How can be in the space He and We and the Space, where we exist together. Isn't it strange. I always new that there was and is only One, then who are We? There is an opinion that when we completely will understand ourselves, this separation will disappear. There is also another opinion that sometime we got separated and from then on We give experience to Him by living a life in His dream. So what can be said about all this. I can tell nothing about it, that is for sure. What can I do? Only tray to wider my consciousness. And someday, I hope, the answer to this dilemma will come and arise in me.

And I'm sorry to say, since I'm week and under the illusion of "separation of everything" most of the time, I'm sometimes shay to live life as if I know nothing about all this. But I'm trying when I remember...
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Post by harsi »

Its for me very interesting to see also how some persons can derive from ones experiences with the Supreme, meanings or conotations to something or someone, which were never the intention of the one who described himself and his "realizations" or awarenesses of the Supreme, if that One Supreme "is" or was allways a person in a form, separated from ourselfs, a matter I dont and cannot discuss further now, since I dont know at that particular moment and time any answer about that, only from written words of someone else, which until now were not becoming completely my own ones. I only made until now the certain realization or have become somehow aware in a way that seems to me not to be deceitful, that this One exists really in reality, and if you so desire you can really "conect" yourself with Him which gives you a very great assurance in life and you feel yourself safe and secure in His "hands.
And can give and experience a kind of reciprocity of that love you may give to others or someOne else.

What I actually wanted to say is that it seems to me that someone derives his understanding of ones awarenes of "spiritual" matters regarding ones encounters with the Supreme, or that of someone elses who may be slightly different from ones own, which grants one an insight which seems to reflect moore "things" from "his" own mind setting than the one of his actual spiritual awarenesses of the one he is discribing, in a very nice language, I must really admit.

Or what are your impressions?
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Post by harsi »

"I have a dream" inspiring lyrics from ABBA

I have a dream, a song to sing
To help me cope with anything...
If you see the wonder of a fairy tale
you can take the future even if you fail
I believe in angels
Something good in everything I see...
I believe in angels
When I know the time is ripe for me.
I´ll cross the stream - I have a dream...

I have a dream, a fantasy (power of imagination I would add)
To help me through reality
And my destination makes it worth a while
Pushing through the darkness still another mile...
I believe in angels
Something good in everything I see...
I believe in angels when I know the time is ripe for me...

Who may want to listen on a sample of this song, to be found at..
Have a nice weekend.
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