You can not help people when You can not help himself
You can not help people when you can not help others
My dear GURU when I was in danger I asked you help you kick me like some dog.
Go in you life and do not chiten people/
When you was in danger I help you with out money and so on
You remamber me I was you bodyguard.
I am normal I already sent you my test from psihology from university
You want sent me in psihik hospital is not so or may be you wife
I do not no I was in normal in that time because I said truth about You and You wife not so?
My dear frinds? I do not want that you chiten people like big lover/
Sri Visnupad was better! You now about it. How now You figting with me
dear mistic yougy You just kill people remember about sveta my dera gury she is now is not himself my dear lover! Go from this world.
If you go out this letter I sent again I know you very well.
Big lover. Looking in the eyes You disiple Shatapaha\ sveta\
and revive your nowledge about himself
In said only truth you no my dear lover
Best for you and your wife seat and cry what you doin may be you and you wife think that god is now i know you wife do not like us is not so Kamala. sveta is best astrology than you kamamla robert know about this i was good bodyguard now is not may be ninzy may be so on my dear lover
to next meet
about Hari from heart
Ok, he demands an answer so I will give him one. For those of you who do not know him, let me simply say that he has multiple problems that I do not wish to publicly discuss and he has continually barraged me with letters and threats. As an explanation, in part, of why I erase his posts and delete all his letters, I offer this reply. Perhaps people like this insist on manifesting themselves in this open forum since they need to find out the hard way the truth they try so hard to avoid? I mean, does he really think he is punishing me with his text? I can only assume he wants to publicly flagellate himself for his own benefit.
In between your attempts to convince me that everyone I know is bad, that only you can teach me the truth, and blatant threats against me, and anyone I love, you have asked me to help you. I have said many times I do not wish to do this, neither do I wish to be a part of your life. I have seen that you are incapable of accepting any help I could give you. In reality, I cannot help you because I am incapable of helping you. I have told you this many times, yet you refuse to accept my answer. I know whom I can help and who not. I have stated clearly I cannot help you. I never said I would not. I have said time and time again that you need another kind of teacher or another kind of friend. I am not your teacher; neither am I your friend according to your definition of friendship. I honestly and sincerely state it like this for it the most clear, unequivocal and concise way I can express it according to what I feel is best for you to hear.
I have not kicked you like a dog since I would never kick a dog. I like dogs and they like me. Further, I have no reason to kick you since I do not kick anyone. I do not wish to associate with you; neither have any communication with you. We do not connect on any level. I cannot help you since I am incapable to do so. Now any sane person would say, "OK, I understand. Thank you and good-bye." I wonder why you insist on asking and saying the same things again and again? All I really want is for you to do something else than continually insist on a communication since you and I are incompatible. Your ideals and your desires are very different from mine. The way you act and think are very different from my ways of acting and thinking. Your idea that we are related from last lifetime is wrong and has nothing to do with me, as we are not related from last lifetime. But then again, your characteristic is to believe whatever you like. One wonders why you ask me anything since you do not believe what I say?
I am also not interested in having a general conversation with you, a discussion on some topic or even a simple hangout type of exchange. The reasons are clear, we do not have anything in common that I know of and as time is limited, my desire to engage in such a discussion is limited. Your idea that somehow I am involved in your marital difficulties is your idea alone and as far as I know has little to do with me. If I said something that woke your wife up to herself then I am guilty for this is what I do for everyone. What she does after she wakes up is her concern alone. I am not involved in your family affairs. I am not involved in anyone’s family affairs for I respect their privacy. And I did check with your wife to ask if I had anything to do with whatever happened between you and her. She emphatically stated it had nothing to do with me.
As you have no respect for anyone except yourself and those who you have designated as great, why do you bother with me? As you have convinced yourself that I am cruel, useless, different than before and altogether unworthy of anything, why don’t you just follow your heart and your philosophy and do something else? I do not understand why you insist on continually attempting to make me feel bad about not communicating with you? Truly, you make no sense to me and therefore I previously suggested some psychotherapy. You responded by getting a psychological test of some kind which you state proves you are not crazy.
Contrary to your limited understanding, psychotherapy is not for crazy people and using such services does not mean you are crazy. It is simply a technique by which people can examine why they feel as they do and clarify how this affects their lives. As you obviously are not very connected with yourself (which does explain your difficulty with connecting with others) speaking confidentially with a person whose job it is to empower you to clarify what you think and feel would assist you greatly.
But you do not like my suggestions, fine. I do not wish to continue this communication.
In between your attempts to convince me that everyone I know is bad, that only you can teach me the truth, and blatant threats against me, and anyone I love, you have asked me to help you. I have said many times I do not wish to do this, neither do I wish to be a part of your life. I have seen that you are incapable of accepting any help I could give you. In reality, I cannot help you because I am incapable of helping you. I have told you this many times, yet you refuse to accept my answer. I know whom I can help and who not. I have stated clearly I cannot help you. I never said I would not. I have said time and time again that you need another kind of teacher or another kind of friend. I am not your teacher; neither am I your friend according to your definition of friendship. I honestly and sincerely state it like this for it the most clear, unequivocal and concise way I can express it according to what I feel is best for you to hear.
I have not kicked you like a dog since I would never kick a dog. I like dogs and they like me. Further, I have no reason to kick you since I do not kick anyone. I do not wish to associate with you; neither have any communication with you. We do not connect on any level. I cannot help you since I am incapable to do so. Now any sane person would say, "OK, I understand. Thank you and good-bye." I wonder why you insist on asking and saying the same things again and again? All I really want is for you to do something else than continually insist on a communication since you and I are incompatible. Your ideals and your desires are very different from mine. The way you act and think are very different from my ways of acting and thinking. Your idea that we are related from last lifetime is wrong and has nothing to do with me, as we are not related from last lifetime. But then again, your characteristic is to believe whatever you like. One wonders why you ask me anything since you do not believe what I say?
I am also not interested in having a general conversation with you, a discussion on some topic or even a simple hangout type of exchange. The reasons are clear, we do not have anything in common that I know of and as time is limited, my desire to engage in such a discussion is limited. Your idea that somehow I am involved in your marital difficulties is your idea alone and as far as I know has little to do with me. If I said something that woke your wife up to herself then I am guilty for this is what I do for everyone. What she does after she wakes up is her concern alone. I am not involved in your family affairs. I am not involved in anyone’s family affairs for I respect their privacy. And I did check with your wife to ask if I had anything to do with whatever happened between you and her. She emphatically stated it had nothing to do with me.
As you have no respect for anyone except yourself and those who you have designated as great, why do you bother with me? As you have convinced yourself that I am cruel, useless, different than before and altogether unworthy of anything, why don’t you just follow your heart and your philosophy and do something else? I do not understand why you insist on continually attempting to make me feel bad about not communicating with you? Truly, you make no sense to me and therefore I previously suggested some psychotherapy. You responded by getting a psychological test of some kind which you state proves you are not crazy.
Contrary to your limited understanding, psychotherapy is not for crazy people and using such services does not mean you are crazy. It is simply a technique by which people can examine why they feel as they do and clarify how this affects their lives. As you obviously are not very connected with yourself (which does explain your difficulty with connecting with others) speaking confidentially with a person whose job it is to empower you to clarify what you think and feel would assist you greatly.
But you do not like my suggestions, fine. I do not wish to continue this communication.