Jasmuheens predictions

A place to ask Hari, exchange ideas with him, give some suggestions, or share some ideas with him on existence. This forum is not the place to discuss anything related to his former status or situation. Hari will reply to all texts.
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Jasmuheens predictions

Post by kamalamala1 »

Dear Hariji
This is information wich was sent by Jasmuheen to me i decided maybe it will be interesting to
others also.
And will be also very nice if you say wath do you think about all this predictions.

St. Germain shares: The Master discerns which experience, he or she will have while dwelling in physical form in God's kingdom. The Master, through all realms of expression, creates around them that which serves them fully in the awakened state in each now moment.
What you are being asked to do is to embrace the Christed One within so you may be that magician in the stillness, in the power of that which you are; so that you may send out from your physical form, electromagnetic signals of deep wisdom and power and connectedness. This is the power that will bring the chaos into order once more for the good of the whole.
Forget the power of your addictions and become addicted to experiencing the Divine One Within you and, as Its power radiates through you, It will bring all your addictions into perspective and alignment - without struggle - for this is the power of the God that dwells within!
St Germain on Earth Changes:-
Let us talk then about these great changes, for they will come. In a period of fewer than decades you will find the continent of Europe greatly altered. In the period of similar time, you will find much of the United States greatly altered; a shifting of land mass and water, a simple rearrangement none the less. When you work with your full focus on aligning with and discovering and enjoying the God force within, then you may also trust that you will always find yourself at the perfect place in the perfect time.
As servants of the divine, you have the internal voice, that which you call your intuition, that will move you when you listen to it. It will guide you to be where you need to be and if that creates the ceasing of this physical embodiment, then so be it, it just means that your work is complete here and you as a soul will continue its journey of perfect evolution and may take another body at will, at another time. Or perhaps if it is not the end of your contract, you will find that you are one step ahead always of the supposed devastation for devastation is only that according to your interpretation.
Great change comes and will bring great glory for those tuned to the gifts that these changes bring. The energy of the Buddha teaches detachment, teaches to be dependant only on the divine one within, and it is great teaching.
Let us now see into future times, for there is the prophecy that the Federation is gathering masses, preparing for landings at this time and on one level of reality that is so. They have made contact with many beings upon this plane that are now in constant service doing what they have agreed as in their blueprint. But it is your planet, and we share this so often, that in the cycle of coming change much will remain but more will be transformed, for any system no longer operating for the good of the whole will crumble.
You will soon have access to technologies that will radically transform communication, that will radically transform your transportation and that will allow the resources upon this planet to be distributed in a more equable manner.
Many of you will remain in embodiment for decades to come for you are the seeders of the new root race and you have long term contracts that see you here until the completion of this new phase of being. You are to bring in new technologies and systems that work for the collective whole.
We have positioned and communicated with many beings, like chess pieces upon a board. These pieces are your own embodiments, beings such as yourself who have tuned into the higher paradigms of creation. They now form what you term an energy matrix around the planet that is magnetizing you into another realm.
Collective Message:-
Yours is not the only planet in our stable. There are many active life forms with varying degrees of intelligence in gestation - as above, so below. Your planet mirrors the complexity of universal creation when you observe your realm of micro-organisms and subatomic particles. You yourselves as a manifestation of the human form are but a shadow in the scope of creation and yet your gods kindly gave you keys for your gods are the great benefactors to be sure. Any feelings you have of dissension and separation come from within your own hearts and minds as your thoughts divide you, and your focus divorces you, from each other and from us.
It is time for heart-felt retrospection, honest analysis of who you are today in your life. Are you happy, have you achieved your dreams and your goals? Do you give and receive love easily and freely in your lives? Happiness will bring the gift of health and wealth, for abundance comes to all who seek it. This is universal law and so it is!
To be an effective force of change in your world, we invite you to learn the mastery of divine alchemy. We invite you to release words of separation like fear and darkness for the fear behind the fear comes from ignorance of the unknown. When you yourselves know the unknowable you will relax and enjoy and fear will be no more. It is fear that will slow planetary progression just as easily as ice will freeze your blood.
Your fear of the forces of darkness will no longer be valid when you understand truly that the dark and the light are the dual natures of the Oneness and from the dark, the light was born. And without the light, the dark would die and without the darkness the Light could not be experienced for the darkness is the void - the infinite nature of creation as the quantum field.
To fear the darkness is to fear the force of creation itself.
As long as the language of separatist thinking remains in use by your peoples you will not have the unity that you seek for unity is the common factor that binds the fragments of the whole together in one common vision. So find among you that which you can use to feel more unified and do that first. Then ask for the next piece of your blueprint to be made clear and it will come. Know also that when you seek to unify you will also unify the dimensions of creation unto yourself for that which is part of the One must reveal itself to you as you seek to know and be it.
Just know that your pathway is golden.
From highways of light you have come, breathed out on a Sigh as creation and into your being you were sung.
Many in life are so often filled with their own self-importance that they do not see beyond their immediate issues of survival. Personal survival when achieved, will lead you to look at global survival then galactic survival, then universal for you are moving rapidly into a time of a more compassionate and community orientated world, where human rights will be practically and lovingly attended to. You that are here with us now in this energy field are the bringers of this change - you are the messengers, the activators, the transformers.
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Re: Jasmuheens predictions

Post by Hari »

It is fine with me. I am ready to be of service when called upon.

I am no longer impatient and will not worry why the world is not getting the help it needs to change. I just hope that we take it seriously to come together and do something that benefits us. The many are always stronger than the one. That is why when we are aware there is only one of us we become the strongest.

I hope things do not get destroyed, but global warming is real. Water is rising and shifting pressures from the increase of fluids affected by temperature fluctuations will definitely cause changes. One does not need to be a mystic to see this. I hope I am in the right place at the right time though. I am not happy with changes, but stagnation is worse than death.

Good luck us.
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