What is the Soul?
By Ron Henry
"The soul is known esoterically as Solar, which is because its inherent nature is in the infinite. There is a divine spark within us that animates the soul and it also represents that living potential that is the eternal spark of our immortal selves.
It is located in a secret chamber of the heart and it is called the three fold flame. It is the companion of the soul ever reminding the soul of its eternal divine nature. It is also known as the "hidden man of the heart"
All souls we come in contact with can benefit from the devotion we give to our own souls. Even if we think people are dense to things of the spirit and appear to have little awareness of the soul, we can have a positive effect on people through our souls. When we pay attention to our own soul, we develop sensitivity to the souls of others, so there is not so much reaction to the personality.
People sense this in people when we are trying to become a whole-souled person. We may not call it the same thing but there is a certain soul-knowing that occurs between people. Sometimes this quiet fortitude the soul emits is better received than a more direct form of help, like talking. The soul knows how to sooth.
We can remember to invoke the fires of forgiveness, because at the level of the soul all things are felt. We don't have to feel we are alone with our souls, but we are part of a soul family and this includes angels and guardians of the soul" Continued...
Wind of the Soul Website: Understanding Death through Consciously Living Life Psychology - The Science of The Soul - Article by H. P. Blavatsky
- Monism is a word which admits of more than one interpretation The "monism" of Lewes, Bain and others, which endeavors so vainly to compress all mental and material phenomena into the unity of One Substance, is in no way the transcendental monism of esoteric philosophy. The current "Single-Substance Theory" of mind and matter necessarily involves the doctrine of annihilation, and is hence untrue.
Occultism, on the other hand, recognizes that in the ultimate analysis even the Logos and Mulaprakriti are one; and that there is but One Reality behind the Maya of the universe But in the manvantaric circuit, in the realm of manifested being, the Logos (spirit), and Mulaprakriti (matter or its noumenon), are the dual contrasted poles or bases of all phenomena-subjective and objective. The duality of spirit and matter is a fact, so long as the Great Manvantara lasts. Beyond that looms the darkness of the "Great Unknown," the one Parabrahman. (more...)