Trust - Good Fortune is There For You
By Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD
My son, who will be 38 in August 2008, made a comment recently. "Mom, everything seems so easy for me and I have everything I need. I think I rely too much on things just being there for me. I need to be more mindful of managing all the details of what I need."
I asked, "What prompted you to be concerned that you are not paying enough attention to details?" He gave the example of his recent discovery that I had saved a copy of his resume.
Two years ago he had applied for graduate school and he needed a resume. As a Life Coach I have helped many people write resumes, thus, I offered him my expertise. I saved the resume, so that when he needed to update it, I would already have a copy. Thus, I would save him the hassle of sending me a copy. He was surprised and relieved that I saved it. I explained that as his mother I see my role as being here for him in as many ways as possible 'big and small.' This was one of the small ways. My having a copy saved him at least two hours.
What prompted the conversation was that he needed to have a resume because he was being sought for a new job with a different company. He needed the resume within two days and his computer had crashed several months ago and he did not have a copy on an auxiliary drive. In this conversation he learned I had a copy, which later led him to ponder his 'good fortune' and to reexamine if he is relying on his 'good fortune' too much.
In practically, he needed to have all his files backed-up on an auxiliary drive. Albeit that he did not, I had saved a copy. I did not know that he would not save his resume on an auxiliary drive or that his computer would crash. What prompted me to save the resume was a habit of 'keeping' critical items, 'that I might need later.' I save things for many years that are not ultimately used, thus, I have a lot of boxes stored. But that is another story.
The universe provides for us in ways we sometimes have difficulty comprehending. However, if we look, listen, and trust, everything is there for us in big and small ways. My point is: 'Trust' that your universe is there for you, albeit you are unable to prove it before the fact.
Integrating the spiritual into your life allows you to be more capable in all aspects of your existence. The spiritual allows you to be aware of the far-reaching effects of the power of trust. When you use all your talents and spiritual awareness, your actions will have a lasting and positive impact on everyone and everything in your life.
Think of the many ways people have saved the day for you. Think of the many ways you have saved the day for others. This is the universe at work, prompting you or others to do something that later, becomes a 'God send.' BTW he was offered and accepted the job. His first two weeks have been, a dream come true. And he lived happily ever after. At least that is the fairy tale ending. He can trust, he will along with his spiritual universe create a happy ending.