[i am very proud][понты] i *detected* last akshaya tritiya

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[i am very proud][понты] i *detected* last akshaya tritiya

Post by Mihail »


in fact, the day was so amazing that i opened a vedic calendar to find what that day is -- the thing i do very-very rarely

i can not remember a proper mention of akshaya tritiya for all that years i was at iskcon (probably there were mentions, but they were so insufficient, that i can not remember); i noticed akshaya tritiya 1 or 2 years ago while reading about vedic astrology and forgot up to the moment of reading vedic calendar

so the case may be seen as 1 experimental verification for vedic astrology (those who firmly *believe* in vedic astrology must remember that there are different values of ayanamsa and afaik problems for places above/below polar circles)

there are also some other positive information about this day, but i shall report it on your request only -- because i compose an english text very slowly
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