Sri Ramanuja's works

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Sri Ramanuja's works

Post by Drpta »

Sri Ramanauja-–a great viashnava acarya, philosopher and religious reformer lived in XII century. He died at age of 120 years. His teaching is called Vishishta-adwaita-–oneness in variety. That means the Brahman, being manifested in variety of forms and names is one in its root or essence. This philosophy is very close to Lord Chaitanya’s Achintya bheda-abheda doctrine and consonant with Hari's teaching.

He wrote only five works but profound and meaningful. When I read his Gita bhasya I found it very resonant wits my understating of God and existence. Also I found many interesting answers on my philosophical questions. His views are very unique and different in principles from views of other acaryas. His way is to perceive the truth or God thru direct perception, thru mystical experience in mood of Bhakti.

Here I place a few of his works I have for common plesure.

Gita Bhashya
Sri Bhashya. Part 1
Sri Bhashya. Part 2
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Re: Sri Ramanuja's works

Post by Mihail »

what books do you have? good way to present is to make md5sum-s:

Code: Select all

$ md5sum ram*.pdf SS*
6f63198d550efdd750e62fb4c9d2b37f  ramanuja_gita_bhashya.pdf
ac51f5a6a02286a2cf87bd80762a6f37  SS059 - Sri bhashyamphala adhyayam_part1.pdf
5ae885b58da8129d50b82c7433be538f  SS060 - Sri bhashyam -sadhana adhyayam_part2.pdf
> His way is to perceive the truth or God thru direct perception,

i like this

more on books: i plan to convert them to more readable format (pdf is a shit) and may be spell-check too, see for example:

> keep revolving for some tiime even after the operation of making the pot is over.
> tiime
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