Spiritual world, Heaven and Hell

A place to ask Hari, exchange ideas with him, give some suggestions, or share some ideas with him on existence. This forum is not the place to discuss anything related to his former status or situation. Hari will reply to all texts.
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Spiritual world, Heaven and Hell

Post by Drpta »

Hi Hari,
According to scriptures there are three realms: spiritual, heaven and hell. For me it is clear enough with first two, but what about the hell? Is it real place for special suffering, a place of expiation for sins earlier made? Who directs souls into that place? Do they make it by they own will because of having the sense of guilt or something else, or there is spatial structure like a judgment which decides your destination?

And I have a question concerns to how soul comes into different realms: into spiritual world, into heaven and into hell. Do soul have birth there like at Earth as child who has two parents or in any another manner?
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Re: Spiritual world, Heaven and Hell

Post by Hari »

We create our own destination according to our choices. We create heaven or hell by our actions as we cultivate our consciousness and our environment. Our lives on earth reflect that reality within the structure of the facilities we are offered at birth. How we use what we are given determines how we experience life.

After death, the heavy weight of our bodily situation is lifted and all that remains is our consciousness that was cultivated in our physical lives. After death, our conscious energy defines who we are. Thus, we reap the result of our cultivation of our consciousness.

If we are living in hell, we have created this environment. If we are in a hellish consciousness at death, healers assist us to overcome the intolerable consciousness we are entangled in. After this time of healing, when we are clearer in heart and mind, we are placed within a new life that forces us to change our choices and our selfish, exploitive mood. We voluntarily place ourselves in the optimal life situation encouraged by beings who facilitate our gradual, systematic, evolution towards essence.

Birth depends on physical bodies. Where there are no physical bodies, there is no birth.
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Re: Spiritual world, Heaven and Hell

Post by Drpta »

We voluntarily place ourselves in the optimal life situation encouraged by beings who facilitate our gradual, systematic, evolution towards essence.
Being the essence by nature why do I need to somehow evolve to “reunion” with essence? Does it mean that I just experience life, which is manifestation of essence too, and that I having birth again and again means that I, as personal manifestation of essence, steel unsatisfied and can solve my main set of desires by having birth in material body in this world? And then, became fine, I go to another reality to experience another life? But it is looks bored, useless and silly. Zillions are doing the same things again, again and again and forever to the end of time!

Being co-creators of God we ought to do something special, we should coordinate our deeds with Him or Her to have real fun! But now it appears that we are living here like rats in the ship. Everyone lives in his own small world, care about himself and his offspring and seeing at others as at enemies. Absolutely useless life!
Akhila L
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Re: Spiritual world, Heaven and Hell

Post by Akhila L »

This is a very interesting topic (heaven and hell) as it is instrumental in making people follow representatives of "God's will" or "God's rules". It is instrumental in fooling people that someone can give them a passport to heaven here or, even worse, give them a ticket to hell. Unfortunately, this virtual bifurcation of soul's destiny has infected also many of "spiritual societies", some of them well-known :-) I like the invocation "according to scriptures" as it implies that this an absolute version of truth. Life has taught me that when you stop questioning what is given to you as a "final solution" or unquestionable set of rules, you place yourself in a very risky situation. It may be impossible to see from within but is perfectly seen from the outer perspective, if you get there in time. It refers not only to religious organisation but also to politics, science, love affair, everything. Of course, it is not about questioning all the positive that these different spheres of human activity can offer but rather about questioning blind following.
I share many of your sentiments, Drpta, and has been haunted by most of your ghosts through my life. What I learned myself too is that in the moment of great despair, frustration, when I am really getting broken down, I just pray to Him/Her and admit that I am a hopeless case but one thing I can, that is I love Him/Her and want Him/Her to help me never forget about it. Absolutely useless life? Maybe not. Maybe this is your Oscar scene.
I am really thrilled to read how Hari responds to your emotional credo. This is really exciting.
Thank you for this input.
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Re: Spiritual world, Heaven and Hell

Post by Drpta »

Thank you Akhilaji for a kind and supportive words!
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Re: Spiritual world, Heaven and Hell

Post by Hari »

Being co-creators of God we ought to do something special, we should coordinate our deeds with Him or Her to have real fun! But now it appears that we are living here like rats in the ship. Everyone lives in his own small world, care about himself and his offspring and seeing at others as at enemies. Absolutely useless life!
I agree. This is why I so much liked the saying, "There is only one of us" because it opens the door to positive social interaction, cooperative effort, caring for each other, better family connections, and a win win world where people care about the environment and how we manage the resources of the planet.

We create heaven when we see how we are all connected to each other and how we affect everything in our environment. We ultimately control what our planet becomes. My statement is not a plea for us to create a nice place; rather, by creating a sustainable, flourishing world we demonstrate we are developed as we should be. Our planet reflects our internal and external harmony and blossoms.

We create hell by doing the opposite. We humans seem hell-bent to create a terrible place by our actions, by how we entertain ourselves, and how we carelessly flaunt our resources, along with the hundreds of other things we do mindlessly.
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Re: Spiritual world, Heaven and Hell

Post by Drpta »

Acting cooperatively is an art as like as caring for each other. But people easily get used to it and try to exploit you. Do you know, how practically avoid such exploitation? How to protect ourselves from exploitation and at the same time be in service for others?
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Re: Spiritual world, Heaven and Hell

Post by Hari »

You could always avoid people who exploit and be of service to those who do not.

You could try to be of service to the exploiters by assisting them to become better people, yet not getting entangled with them. This is an art and I am not sure it can be taught. Unfortunately, even if you know the art it doesn't always work!
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Re: Spiritual world, Heaven and Hell

Post by Drpta »

Thank you!
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