You are welcome, Kamalamala. I would like to tell you how I managed to "feel" the Lord´s presence in my life and in my activities. As you know in the company of like-minded people who considered themselves devotees of Krishna it was customary or common to exercise ones mind or intellect to "think" of Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead as it was called. In my understanding this thinking exercise was not limited to thinking of Krishna in the sense of for example: "I will always think of you, my dear friend, and of all the precious moments that we have shared", rather in my understanding that "thinking" included also to have faith, confidence, in God or that particular divine personality and expecting a positive outcome in your particular "service" or work executed with that view of pleasing the Lord in mind.kamalamala1 wrote:... how to feel (the) Lord´s presence and his energy (?)
It was in the beginning of January 1990, around the 7th or 10th of January, a few weeks ago on 19 December 1989 people in Romania made a revolution aggainst their government and chased their Communist leaders away. It was since a long time that I was thinking about going to my country of birth, Romania - I left it with my parents in 1975 at the age of 14 - and try my best to "preach" "Krishna consciousness" as it was called back than, to my former countrymen. So at one point I followed my intuition, told the temple president of the community at Nrsimha Kshetra in the Bavarian Forest where I was located back than, that I would leave the community to drive to Romania. He wished me good luck and I drove with my white Mitsubishi car away.
Often one can read or listen to people speaking that they would feel this or that while living in the particular communities of Krishna devotees while I personally was always in the mood of beeing my own "Iskcon" or searching the people I like to associate with while beeing in the company of like-minded people and I never feeled bad or oppresed in any way by a certain society.
From Passau, Germany, where the Nrsimha temple is located to Bukarest, the capital of Romania, are about 1500 km, and still it so happened that when I arrived there with my car at around 9 or 10 o´clock in the evening, in that central place in Bukarest where the bloody revolution aggainst the Communist opressors took place and many people were shot, I went out of my car and came near a man who happened to stay alone near a sea of flowers and of lighted candles. I approached him and started to discuss with him. During our conversation he told me how he experienced up close this revolution aggainst the Communist regime and how he saw one man shot in the head and killed by the security forces. I told him where I came from and it so happened that after we were discussing for a while he invited me at his home in Bukarest where I could sleep that night. I accepted and we drove with my car to his appartment.
He had a small appartment and was living alone. We discussed a lot that night in his home before we went to sleep. It so happened that he was himself interested in spiritual issues and while I saw through his books in his book shelf I discovered an Ishopanishad in Russian language he bought on the street while he was on a visit to Kishinev, Moldavia, which was before a part of the Soviet Union. Thus it so happened that by "Krishna´s mercy" and the cooperation of the Supreme I met exacly the right person and I was exactly at the right time at exactly the right place in Bukarest where we met that evening. The next morning this man told me about a group of people which where interested in spirituality and yoga and were practicing that in hiding or secretly during the Communist time. Since I wanted to meet some of this people he introduced me to another man of this group of people who introduced me a few days later to more of this people and thus I met exactly the right people at the right time I was searching for on my trip to Romania.
When I think back so many things happened at exactly the right time and thus I could really "feel" the presence of the Lord in my life and in my activities performed for his pleasure and glory. Much more could I write here about how I "felt" and still "feel" today about how the Lord is interveening and continues to interveen in my life and in my daily activitys but I would like to stop here since it is already late, its now almost midnight here in Nuremberg, and tommorow morning at 5 o´clock I have to get up and go to work. Please tell me how you, Kamalamala, feel or felt the presence of the Lord in your life and your activities?