unfulfillment and rejection

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unfulfillment and rejection

Post by Sati »

Dear Hari!
In "Conversations with God" I ve read this :

"Hell is the opposite of joy. It is unfulfillment. It is knowing Who and What You Are, and failing to experience that. It is being less. That is hell, and there is none greater for your soul." (p.â„– 26)

I was thinking and read this part again and again, but still did not understand it.
What kind of awareness is it ? What prevents, for exumple, me, knowing who I am and who I am not to experience that joy? What is this impervious zone between knowing and experiencing in this case ? Who and why could get stuck there?

And just in the same place it is stated that the sole rejects this knowing:

"You, yourself, create the experience, whenever and however you separate your Self from your own highest thought about you. You, yourself, create the experience, whenever you deny your Self; whenever you reject Who and What You Really Are."

That i also cant understand - what could be the motivation? Isnt it impossible to see yourself in the mirror and to say seriously to yourself- thats not me and to belive that?

I understand that it is different from the original forgetness out of the desire to experience what we are not for the purpose of the experience of who we are a.s.o.
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Post by Hari »

Try comparing that definition of Hell to being a multi-billionaire miser who doesn't spend a penny on herself or anyone else. In other words, you are filled with enormous quality, yet you do not experience it. 'God' is trying to encourage you to manifest what you are by experiencing what you are. If you are not experiencing it, you are in hell, according to this definition of the word.

I knew many people in Calcutta who were extremely wealthy but lived like common people. I am sure they had their reasons. We always have reasons. We are very good at coming up with creative rationale.

We are all filled with the greatest qualities and capacities, yet we do not manifest them. We think we good reasons why, but in the larger picture these reasons appear so warped that 'God' decided to call those who do not manifest what they are as being in hell. Why should you be less than what you are? Why should you refuse to experience yourself in your fullness?

Naturally, people do this all the time in this world. It seems to be a characteristic of our situation. Unfortunately, it is not in our best interests to avoid experiencing our spiritual opulence.

Why do we do this? The answer is the subject of five volumes of books in the the conversation's series. Here is a quick summary in my own words.

We have forgotten who we are. We did this on purpose to allow ourselves the opportunity to expand our experiences and thus expand our consciousness. Unfortunately, we forgot that we forgot and we now assume that we never knew or that some other agency or entity put us in this illusion. We further assume that without some external help from higher or supernatural forces we will never get freed from the prison of ignorance this agency or entity put us in when we sinned. Considering these assumptions, it is logical, in a perverse sort of way, that we deny our spiritual glory and therefore deny ourselves the experiences that would manifest that glory. This is hell and we put us here.
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Post by Sati »

Thank you for your answer.
I thought that this situation of hell is not about most of the soles who have forgotten that they forgot, but about those who are already completely aware of their real self but consсiously reject it for some reasons in full understanding of who they are and what they are doing...
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