Фонд сообщества Хари

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Фонд сообщества Хари

Post by Nanda-grama »

Некоторое время назад мы обсуждали необходимость создания фонда сообщества Хари
и наконец мы создали такой виртуальный фонд в форме закрытого сообщества.
Целью существования этого фонда является сбор средств для проектов сообщества Хари( и в первую очередь, для поддержания деятельности Хари- его интернет-трансляций и приездов в Россию).

Мы планируем использовать собранные средства для оплаты расходов на поездки Хари в Россию - аренду аудиторий, питание и переезды по России,возможно, оплату стоимости перелета из Америки (обычно это оплачивалось несколькими людьми из их частных средств, и как все понимают, это достаточно много для одного или двух человек. Билет из Америки стоит около $1500, аренда аудитории для лекций на 3 дня стоит от 15000 рублей, и если это не окупается полностью билетами на лекции, Хари оплачивает это из своих денег. Для каждого из нас вложить 15000 р. - может быть, слишком большая сумма, но 500-1000 р. в месяц, к примеру, - незаметно для бюджета (во всяком случае, моего:) ), и тем не менее, если мы сделаем это вместе, этих денег будет достаточно, чтобы покрыть все расходы). Также регулярные субботние интернет-трансляции и веб-сайт harimedia.net требуют денег для поддержания серверов. Следующая очередь вложений денег фонда - разработка проектов, таких, как создание центра в Москве (хотя, вероятно, для этого будет создан отдельный фонд), создание эко-поселения с альтернативными источниками энергии. В любом случае, решение об использовании денег фонда будет приниматься путем голосования всеми участниками фонда. Я думаю, что возможна ситуация, что кто-то из участников фонда попадет в беду, и будут срочно необходимы какие-то деньги- и тогда голосованием может быть принято решение помочь (почему нет?)

Суммы и частота пожертвований остаются на усмотрение добровольцев. Создатели фонда гарантируют сохранность денег, полную прозрачность движения денег для участников и участие всех членов фонда, независимо от суммы их пожертвований, в принятии решения о целевом использовании денег.

Теперь более подробно.
Открыт счет в сбербанке России (так как сбербанк есть в любой точке России)на физическое лицо, но с условием, что деньги могут быть сняты только в присутствии 2-х человек ( для защиты денег от несанкционированного сообществом использования). Каждый, желающий внести какую-то сумму,может написать Наталье Гончаровой (nandagrama@mail.ru) или Альфиру Ситдикову (alfir70@mail.ru). Он получит реквизиты счета и после оплаты автоматически станет членом сообщества "Фонд сообщества Хари". Член сообщества будет получать сообщения о любых новых поступлениях в фонд, ежемесячную банковскую выписку о состоянии счета, а также вносить свои предложения об использовании денег и участвовать в голосовании при принятии решения об их использовании (решение будет приниматься большинством голосов) и также участвовать во всевозможных обсуждениях, проектах сообщества, медитациях и тренингах, помогающих привлекать деньги в собственную жизнь :) и получить благословение Лакшми-деви.

Добро пожаловать в Фонд сообщества Хари!
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Re: Фонд сообщества Хари

Post by harsi »

Welcome to the Foundation of the Hari Community! (Google translation from Russian)

"Some time ago we discussed the need to establish a community based fundraising for Hari and finally, we created a virtual fund as an open community. The purpose of the existence of this fund is to raise funds for community based projects with Hari (first and foremost, to sustain Hari's Internet broadcasts and visits to Russia)." more...

A great idea! How can I play a part in contributing to this fund from abroad?
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Re: Фонд сообщества Хари

Post by Nanda-grama »

It is great that you, Harsi, want to participate in the fund! Please, write me here or on my e-mail nandagrama@mail.ru, and we will discuss it.
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Re: Фонд сообщества Хари

Post by harsi »

I am not sure if Google is translating from Russian corectly so if you like you can write it better in English. I guess I can also not open an account at Sberbank, but I have a credit card from my banc in Nuremberg I would like to use for that purpose.
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The endowment of community "Hari"

Post by Nanda-grama »

Hi, Harsi, it seems to me, it will be better if we will discuss all that connected with money transfer in personal letters,OK? I specially didn't write data of fund account in the announcement about creation of this fund, and we made this community of the fund CLOSED, only for members of the fund ,- for defence fund money as all it happens by internet.
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Re: Фонд сообщества Хари

Post by harsi »

Than let me formulate it in another way. How and where can I apply for membership in this "Closed" circle of people. I personally am all for openess.
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The endowment of community "Hari"

Post by Nanda-grama »

Do you have your page on mail.ru? If yes, click it :
(I gave this reference in my first posting)
You will see the picture with Laksmi-devi and in several places distinguish words: ВСТУПИТЬ В СООБЩЕСТВО (enter to the community), click it, and so you will do your claim. Please, discuss with Alfir your way to transfer your money( Alfir should to write you), the problem is in what that the fund account is only for roubles( because we thought that it was only for Russians) and you can send only roubles, not euro , and if you send from Germany to this account you pay large per cent for money transfer (we had such experience when one sent money from Ukraine) Therefore you and Alfir should find most comfortable way how to send your euro with most little per cent and how then Alfir will displace it to the fund account. When something will come from it and you successfully will send some money you once will become a member of this closed community (it is closed because it is simply common sense as all members of this community have full information about all money, about all incomes, they decide by voting where and why to use money , and they direct money. Therefore members of the community are only who put some money on the fund account. You see, there are some difficulties with what you are in Germany, not in Russia, but it seems to me, it is possible to solve it, and all we will be very glad to associate with you in our community ! (then we will write all information in the community also in English for you)
Please, ask more
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Re: Фонд сообщества Хари

Post by harsi »



Its indeed not so easy Nanda-grama to find one's way through this Russian site http://my.mail.ru, especially if you don't understand even one single Russian word. But with the help of Google Translater and Microsofttranslator.com I made it to view your site and this beautiful photos I like very much. Thank you for your valuable information regarding the Hari Community Fund you and Ahah-samvartaka created on this Russian social networking site. As far as I could read, which was not so easy, you are until now 7 members.
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The endowment of community "Hari"

Post by Nanda-grama »

Yes, now we are only 7 because we began to do it guite recently, but even we will be only 7 we can do enough much (indeed, we have many claims but this people until didn't put something on the account). It is really not easily for you, Harsi, to participate in Russian and, may be, it will be better if you will donate something directly to Hari for support the site harimedia and his broadcasting(?). But it is importantly, as it seems to me, if we will help him somehow because he can't constantly do all only alone. Now this idea inspires me ( if honestly, guite recently I felt myself not very badly in the role of only an user of his spirituality :) )
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Re: Фонд сообщества Хари

Post by harsi »

One former Russian political leader started also by his ideas of perestroica (restructuring) and glasnost (opennes or transparency) a small revolution which at the end turned the whole world and whole societies of people upside down. One can say also changed the world in one way or the other, by all appearances for the good.

Of course there are always also those people who would like to look back and start to dig out the old jokes of the old society (fortunatelly a thing of the past - may this concept of a closed society just rest in peace) Without freedom, restructuring, transparency and openness as well as a sound apprehension for feeling accountable to the larger community one can say that whatever society is sooner or later condemned to failure. It's good not to do the same mistakes of the past again..

Its interesting what someone wrote as a comment: (provided Google translates it corectly from Russian) "Thought to support the idea of the fund: Hari many years supporting us. Lectures, webcasts, meditation, etc. We're calling themselves community Hari, still remained in the role of passive potrebiteley.Proekt community, Church, any joint activities, if they are not organized Hari does not happen. The reason is seen in the fact that we have since time immemorial persistent allergic to any kind of organization. If we continue to expect that Hari finds funds and organizes eco-settlement, and we will join and contribute their share of participation, then we really get a traditional organization with a spiritual leader and a group of monsters managers. We do not want and Hari do not want it. But one man is no other way to make something real, not creating the organization. Output normally seen in well-forgotten old. In the Russian tradition, there is a remarkable phenomenon - the communal self-government. All important public issues are decided at the joint meeting, "managers" are also selected for the collection of some specific tasks, and if not cope, then goodbye. The idea of management of the fund, which offers the Nanda in the spirit of this tradition. That is how we understand: we are creating a fund, say, with a monthly fee, and when you want, just get together and decide where and how much to spend. And if we have obtained with the fund, we will be able to transfer this experience to create communities. We definitely need to jointly manage the fund. Community - is not an organization, but it can bring together people and guide them. Great idea." > http://my.mail.ru/community/hari - more...

One can read in this regard also on the web about similar Community Benevolend Fund's like:

Image.> www.community-tu.org/information and others on the web..> Community-tu.org Benevolent Fund Application Form (PDF)
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