Zonal Acharya, Living Guru, Ritvik , Self Effulgent Acharya?

Days gone by are remembered as good or bad according to our desire. Although we are not encouraging anyone to post texts in this forum, if anyone feels a need to discuss things related to their former times in a spiritual movement or to ventilate their feelings, this is the place to do it. Please maintain proper decorum and do not flame others or other organizations. Any comments or statements herein are the opinions of the poster's alone and have no connection to harimedia.net or its administrators.
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Re: give peace a chance

Post by kadren »

Dear GPandit
Kadren wrote: "Beside of this, could it be that there rests a personal responsibility for the pain and even the suizide of some of your former disciples, far beyond the discussions about structures in ISKCON, Gurus and so on?
GPandit wrote: Do you really believe that anyone has the power to make another person commit suicide?
This is not the point, at least not my point.

I speak of "žto take personal responsibility". Maybe you do not agree, that beside the free will also responsibility exists , the responsibility of parents, of teachers, of employers and so on. In my humble opinion, the influence of a person to somebody with faith in him or comes to him, searching for help or is somehow in dependence, brings very great responsibility. Influence is there, no question, the industry would not give billions of dollars for advertisement, if that could not influence the "žfree will".

So, beyond the question of "žto blame", what is of no use, reminds the question of responsibility. A butcher has his responsibility, even it is the karma of the animal to be slaughtered. Similar there rests the responsibility of how we handle/act/force/exploit ... someone, for whom we took responsiblity, even his suicide is actually an act of "žfree will". And please, do not missunderstand: With this example I do not blame Hari to be a butcher or a murderer.

I simply asked about the responsibility in connection to the past, and about honesty in regard of past doings and today presentations as I wrote in my past postings.
GPandit wrote:"žIt happened, we were ALL part of it (that's right!).
Yes, everybody individual and with his own responsibility. And obviously everybody handles very individual with his responsibility.

All the best

Mystery is real - see it with your heart and your mind will feel ;-)
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Post by kk »

In "good old days" if anybody called another person "a liar" or would spread lie about him, that person would throw down the glove. Nowadays people criticized you, Hari, openly, spread terrible things about you, and all what I see as your answer is "Let it lie." I personally won’t ever allow any person spread lie about me or about friends of mine. Those guys in Russia claimed to commit suicide to put an end to falsehood spreading. I’d rather demand the authors of HPGUS satisfaction or make them prove their points. Unfortunately there is no signatures and contacts in that letter. This fact speaks for itself. In Russia there is statement "za bazar otvetish!’ (on your head be it)", and this is right and how it should be in the world where truth is honored and protected.
So it is not the matter of "living in the past" but rather present living and values and choices.

I do not accept "perhaps even totally" things in HPGUS. Can you imagine: some people said about a person I loved, about my spiritual master very offensive things, and the Earth didn’t shake and there wasn’t lightening all around and angry bears didn’t tear apart blasphemers, and not a person said "stop it! It is all lie! You must shut up or!".

What if some of the problems you find so horrifying were related to me having to shoulder a burden far too great for me to bear? What if the positions thrown upon me were contradictory to my energy, my heart and my personality? What if the sacrifice I thought I had to make ended up sacrificing me? Maybe we should examine the situation in another way?

- I could never imagine me in your shoes. To be in center, having unheard power and facilities. Especially to be a guru whose each word and movement is in the limelight and considered of a great worth. I do not question your purity and motive to serve others and to "do the best". Everybody acts according to present situation and does things according to own worldview. Neither do I judge you.
, I just wonder if you had any friends and well-wishers in 1998 to stick up for you after all those 28 years of service you have done.
I’m happy to see your happy face on the picture. I sent to you and your wife all my best wishes. I wish you peace and love.

Sincerely yours, kali-krit das.

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Gurus are empty sacks. Filled with hot air and to be avoided.
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Post by Hari »

I am very happy that our forum posters have intelligently separated the concept of "blame" from the concept of "responsibility." As kadren properly stated, there is no use in blaming anyone for anything, neither in judging or condemning anyone for the past. When we consider that everyone does what they think is best at the time they do it, we start to see that actions which ultimately lead to negative results are the product of a long line of choices and the complex interaction between the persons making the choice and the thousands of others around them [quoting Garuda]. We then see things with detachment we can better understand how to act in the present. Thus the past becomes a resource to assist us to find ways to act better the next time some agitating or seductive stimulus enters our personal space.

Considering this, personal responsibility becomes an important motivation to salve the aching conscience of the soul. This is something I can attest to, for it is what caused me to depart from ISKCON. I do not try to wipe away the reality of the past for it is good for me to see how I participated in its creation. I can see why I did what I did and how it affected me and to a certain extent how it affected others. I am not at all happy with the events of the 70’s and far less happy with the turbulent and often insane events of the 80’s. I am very sad at the pain everyone faced and extremely uneasy that it lead some unfortunate souls to exit from this world in ways that were untimely and unpleasant. If I seem to be defending myself in any way it is only because I insist on a proper presentation of the past. I do not mind if people complain about something I really did, but I find it hard to stomach complaints about things others say I did but which are only creations of their own desire to cause me difficulty. If you understand me well and still hate me, fine. But if you do not understand me then I request you first do so and then feel as you like. However, that understanding seems to be a luxury as people find it easier to judge and condemn others without researching the situation.

When I left ISKCON it was after a long and hard look into the situation and myself. I concluded that I had become a principle part of a process which kept people locked into a system of ideas and a value structure which did not serve their best interests and which often created more damage to their souls than healing. My way of accepting responsibility for the continuation of these concepts was to leave it behind and do something totally different. I saw no other way to do it.

I took time off to do significant internal research by accepting numerous forms of therapy, meditative practices, and external guidance. I accepted myself, accepted others, and accepted our integrated energy within the complete whole that is the Supreme and threw myself at the mercy of Radha and Krsna. After this often painful process reached enough of a fruition that life made more sense to me, I started to share my realizations with others. I took responsibility for the abuses that come when people follow a guru without having the capacity to question or reject what the guru says without risking their spiritual life, by insisting that I am simply a person who is trying to be of assistance to others without position, without authority, without demand of any kind on anyone. I made it clear that those listening do so at their own risk and it was their responsibility to analyze what I say with their own intelligence and through their own experiences. They may take it or leave it as they wish and how they wish. I will be happy if I have been of assistance. I was even happy when they listened to me for a while and then concluded they didn’t need to listen to me as they could go off on their own and make their own journey of self-discovery! I attempted to relay my realization that love is all there is, experience of the present is our contact with reality, doing the right thing at all times is totally our choice, and that living another’s life is a dangerous path. Above all, I tried to get people to connect to their own hearts and souls and thus find their internal essential connection to Their Lordships.

I also attempted to offer therapy as I have learned it to whoever wanted it. In whatever way I can, I wish to be of service. I see no other way to express the responsibility I have taken for what has happened in the past. What more can I do? Yet, I do want to do more and it haunts me day and night. You cannot imagine. What shall I do more? I really do not know. I think about these forums and the posts herein. I worry about the people who write expressions of frustration and anger and fret constantly on how I can reply in a manner that will assist them to find peace. I am not concerned that you will like me or not hate me; rather, I am concerned that you will love yourself and find peace and freedom within. This is my responsibility for I was part of the vast arrangement that continued a system that was not relevant to the needs of the people within it.

If you feel there is more that I can do, please say so. But please do not say things like "apologize, repent" and so on, as these are useless things. One has to show one’s feelings in action. What more shall I do? If there is a topic I can speak about that you wish to hear from me, tell me. I have addressed many things in the lectures, but I need to know what you want to hear.
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Post by Hari »

There is a second thread running through this complex forum topic: "People have accused you of many things and silence means consent. If these things are true, then you were not acting properly. If these things are not true then you should reply to them as they hurt not only you, but others."

This is a very difficult and challenging dilemma to me. I have already written generically about the problem of dealing with the past. First, the past is presently a product of our memory and the feelings connected to our memories. This makes it substantially subjective and difficult to speak about. Second, each person has a different understanding on what happened, even if they participated in the same event. Third, most were not present when specific events occurred and their understanding of events is a product of other’s representations of them. Fourth, there is so much emotion surrounding the time, the people, and the pain that all felt, that clarity of mind or of the rational thought process is almost impossible. Seeing all this, how does one create a suitable response? And worse, who would benefit from it?

But the most difficult problem of all is the incredible complexity of the issues involved. There was so much illusion surrounding the points presented in the anonymous text posted on VNN that presents me as a heartless tyrant that I do not even know where to begin. Sure, I could start to reply to each and every point, but I would have to write a book, not a paper. Those who lived in those awful times after Prabhupada died know well that basically nothing was as it seemed. They also know, if they were to be somewhat honest about the situation, that they participated in whatever took place on some level or another.

Are you familiar with the story of Ramachandra Puri in the CC? He would cleverly force sannyasis to eat more than they should and then criticize them for it. The author of that anonymous article engaged in an analogous situation when the initial difficulty with guru worship started. Yet, it was not his fault. We all inherited a bad situation. We were all young then. I was 27 when I became a sannyasi, a gbc and so on, and 28 when I became a guru after 7 years in ISKCON. This is far too young. There were no standards, no rules, and no instructions on what to do. We tried some things that failed and other things that succeeded. We attempted a variety of things but in every case some people thought most of it was wonderful while more and more people felt it was terrible. Making sense out of all this was so difficult that it drove hundreds of devotees away, even great leaders who cracked under the intolerable pressure of trying to make a sick structure healthy. The harder it seemed to create massive change and transformation, the more necessary it became for our survival. Courage was lacking. Therefore God intervened and turned the apple cart upside down.

One cannot look back into the events of the past and then create a set of rules or laws to govern these past actions. In the legal sense this is called ipso facto, or retroactive lawmaking. It is illegal. If you expect someone to follow a law, you have to create it before any act takes place and then prosecute someone accordingly. As we had no conception of the difficulties we were to face, we could not conceive of resolutions to prepare ourselves for what was to come. Therefore most of the activity at the time were reactions to what happened rather than attempts to avoid future troubles.

Many of the specific events quoted by the anonymous author did not happen at all. Some were spin-offs or part of the amazing illusions created by a former friend of mine who decided that he would rather be a follower of Sridhar Swami. He expertly convinced a radical element in ISKCON at the time (which would nowadays not seem at all radical but all events have to be seen in the context of the times in which they occurred) that I was a terrible person and that I had done terrible things to him (which were not true.) I tried to stop his taking his followers to the camp of the Gaudiya Math as soon as I caught on he was doing this, but little did I know that I was dealing with a very clever person. I still marvel to this day at his incredible intelligent arrangement. Well, he very successfully managed to make me the guilty party in the arena of public opinion and that frustrated me enormously. I am sure that very few people in the world have a clear idea of what really happened. I know that my vision is one-sided and astigmatic. I am only aware of the events which fate let me see. Let me conclude that the GBC exhaustively investigated this situation and only after many months concluded that the situation as indeed as I stated it to be but they said we acted too heavily towards this person. They may or may not have been right, neither was this the real problem. The real problem was that these events occurred within the context of the intense frustration of all the godbrothers over the uncomfortable positions they were placed in. And they were right to feel that way.

Here is a funny anecdote to help you understand the humor manifested by the divine. During a meeting in New Vrindavan there was a vote on whether to allow everyone to initiate. The GBC had created some restrictions on the selection of candidates to become gurus that I felt were whimsical and demeaning to the candidates. There were observers in the meeting as it was a very inimical situation. I abstained from the vote because being against it was too scary for me. I abstained because I did not like making restrictions dependent on temple presidents and temporary committees. The author of that now famous post on VNN (HPGU) watched me abstain (and I watched him watch me!) and concluded (naturally since he sees things from his own point of view and not mine) that I was AGAINST the resolution, which was completely opposite to my intention. Thus further misunderstanding was created. There were many such situations. Going through them one after another would simply seem like a defense and again, I have no interest in defending myself since I also do not agree with most of what happened at that time. If it weren’t for Tamal Krsna Maharaj I would have left ISKCON at that time. I told him I wanted nothing to do with this very insane movement that had no idea how to deal with the people within it. He begged me to stay. I suppose in 1998 he regretted that :o

Blahdeblahblah!. I can go on forever, as can anyone who was there at the time. We can write book after book about the situation and attempt to prove how each of us did the right thing according to what we understood at the time. Some can repent and apologize and others can defend themselves or criticize, but yes, I agree with all of them. Everyone did the right thing according to what they understood at the time including that very clever Eastern European Swami because it was perfect within the atmosphere and situation of the time.

If it serves anyone’s purpose to think of me as a bad man, then they will continue to think like that. After all, if you want to remain within ISKCON and wish to continue believing in such a value structure and system, then perhaps this thought will assist you to not see anything to contradict this ideal. [As an aside to niab, you speak badly about gurus, yet you quote your teacher. Sounds like you are following him as a guru, for after all a guru should be nothing more than a teacher. Maybe you should reconsider the way you are phrasing your comments? I like to speak from my own experience, but you are free to do what you think is best.]

For those who do not find it useful to think of me as bad, or perhaps you find the whole thing boring and irrelevant, then you will not consider important my or other person’s statements made at the time of my departure when I was speaking in ways which challenged the very core of the belief system that is required to remain in ISKCON? Naturally, if you wish to remain in something you will not be happy by someone who speaks in a manner that challenges what you believe. You certainly would not want anyone else to leave with him or follow what he thinks for this would leave you with nothing.

Nowadays I do not engage myself in such talks for I find them not only boring, but also irrelevant to me and others. I am acting pro-actively by presenting topics that can bring one to a good place personally and spiritually. I find no joy in trashing others or other organizations neither do I have a place in my heart for negative feelings (outside of being insulted sometimes when I remember certain things done to me in 1998, but that is another topic completely.) Neither do I want or encourage anyone else to represent me or defend me against those who wish me harm or wish to trash me for I see no value in this neither do I see it as a battle worth fighting.

So, Kaliya-krt das, I hope this addressed your point somewhat? I also respect your revealing your identity because it gives me a greater sense of the persons with whom I am communicating.
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Post by kadren »

Dear Hari
Hari wrote:But if you do not understand me then I request you first do so and then feel as you like. However, that understanding seems to be a luxury as people find it easier to judge and condemn others without researching the situation.
Yes - I agree.

The researching is not so easy.

For example: Maybe the former friend, you spoke, was Bhakti Dayal Swami? What I heard what you are doing to him, made sense, because it did fit do some other (fanatical) experiences I made at the same time. But to say the truth: one has to be one of your both, to say, what really happens then. But to judge is not ours - we are not god.

Thank you for your answers. I think, it is not an ordinary thing, that you allow such discussions in your forum. For me, I am thankful and satisfied with your replies.

All the best

Mystery is real - see it with your heart and your mind will feel ;-)

Post by Guest »

My teacher knew the iskcon leader, prabhupada. He had encounters with him. He was prabhupada's disciple. He talked with prabhupada about the problems in iskcon. Prabhupada talked of his mistrust that he had of the people surrounding him. Prabhupada talked of wishing that he had done things differently. But that it was too late and that he felt like he was a prisioner of his own making, all because of what he had wanted to do in America. And then, my teacher told me, prabhupada or Abby C. told him things that he had never told any other of the iskcon people. My teacher didn't repeat these things because he thought no body would believe him and that the big shots would do him harm because what prabhupada had told him was a threat to the big shots. This happened in 1973 in LA in the temple. There is so much more but who really cares after all of this time? My teacher does not like to go too much into the past except to see how the past is what it is in the present. He tells it better than I.
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Post by kk »

Hari wrote: So, Kaliya-krt das, I hope this addressed your point somewhat?
Yes, thanks, I've got the point.
Hari wrote:I also respect your revealing your identity because it gives me a greater sense of the persons with whom I am communicating.
are you joking? Does it make any difference whether I call myself kk or kali-krit? You've never known any of these persons. How then it could give you any "greater sense of the persons"?

But I'm open to a miracle. I saw it once - when you signed a book I gave you and I read something very personal, something you could never got to know about me. I still wonder - how did you do that?
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Post by dasosmin »

So Dear Hari I, in :lol: I used Wrong password!Great?

I just wanted to express my free thoughts regarding you comments about attachments.

I would like to express the positiv side of of trying to accept because one wants to develop in a certain way.For instance If i Would like to become a good sportsman And somebodie who is good in the art actually pointing out some defects in my actions,say for instance IN my golf swing,Im ofcourse not forced to accept the advice,BUT IF I actually want to develop my GOLF good THEN i its smart to take the attitude,that I "must" believe in thoose advice as a actual possibility to develop my golf in the direction I desire.

Similary is regarding spirituel life IS IT especially IMPORTANT TO HAVE FAITH in saintly persons statements even if we dont fully understand its value.If we understand allready, Why then is there a Need to hear somebodie else?In learning this is allways the situation of some uncertantity before it can be tested and fully accepted.

TO denie the freewill Is impossible But I just felt its statement could make one think its kind of allways useless to have trust and faith in somebodie.

Im awaiting my share of mercy :wink:
Wish the Dust of Guru And Gauranga and there followers allways be my hearts source of inspiration and power of Life
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Post by dasosmin »

Dear Hari Prabhu!!I usually try to explain why its not allways so easy to see in to the spirituell realm with the exampel of a Parbol tv.LIke God is everywhere are practiclly the Parabol digital radiowaves everywhere But unless one have put the Parabol in the right direction=Right attitude to Saints And payed the Fee =Served the saints desires
there shouldnt be The expectations of having the understanding=revelations with spiritual visisons.

Ofcourse to this, one can allways claim THAT LORD NITYANANDA come to deliver this mercy regardless one is qualified or not IN otherwords CAUSELESS with NO concern about ones previus actions qualities.AFTER ALL Nitai Gauranga gets the higest Kick of exstasy seeing the most fallen acting suddenly as a saint caused by them deliver some nectar causelessly.

But bascily speaking Why they cannot see God ?::Srila Prabhupada ask if one has the eyes to se him or not.SO to support or give an analogicly explination this about the Parabol Gave me sooo many insight.It happened actually when installed the Parabol.After all One can have the Best Tv the Best Parabol and even Payed the fee and even got the card and even put the card in properly STILL IF ONE HAS A slight wrong position of the Parabol antenn there is just no picture on the TV.It could just be a amazingly tiny degree wrong.?!So similary one can serve etc etc BUt if there is some wrong attitude There is no mercy flowing to be alloud to connect to the spiritual world or engaged As one desires in the service of The Lord

Regarding ISKCON attitude, Im not searching that system in the moment sicne I believe in the words of Srila Prabhupada that it is Kali YUGA AND IN Kali YUga the Only Way is thrue the process of chanting .,In other words the Tempel style Srila Prabhupada sat up Was more for the Basic need of make the book distribution mission be donne= OUT WITH THE SEEDS !!!+ Learn the basic pattern of sadhana and diety wroship.It didnt matter so much the rest.WE all had and have our Karma and wanted some how or another to support this activity.It was exactly this example of a fire is taking place and anybodie who is willing to do anything to put it out is,was wellcome.Now to develop in a social group I believe there is a process of individual spontanously by the Grace of the Lord comming inspired together due to some personal desire .IM not lacking this association very much from thoose times BUT im very very greatfull to be aloud to be involved in this enourmus important Historical event.

So to say there is no need of Guru could if one take the words with a fools dictionary sound there is no need Of spiritual eyes or Parabol antenn to get the vision of the SPirituel reality.

IM searching THE ABSOLUT truth and thusTHE ABSOLUT KNOLEDGE ABOUT THE ABSOLUT WAY to be Revealed that ABSOLUT Reality.

ISKCON for me is thus NOT Something else than A conciusness of the Lord Beacuse Srila Prabhupada made the name ISKCON to try to invite ALL Faiths and Classes of men/woman who beleive In the Lord to chair their revelations and discuss filosofie aAnd understand the Pure Loving way to serve the Lord around defining ABSOLUT knoledge.THUs Naturally VEDAS will ultimate be the Guiding lines(thats why Srila Prabhupadas books will be the law books for ten thousands of years) BUT it should be as SrilaPrabhupada expressed it IN a gentlemans way.In Kali YUga its soo easy to get into passion and Push Becasue everybodie around are pussing their ideas In this ruin or atleast disturbe peoples intrest to have relationships arround thoose questions.I see in my self this bad quality as You kindly allways remind me about.

I dont know if I was abel to express my ideas in words as I desired BUT cloudy thought Cloudy expressed So i im just expoosed in any case.

May The LOrd Be All mercyfull at every step

Krishnas cows are very sweet.

ad S,d

Hari wrote:Dear Subalaji

Only you can decide which knowledge has importance for you or not. Any conclusions you reach can only be yours.

As I said before, I feel that guru means teacher and when the teacher gives you something you find important and value, you respect that and are grateful. It does not matter when the teaching was delivered or how. True knowledge born of realization and experience is always a welcome addition to anyone's life. I object to all the other things that have entered into the ideal of giving wisdom which are associated with the term 'guru.' The essence is the spiritual realization and sharing this is a wonderful thing. I seek this out wherever it may be found.

I am not sure what is bothering you that led you to question as you did, but let me assure you that what you believe or disbelieve it totally your choice at all times. But, this freedom implies acceptance of the responsibility for your actions or choices based upon this belief.
Wish the Dust of Guru And Gauranga and there followers allways be my hearts source of inspiration and power of Life
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Post by dasosmin »

Thanks for tYour Comment and This is my thoughts:

Ofcourse its only me who can decide if some knoledge has importance for me or not BUT THERE IS the OPPORTUNITY BY Logicly Explaining things to Prove some possiblity in life.Forinstance there must exist ABSOLUT knoledge and from that background disscuss lifes questions.Otherwice to just speak If one feel for or not Doesnt really surely bring one right AS I UNDERSTAND.After all Indra Liked HIs Piggy Life and Got some help to come to his proper senses.

SO sometimes the sword of ABSOLUT knoledge can make people also Wake up to the fact that their lifes(and there future as well) are not soo NICE as they try to believe it is And therefor want to learn absolut logic and Absolut filosofie.

JUst some thoughts
Wish the Dust of Guru And Gauranga and there followers allways be my hearts source of inspiration and power of Life
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Post by dasosmin »

My spontanous thought is:Well All ideas of great souls are tested like and experiment But since it is and experiment one can never predict the exact results.But what the real scientist do are Learning from the misstakes and try to adjust the condions adn thus by trial and error get the thngs better and better.The law Of karma is extremely komlex and the ways for the PLan of the Lord are allways unknown.LIke its said withn the Biel,THe Lords Ways are unpredictebel.But tthe Lord Only JUdeg our hearts feelings attemt to serve HimSo Srila Prabhupadas Mission was and are perfect.THe PLan of the Lord are Everyday UnfoldingAS THE ALLMIGHTY LORD DESIRE.He knows everything about past present and future and He Thus INspired Srila Prabhupada to follow The Visioned He did.THere was no fault inSrila Prabhupadas Actions in the eyes of the Lord.In material eyes there is allways faults in all actions.BUT AN ACTION for the LORD IS BY THE LORD CONCIDER PERFECT IF THE HEART IS PERFECTLY DESIRING TO PLEASE THE LORD.

HOw this is POssibel.??

Becasue the Lord is just accepting the souls Bhakti energie and since the Lord Nows past presence and future He Also thus perfectly knows in advance how to arrange everything so everthing happeneds in a perfect position thus EVEN THE MATERIAL FAULTY actions.

One exampel is giving to grossly explain this.If somebodie have a bent on desire to do a foolish ivel action to kill somebodie, God will finally arrange that desire to be fullfilled BUT only Upon another Person Who deserves that treatment Due to Himself in the past performed ivel actions.So as you will sow you have to harvest.Tooth for a tooth etc

Maybe this gave you some thoughts

Anonymous wrote:My teacher knew the iskcon leader, prabhupada. He had encounters with him. He was prabhupada's disciple. He talked with prabhupada about the problems in iskcon. Prabhupada talked of his mistrust that he had of the people surrounding him. Prabhupada talked of wishing that he had done things differently. But that it was too late and that he felt like he was a prisioner of his own making, all because of what he had wanted to do in America. And then, my teacher told me, prabhupada or Abby C. told him things that he had never told any other of the iskcon people. My teacher didn't repeat these things because he thought no body would believe him and that the big shots would do him harm because what prabhupada had told him was a threat to the big shots. This happened in 1973 in LA in the temple. There is so much more but who really cares after all of this time? My teacher does not like to go too much into the past except to see how the past is what it is in the present. He tells it better than I.
Wish the Dust of Guru And Gauranga and there followers allways be my hearts source of inspiration and power of Life
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Post by dasosmin »

is super soul a real living person in your and anybodie elses heart???
kk wrote:
Hari wrote: So, Kaliya-krt das, I hope this addressed your point somewhat?
Yes, thanks, I've got the point.
Hari wrote:I also respect your revealing your identity because it gives me a greater sense of the persons with whom I am communicating.
are you joking? Does it make any difference whether I call myself kk or kali-krit? You've never known any of these persons. How then it could give you any "greater sense of the persons"?

But I'm open to a miracle. I saw it once - when you signed a book I gave you and I read something very personal, something you could never got to know about me. I still wonder - how did you do that?
Wish the Dust of Guru And Gauranga and there followers allways be my hearts source of inspiration and power of Life
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Joined: Tue Jun 21, 2005 8:27 am

Post by dasosmin »

REgarding ones name giving one an identity. After All Krishna is His name, ITS HIS PERFECT IDENTITY.But even Calling a pure devotees name is equall with having His Association THAT is the power of Spiritual ABSOLUT reality.So to Allow to reveal your name Is therefor From the Absolut point of vue, wich is the true soul, and thus the eternal true self,is equal with ones spirituel name'' reveals you as you are and thus more personal.

Does it make sense for you??For me it does!!!

GO(O)D Luck ;O)

dasosmin wrote:is super soul a real living person in your and anybodie elses heart???
kk wrote:
Hari wrote: So, Kaliya-krt das, I hope this addressed your point somewhat?
Yes, thanks, I've got the point.
Hari wrote:I also respect your revealing your identity because it gives me a greater sense of the persons with whom I am communicating.
are you joking? Does it make any difference whether I call myself kk or kali-krit? You've never known any of these persons. How then it could give you any "greater sense of the persons"?

But I'm open to a miracle. I saw it once - when you signed a book I gave you and I read something very personal, something you could never got to know about me. I still wonder - how did you do that?
Wish the Dust of Guru And Gauranga and there followers allways be my hearts source of inspiration and power of Life
Posts: 32
Joined: Tue Jun 21, 2005 8:27 am

Re: Follower etc

Post by dasosmin »

Krishnas Dearest Hari!!!Im not qualified to be a follower So how can I caim to be a follower allthou the the desire is also within my heart amongst many other.Follower means as I understand fully lovingly accepting in all purity.Obviusly im far from thoose nice qualities.
Wish the Dust of Guru And Gauranga and there followers allways be my hearts source of inspiration and power of Life
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