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Re: Space and Space Travel News

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Nov 21: Astronaut Randy Bresnik, STS-129 mission specialist, salutes crewmates while positioned near the European Space Agency's Columbus module on International Space Station. Astronauts Bresnik and Mike Foreman were in the midst of the second of three scheduled spacewalks for this shuttle crew, working in cooperation with the five current crewmembers for the orbital outpost and with their five Atlantis crewmates, all of whom pitched in EVA support from inside. Credit: NASA
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Nov 21: Russia's Progress 35P is docked to the PIRS Docking Compartment, photographed during the middle of three scheduled sessions of extravehicular activity (EVA) shared by the Atlantis STS-129 crew and the five crewmembers of Expedition 21. Credit: NASA
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Atlantis' crew members got a well-earned half-day off Sunday, a day that began with some exciting news from Mission Specialist Randy Bresnik to Mission Control Houston. Bresnik told the flight controllers his new daughter, Abigail Mae Bresnik, had been born at 11:04 p.m. Saturday. He said his wife Rebecca and new daughter, 6 pounds, 13 ounces and 20 inches long, were doing well. Bresnik got the news by private phone patch through mission control shortly after the crew was awakened. - NASA - Video: It's a girl! Abigail Mae Bresnik is born
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11/23/09: NASA's small business programs choose high tech projects for development. - Video: STS-129 astronauts answer questions from the media. - STS-129 News
- NASA has selected for development 368 small business innovation projects that include research to minimize ageing of aircraft, new techniques for suppressing fires on spacecraft and advanced transmitters for deep space communications. (more)

Image Links: International Space Station On-Orbit Status Report.


Spaceref (2006): ISS Oxygen Problems Concern Space Station Managers
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Spaceref News: Mercury - Venus - The Moon - Mars - Jupiter - Saturn - Pluto

Recent Status Reports

NASA MODIS Image of the Day Gallery : November 24, 2009 - Spring Bloom and Dust off Argentina
The Crab Nebula: A Cosmic Icon - NASA STS-129 Report #15 3 p.m. CST Monday, Nov. 23, 2009 - Joint USAF/NOAA Report of Solar and Geophysical Activity 23 Nov 2009
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Landing of Space Shuttle Atlantis at Kennedy Space Center.

Image NASA: Photos

Videos: STS-129 Post-landing Crew Conference - AP Video: Shuttle Atlantis lans at Kennedy Space Center

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Hubble Space Telescope finds oldest galaxies
Published: 09 Dec 2009 ... axies.html

Hubble Space Telescope astronomers have peered deeper into the universe than ever before to spot galaxies which formed a fraction of time after the dawn of creation. The galaxies are the faintest and reddest objects seen in a new image released by the scientists.

No galaxies so old or distant have ever been observed before. The light from their stars began its journey across the universe just 600 million years after the Big Bang that brought the cosmos into existence 14 billion years ago.

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Looking for alien Earths? Here they come
By Alan Boyle, Dec. 11, 2009

Image MSN: Space News

Space probes pick up exoplanets galore, beginning with the weirder ones. The Kepler and COROT probes are designed to find extrasolar planets by detecting the slight dip in starlight as the planet passes over the star's disk.

Scientists are on their way to discovering thousands of new planets, potentially including hundreds of worlds the size of Earth, in Earth-like orbits around sunlike stars. They expect to achieve that goal within three years or so. But they'll start with the weirdest worlds.

The most advanced planet-hunting probes — the European Space Agency's COROT satellite and NASA's Kepler spacecraft — are designed to spot close-in planets most easily. That means the first revelations will be about planets in orbits much smaller than Mercury's. So when Kepler's scientists announce their first official results next month, expect to hear about "hot Jupiters" and "super-Earths" whirling so close to their stars that they sizzle. And you just might hear about phenomena so strange that the scientists can hardly believe their instruments. "I was not prescient enough to anticipate something that we're seeing," David Latham, a mission co-investigator from the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, told "There are some good things coming."

Kepler's principal investigator, William Borucki of NASA's Ames Research Center, expects that his science team will present about 30 papers at next month's American Astronomical Society meeting in Washington. "We have planets to announce, and we will have planets to announce next year — quite a few more, in fact," he said. Borucki said some of the results being turned up by Kepler are so unusual that he's not sure when the team will be ready to go public with them. "The worst thing you could do with exoplanets is announce false positives," he said. Latham said "the flow into the faucet" during the first 45 days of data collection amounted to about 200 targets of interest. But neither Borucki nor Latham would drop any hints about the nature of the findings that were being turned up.

Scientists are taking so much care with their data in part because the stakes are so high. Kepler and COROT could answer a question that has dogged humans for centuries: Are planets like Earth so rare that we're essentially marooned in the universe, or are they so common that life could find many other homes beyond the solar system?

"A 'dry hole' would be a very, very interesting result," Borucki said. "You will have dramatically affected mankind's future. ... There'd be no 'Star Trek' in that case, no place to go." But Borucki and his colleagues expect to find many Earths — and that could help focus future observation and exploration for decades or even centuries to come. "The biggest impact has to be to support the idea that we aren't alone, in the sense that there are other planets out there rather like the Earth," Latham said. "We're confident that they're out there, but we don't have any yet."

How planet-hunting is done

Astronomers have been detecting extrasolar planets for more than 15 years, but most of those finds have been made using a method known as radial velocity, which takes spectral measurements to figure out how much a star rocks back and forth due to a planet's gravitational influence.

That method works well for detecting planets as massive as Jupiter or Saturn — but not so well for planets the size of Neptune or Earth, which have a much weaker gravitational effect. Planets in the range of two to 10 times Earth mass fall into a category that astronomers call "super-Earths," and such worlds are the prime target for Kepler and COROT. The two probes detect planets not by tracking radial velocity, but by checking planetary transits. Kepler and COROT stare at stars, one by one, and measure the slight dip in their brightness as planets periodically pass over the stars' disks.

By factoring in some assumptions about the size of the star in question, astronomers can figure out how wide the planet is — but not how massive it is. For that measurement, scientists have to fall back on the radial velocity method. They also have to make sure they're seeing a planet rather than some kind of eclipsing star or observational glitch. For that reason, Kepler's scientists want to record three periodic dips in starlight that fit the pattern for a planetary orbit.

If the planet is in a tight orbit, that might happen in a matter of weeks or months. But if the planet is in an Earth-like orbit, the job could take two and a half to three years of painstaking observations. The job is more complicated for Kepler because one of its data channels turns out to have more random "noise" than expected. Borucki compared the problem to telling time with a clock that perennially runs fast. "Our 'clock' is fine, but we do have an error that we have to subtract off," he said. Improved software will eventually compensate for the error, he said.

Kepler studies just a sampling of the night sky: an area in the constellation Cygnus that takes in about as much area as your fist does when you hold it out at arm's length. "You're talking about a rather small portion of the galaxy," Borucki said. "It's a local neighborhood, in that sense." Nevertheless, Kepler is scheduled to check 150,000 stars during its 3 1/2-year mission, which should indicate how common alien Earths are in a representative sample of the universe. "We have a pretty good idea when we get a result what it means," Borucki said.

Making sure of super-Earths

To confirm the detections, the Kepler team is working with astronomers at ground-based telescopes. "Telescope time at the big telescopes is the biggest bottleneck for these discoveries," Borucki said.

Currently, the best instrument for the job is the HARPS spectrometer installed on the European Southern Observatory's 12-foot (3.6-meter) La Silla telescope in Chile, which was used by the COROT team to confirm its first "super-Earth" detection. Another spectrometer, known as HARPS-N, is due to go into operation in 2011 at the 13.7-foot (4.2-meter) William Herschel Telescope on the Canary Islands — and that should accelerate the discovery rate for super-Earths.

Astronomers would have to use more sensitive techniques to confirm Kepler's detection of planets the size of Earth or smaller. To be hospitable for life, a planet doesn't necessarily have to be a carbon copy of Earth in an Earth-like orbit around a sunlike star. "The excitement, at least in the scientific community, is the possibility that there will be super-Earths that might be even better for the evolution of life in the universe," Latham said. Closer-in planets would be OK as well, if they were orbiting cooler stars with a closer-in habitable zone. Those planets would be easier for Kepler and COROT to detect. "You don't have to have the attention span of a Solomon," Latham said. "It'd be instant gratification."

In any case, astronomers should know by 2013 how rare or common habitable planets are in the universe. That is, if the space probes and the analysis programs work the way they expect. "This is not a slam-dunk," Borucki said. "What we're doing is at the limits of what humankind can do right now." Latham isn't disheartened by that degree of difficulty; on the contrary, the challenges of the planet quest suit him just fine. "If it was easy, it wouldn't be any fun," he said.

Science editor Alan Boyle offers daily doses of space and science at Cosmic Log and is the author of "The Case for Pluto: How a Little Planet Made a Big Difference."
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BBC News

UK's Vista telescope takes stunning images of space
By Victoria Gill, Science reporter, BBC News


Vista's first image showed a spectacular star-forming region, the Flame Nebula

The first images have been revealed from a telescope that can map the sky much faster and deeper than any other. The Vista (Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy) is dedicated to mapping the sky in infrared light.

Spectacular images, including some of the centre of our Milky Way, show, astronomers say, that the UK-designed telescope is working "extremely well". It is based at the European Southern Observatory's (ESO) Paranal Observatory in Chile.
When the UK was first negotiating to join ESO, Vista became an in-kind payment towards its subscription. It was formally handed over to ESO at a ceremony in Garching, Germany on 10 December 2009.

Image Space Images

Now that the telescope is up and running, its surveys will help astronomers to understand the nature and origin of stars and galaxies. Professor Jim Emerson from Queen Mary, University of London led a consortium of 18 UK universities that conceived and developed Vista.

He said he was looking forward to a rich harvest of science from the new telescope and told BBC News that Vista could be "all things to all astronomers". "It's going to be like building an Ordnance Survey map of the Universe - that people can use to search for many different things," he said. "It will survey the geography of the Universe and, with its incredible power, pick out the locations of interesting objects, which were unknown."

Image Vista's giant infrared camera weighs three tonnes

Vista's super-sensitive infrared camera could also help uncover the relationship between the structure of the Universe and the mysterious "dark energy" and "dark matter". These strange phenomena cannot be investigated directly; their properties can only be inferred from the position and movement of other detectable celestial objects. So a more detailed map of the sky could help scientists to learn more about them. By detecting infrared light, the telescope is able to see through the dust that can obscure galaxies. It will also pick up the faint glow of extremely distant objects - light that has been stretched into longer infrared wavelengths by the expansion of the Universe.

Image Vista can see into the dusty heart of our own Milky Way

Vista also has a large field of view, and can cover wide areas of sky quickly - each of its images captures an area of sky about ten times as large as the full Moon. Professor Emerson said: "History has shown us that the most exciting things that come out of projects like Vista are what you least expect, and I'm very excited to see what these will be." The UK's Minister of State for Science and Innovation Lord Drayson, said: "This outstanding example of UK kit is revealing our Universe's deepest secrets. I eagerly await more images from Vista."

Image BBC: Herschel space telescope captures birth of stars

Image BBC: Herschel scans hidden Milky Way
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Last edited by harsi on Thu Dec 17, 2009 2:04 am, edited 3 times in total.
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